Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1391: War

Yang Junshan’s scroll of the star map obtained from the Ghost King’s ban, which records not only the position of the passage to the space of the fire in the Zhoutian world, but also the detailed description of the starry sky above this star map. A lot of information about the world, the Black Stars and the Eternal World.

Through the three star maps recorded in the scrolls, Yang Junshan has a better understanding of the distribution of extraterrestrial stars and the perception of ghost power.

The celestial sphere belongs to the sixth astral world in the big star world, and it is also the base camp of the ghost power in the starry world.

The black star is the thirteenth facet, and the ghost powers occupy a pivotal position in this plane, almost equivalent to the sphere of influence of the ghost tradition.

The Eternal Star is different from the former two-seat star. The Eternal Star itself belongs to the eighteenth seat of the astral world. Before it was integrated into the starry sky, it was also an independent plane world, and it also gave birth to a unique cultivation civilization.

Unfortunately, in the end, the Tianxing world did not resist the penetration and invasion of the extraterritorial forces. After the world of the plane collapsed and merged into the starry world, the comprehension of the Tiantian world was completely assimilated by the extraterritorial forces. Under the influence of various parties outside the territory.

Today's Zhoutian world is about to face the situation that the Eternal Stars faced before the collapse, but in Yang Junshan's view, Zhou Tian's own self-cultivation civilization can be much stronger than the original strength of the Eternal Sky. It is also tougher. Although the extraterritorial forces are infiltrated in various ways, the local self-cultivation civilization in the world of the world has not been suppressed, but has become more and more powerful.

From this point of view, Yang Junshan himself has to admit that the mysterious Puyuan landlord in Zhoutian World is indispensable.

Because the Eternal Stars have not existed in the local self-cultivation forces, the entire Eternal Sky is actually a mixture of fish and dragons. The forces of the various parties are intertwined in the astral world. The larger forces have the demon Sun Palace, the Suzaku Stars, and the Witch. The Zhu Rong, the Houtu tribe, the hidden forces of the ghost family, etc., are quite similar to the many extraterritorial forces active on the ground in Yanzhou today.

In addition, there are many other undercovers and manpowers of other forces. Especially after the emergence of the extraterrestrial channel leading to the world in the sky, the extraterritorial forces here are becoming more and more complicated.

The Eternal Stars are divided into seven major star palaces. The reason why we say "about" is because the distribution of stars, continents, and floating islands in the space of the Astrology is extremely scattered. It can even be said to be fragmented. There is no obvious boundary between the stars.

The reason why this happens, according to the record of the land ban in the star map, probably because in the process of integrating the starry sky into the starry sky, the forces of all parties fought for the sphere of influence and will rely on the original plane of the astrological circle. The world is fragmented. After the entire astral shape is formed, there is no longer a large star-space carrier in the Eternal Stars, and there are small plots of land like floating islands everywhere.

Because of this, although the Eternal World of Stars does not seem to be large, there are actually many remote and remote places, such as the Jinwuxing Palace, one of the Seven Star Palaces, although it is nominally affiliated with the Yaozu. Under the "Sun Palace" of the big forces, in fact, the Sun Palace is only controlled by the large and concentrated stars and floating continents in the Jinwuxing Palace. As for other places where the corners are scattered, some scattered To repair the forces, it is only necessary to tribute to the Sun Palace on time, and the demon repair of the Sun Palace is too lazy to manage.

The space channel leading to the fire of the world in Zhoutian is in a desolate star field under the Jinwuxing Palace. The name of this desolate star field is called the burning star field.

Before the secret exposure of the space channel, the Sun Palace had long known that there was a Sanxian who was sitting in a floating island called "Cangtian Island", and it was always a knot in the Sun Palace, but did not think of it anyway. The dissertation is actually the ancestors of the fairyland who burned the Tianmen in the world at the end of the week. They were appointed by the Imperial Palace to burn Tiandao outside the town, in order to protect the space passage leading to the fire of the land.

After Yang Junshan’s achievement of the immortal body, he was dressed as an extraterritorial traveler and went to Jinwuxing Palace. However, he did not rush to the burning star field, but paid a rudder at the Sun Palace. A large piece of spar, rented a floating island away from the burning star field, and then built a formation, a pavilion on the floating island, a large long-term residence, but actually He is here waiting for someone.

Yang Junshan does not despise his identity and is recognized. Once upon a time, the Terran is an extremely broad concept. It is not only in the Zhoutian world that there is such a race as "human beings", as is the widespread distribution of the Yaozu. Jinwu, Hu, Yu, Shui, etc., among the extraterritorial forces, such as the Shu, Confucian, Yi, Mozu, etc., are also filled with a large number of Terrans, therefore, Yang Junshan is dressed as a human monk However, it will not be suspected by other foreign forces.

Second, Yang Junshan has already changed dramatically.

With his forging surgery, before the advanced immortality, it has been able to change the shape through the skeletal muscles, but this change can change his image, but can not change his own breath. It may even be seen directly by the great supernatural powers.

However, when his forging practice is invincible, after the alienation, not to mention that his own breath is changing, fearing that it is not a great supernatural under the golden body, do not want to be from him. I saw the suspicion of the slightest tolerance.

However, Yang Junshan made a rough foundation here, and in the next period of time, he was slightly thinned out for a few peeping into the place. After the surrounding forces and the dispersal, he was in the floating place. The island became quiet around.

After about five or six months, on this day, suddenly a gorgeous big car slowly drove down to the floating island under the tow of four coffins, and the floating island was originally closed. The array suddenly opened, and the big car fell on the floating island with the attention of the people.

“It looks like a Tianxiang car of the Tianhu family!”

"Is there a few cars in the Tianhu family?"

"I didn't expect this white birch Taoist to be a guest of the Tianhu family."

"I look like a guest at the curtain, haha..."

"The Tianhu family has not fallen. I heard that the entire race has been divided into seven veins, and sheltered under the Suzaku Gate?"

"It’s not a decline, I heard that there is still a seven-tailed!"

"Seven tails? Oh, the **** of the gods!"


When Yang Junshan was still planning outside the field to return to the world of Zhou Tian quietly, in the world of Zhou Tian, ​​because of the constant brewing and rumors of Yang Junshan’s rumors, finally there was power to support Yang Xi’s Yang. I took the lead in testing.

Shortly after Yang Junxiu left Quwushan to find a secret place to cross the thunder, the joint force of the Mozu and the Shura in the county was suddenly attacked by Yang, who controlled more than half of Huaiyu County.

Although Yang has already told the monks who are stationed at the border to be vigilant, this time, the "magic-blooded blood" came to the forefront, and the two monks who were stationed in Huaiyu County died in battle. One of them was a disciple of Yang’s "沁" generation. In addition, there are dozens of martial arts monks who have fallen, and the entire Huaiyu County has fallen into the hands of the devil's blood.

The surviving human race monks have retired to the territory of Chenyu County, and joined the Chenyu County monks who came to meet, to prepare for the further invasion of the magical blood.

Suddenly, the "Devil's Blood" suddenly attracted the attention of the entire Yuzhou's extraterritorial forces. At the same time, the situation in the entire Yuzhou was instantly tense. The local communication, the flying sword, the psychic bird The same kind of traffic in Yuzhou has become more and more dense.

“What do you say in each of Zongmen’s Zongmen?”

In the Chamber of Deputies, Yan Wei’s unsettled look is what makes Yang’s other people’s minds.

After listening to the big question, Yang Junping said: "At present, only the Tanyi faction has sent a message asking if the family needs help. They are already preparing to send a team of monks. Once the family agrees, they will be accompanied by a Taiyi real person and two Xuanzang. The real people led the team and went to Chenyu County to join me to help me fight against the magical blood, but the Tanyi faction also admitted that their ancestors still need to sit in the county, I am afraid that it is impossible to shoot."

Yan Yan nodded and said: "What else? What other sects react, especially in the southwest and southeast?"

Yang Junping replied: "The Yuxi School and the Yujianmen have not yet seen the reply. It is estimated that they are mostly wait-and-see, and I think that the blood of the demon domain can be shot without any scruples. I am afraid that the two factions have not been able to make a decision. In this way, there is a change in the Liangyu Mountains."

"The Sirius Gate is still quiet, but you can't relax your vigilance. Unfortunately, Hu Niu actually left at this festival. Otherwise, the Sirius Gate can't be left in the heart."

"The southwestern Kailing School is under the control of the Aoyuan Daozu. The Ziyuan Taoist ancestors and my brother have no relationship with each other. However, there will be no problem. Ling Yizong, the top sect of the cultivating world, will not help the extraterritorial forces?"

Yan Yan’s eyes flashed and said: “What if Ling Yizong’s things are not mentioned first, how do you say in the West’s Flow Valley?”

"River Valley..."

Yang Junping flashed a trace of hesitation.

Yan Yan said: "How? But it's fine!"

Yang Junping said: "The flow of oil has absorbed the strength of the Jinwu faction. After the expansion of these years, the Tao Liuzong and the Ziyang faction can only survive. The people of Qiyang Road have already heard the news and said that they are willing to do so. Helping the family to resist the invasion of the Mozu, but they asked the family to withdraw from Yueyao County as a condition."


Yan Yan snorted and suddenly stood up from his seat and said: "All people are tempted and watching. Is it really the end of the Yang family?"

Two days later, Yan Yan was led by 20 real-life monks, and went to Chenyu County with Yang Junyi, Ning Bin, Zhou Yi and other ancestors, leaving Yang Junqi on the west hill.

One day later, at the junction of Chenyu County and Huaiyu County, Xishan Yang and the demon blood had a real encounter, but the results of the war surprised the parties concerned about the conflict.

Yang’s victory was all over, and the blood of the devil’s domain was repaired to more than ten in the real magical area, and another demon statue was wounded. One of the Shura Dao’s ancestors was retired, and the demon’s **** offensive was in two. The junction of the county was stopped!

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