Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1388: Undercurrent (continued)

Yang Jun glanced at the little daughter and turned to look at the second son, An Zhen. He couldn't see the anger between his eyes. He said, "Oh, the entire Jinyu County? Your appetite is not small, can you keep it?"

Of course, Ann said: "With the help of my father, how can the district Jinyu County not keep?"

Yang Junyi has a deep meaning: "I am talking about you!"

An Zhen believes that his father is interested in testing him. After a little indulging, he said: "My father taught that it is indeed a child who is a bit too tall and far away. The child and the three sisters should take a long-term view. The most urgent task is to improve their self-improvement. At the same time, as much as possible to win over the local practice in Jinyu County, but in any case, the father's name still has to be borrowed for use."

Seeing that Yang Junxi’s deep feelings are undecided, An Zhen’s thoughts turned around and hesitated slightly: “If there is a big brother coming back to help, then it’s even better, so we can control the three towns of Jinyu County in one fell swoop. Compared with the two counties of Mengyu and Chenyu, the geographical area is narrow. If our three brothers and sisters are in charge of three towns, it means that half of Jinyu County is in the control of the family."

Anzhen’s voice just fell, not waiting for Yang Junyi’s reaction, and the mulberry glass with a sour tone has already said: “Big brother? He is now proud of the spring breeze in Xishan, just ten years. This repaired from the martial arts all the way to the gathering place, and got the great benefits of Yang, he really was a Yang family, Zhang mouth closed is how we are, 'Yes, how to look forward to He came back to help us? Thank you very much for not helping me."

An Zhen saw Yang Junyi look unhappy, and quickly made a look to the three sisters, and then cautiously asked: "Hey, what exactly are you planning?"

Yang Junyi snorted and said: "Take up your heart and mind, for the father to rebuild the Anshishi, no matter whether it is Anshi or Yang's all-in-one, now that Xishan has encountered the threshold, everyone should work together. The difficulty is to say the other, the truth of the lips and the cold is still used by the father to say more?"

Anzhen quickly said: "My father said it."

Sangli glass heard a turn of the eye, but said: "Is it better to ask my grandfather to help?"

Without waiting for the reaction between the father and the second brother, Sangli has already said: "Don't say that the grandfather is now in charge of the spirit of the ancestral lord. The spirit of the ancestral spirit itself is the most top-class sect of the cultivating world, that is, the grandfather himself. For Huang Ting Dao Xiu, it is also a great supernatural power in the cultivation industry. As long as the old man comes forward, what is the danger of the Yang family? With such a big human hand in hand, what is the status of the whole Yang, is it still rising? What time is it necessary to use a Jinyu County as a land-sealing? You still need the second brother, where are you planning to work for decades?"

Seeing that Yang Junxi’s look was more and more ugly, An Zhen smiled and said: “So, it seems that it’s not very good?”

The mulberry glass is full of disappointment: "Is there anything wrong? There are grandfathers who give us a backing. When the Yang family is over, they can listen to them. Even if Yang’s suffering is in the future, we will change our flag. Self-contained An family, get rid of the relationship with Yang, maybe the Yang family also asks to go to the head of the family, and then can not be renamed the Sang family, but they dare to find the grandfather, even Is the trouble of Ling Yizong not successful?"

The more sang glaze is said to be more smug, the blind eyes of An Zhen’s eyes are turned a blind eye, and Yang Junyi’s face is already a bit blue.

"shut up!"

Yang Junyi finally became furious and pointed at the sang glaze that scared a big jump. He said: "Whether it is Anjia or Yangshi, the two will eventually become one, and if they are glory, how can they say such ungrateful words? Yang Has the family had a little owe to you? Have you ever had a little bit of heart?"

Mulberry did not want to understand why his father was so angry, but he was scared by the angered Yang Junyan.

Yang Junyi was originally annoyed with annoyance. He scolded a few words and saw that the little daughter looked pitiful. The fire in her heart immediately smashed eight points. However, after many years of training, he was no longer the savage person. Although the tone slowed down, it was still Undoubtedly: "Give your town to your second brother to take care of, you will reconcile on this Yuan magnetic mountain, without my order is not allowed to go down!"

After all, Yang Jun’s sleeves left Jinyu County, leaving only the brothers and sisters to look different.

Seeing the gritty of the sang glazed, the voice of An Zhen is secluded: "Three sisters, shouldn't you have to do anything, you shouldn't mention the name of the surname to the grandfather's door. Have you forgotten it? The father can't listen to it in his life." 'Two words.' -

When Yang Junqi returned home, she was seeing the contents of Su Baozhang browsing a message.

On both sides of Su Baozhang, she and Su Changle and Su Changshou, both born after Yang Junqi, are in the family. The family seems to be waiting for her to come back.

"It is Changan's reply, what did he say?" Yang Junqi asked.

Su Baozhang raised the message in his hand and said: "Chang'an feels that Junshan is a fierce and sinister. At this time, it is time to work together and overcome difficulties."

Su Changle heard the sneer and said: "The boss is standing and talking and not hurting. Who does not know that he is now struggling to make a full impact on the situation. When he is fighting for Yang’s full support, he will certainly speak to Xishan."

"But it’s just a good master. What's so great!"

Su Changshou’s tone was filled with a thick sigh, saying: “The Yang Lan used to be only a dilemma. In the fourth generation of Yang’s monks, it’s just because of the four-pointed, short In a short period of four years, he broke through two barriers and advanced the scorpio. The boss took up the name of Daozu’s young disciple for so many years, and he was able to reach the threshold of impacting the situation. Even his sisters were inferior and wanted to change me.哼哼——"

Su Baozhang did not pay attention to the words of the two sons. He only asked his wife about the passage of the Xishan Temple. When he heard that Yan Jun repeatedly refused to see Yang Junqi and Yang Junyi, the brows could not help but wrinkle.

Su Changle heard loudly: "I still use this question, the four scorpions must be less fierce, otherwise how could the four nieces be so nervous?"

Su Changshou was scared with a sigh of relief, saying: "If there are three long and two short, what should we do?"

Su Baozhang is also full of worried colors, looking at his wife: "Would you like to ask the seniors of the mulberry? His old man is highly respected in the cultivation field, he certainly knows more, and he has a good relationship with Yang, and he is also regarded as a cloak." There are many directions for passing people, and maybe we can give us a clear road."

Su Baozhang's cultivation was stagnant after the advanced Xuan Zang, even if Yang Junqi advanced the road, and the multi-party collection of the exotic treasures of the magical powers, can not make it to further, after the adoption of Sang Wuji The guidance, taught a strange skill to her, this helped Su Baozhang to successfully advance the heavens.

From this point of view, Su Baozhang is quite grateful for Sang Wuji.

However, Su Baozhang knows his own affairs at home, and his cultivation is now at this point. It is no longer possible to want to go further. If there is no other pursuit, this mind will inevitably put more on the children of the next generation. .

The eldest son, he is not too worried. As a young disciple of Yang Junshan, he naturally has his teacher to look after him, not to mention that his eldest son is now higher than him. Now he wants to advance the way, he wants to give pointers. Nothing can be done.

However, he and Yang Junqi's two sons, Changle and Changshou, although the qualifications are acceptable, but they are a bit less persevering than the boss Changan. Although both husband and wife take care of the support, they are now only in the shackles and shackles. The situation also requires more parents to plan.

Yang Junqi heard the words of Fu Jun only slightly hesitated, but in the end he nodded slightly -

The elders of Xishan Yang’s surname, Qing, are usually headed by two ancestors, Ning Bin and Zhou Yi.

After the news that Yang Junshan’s disappearance in the field was gradually spread in the cultivation circle, some of the Yang’s family’s surnames, as well as some affiliated forces within the Yang’s sphere of influence, listened to the truth of the news in a variety of ways. Sex.

The two were overwhelmed and simply summoned some people and said: "And not to mention the fact that Junshan Taoist ancestors are true or false, even if it is true, now the Yang family has become a big force, and the ancestors of Yang surnamed Yang There are three or four people, and Yang’s two people have more life-saving graces, and how many years have they been with Yang’s, how many parties have been influenced by Junshan’s ancestors? I asked you, now this Yuzhou has Which Zongmen power is Yang’s opponent? I figured out that Yuzhou, and which Zongmen power can get the guardian array above Xishan? It’s not a big deal to leave all this, Yang’s rise over the years. It’s obvious to all, but what about Yang’s, how should you have a scale in your heart!”

The crowds were both sly and sly, and they smirked and smirked.

After the people left, the two ancestors of Ning Bin and Zhou Yi, who had been well-informed in front of everyone, became worried and secretly gathered together to discuss.

"I have traveled to Xishan twice to ask Mrs. Yang for advice. But my wife is mostly about him. So far, Ning does not know what it is going to do. Zhou Xiong, you are now Yang’s nephew. What internal news? ”

Ning Bin's look is slightly dissatisfied. He always feels that things are not so simple. However, Yan Yan is a slap in the face, which makes Ning Bin feel somewhat untrusted.

Zhou Yi smiled bitterly: "What internal news? My family's mouth is now convinced that the interpretation of the church, eating the Buddha in the whole day, do not ask the world, if this is not the case of the Junshan Taoist ancestors, I do not know how to deal with. ”

The first elders of Yang Shikeqing were silent. After a while, Zhou Yi suddenly turned his eyes and said: "Will there be any news in Ouyang? He has long been in Nantianmen, and he is also known as a refining master. More, the message should be the most informed."

Ning Bin said: "Ouyang should pay attention to it, but in the recent period he seems to be hitting the bottleneck of the refiner. Before he returns to Xishan, you should not bother him."

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