Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1392: Five thunder

In the battle of Huaiyu County, there are more than forty or fifty monks in the real world of Xishan Yang and the blood of the demon domain, or the monks above the real demon.

Originally, in the eyes of various parties, this time the two sides will definitely be a long-term sawing war.

Although the blood of the demon domain has been shackled for many years, although it has accumulated strength, its position is surrounded by various sectarian forces in Yuzhou, but it is difficult to concentrate.

Although Xishan Yang’s in the years of Yuzhou’s cultivation is pretentious, Yang Junshan’s lack of strength is inevitable.

However, the result of this war was to make everyone stunned. Xishan Yang’s actually had a quick fix at the Huaiyu County border. Only one day’s effort made the devil’s blood lose and lost.

With more details in the course of this war, the forces of the various parties have discovered it. When they suddenly realize the truth, they are also surprised. When did Xishan Yang’s have so many monks who have been repaired into five elements?

That's right, the reason why Yang’s war came out of the whole process of suppressing the blood of the demon domain was the fact that almost half of the Yang’s monks who participated in the war had at least a five-line thunder magical power. The Lei Shen Shen Tong has a natural gram for most of the Mozu monks and the Shura people.

At the beginning of the battle between the two sides, the monks of Xishan Yang’s monk suddenly displayed dozens of thunderous magical powers, and they immediately caught the demon domain blood one by one, so that the whole process was suppressed by Xishan monks, and eventually the whole line was defeated and returned to Huaiyu County.

If Nguyen Nguyen and Ning Bin are worried that the pursuit of the other side of the ambush, Xishan Yang's monk is not afraid to expel all the forces of the demon domain blood, and regain the entire Huaiyu County.

The fact is also that Yan's cautiousness is not untargeted. The monk who returned to Huaiyu County quickly stabilized his position and regrouped under the pressure of a robbery, and again with Xishan Yang. The confrontation in Yu County, and the two sides want to win again is difficult to do.

At the same time, the Mozu and the Shura monks in the Devil's Blood are building the roots of the law in the Huaiyu County. The news that the suspected expansion of the magical domain of the blood is affected by the Yang's monk is also known, and the parties in Yuzhou are quickly informed. Zongmen forces.

In Huaiyu County, the fighting between the two sides has never stopped. However, the situation on both sides has been generally stabilized. If no other great supernatural powers intervene, it will be difficult for both parties to completely suppress the other side's upper hand.

Therefore, regarding the large-scale cultivation of Xishan Yang’s children and the refining of the five elements of Lei Shen Shen Tong, it became a topic of great interest to the Yuzhou cultivation community and even the entire cultivation community.

Lei Shen Shentong is difficult to cultivate, which is the accepted conclusion of the cultivation industry.

Generally speaking, monks who practice Raytheon have a greater risk than other monks, so they tend to be more concerned.

It is precisely because of this, in addition to the accident in Zijing Pavilion, there is no example of a large-scale cultivation and inheritance of Lei Shen Shentong in the cultivation industry.

The reason why Zizige can plan to train the monks who are able to cultivate the thunder, and to make it inheritance and order, is to occupy a place in the top patriarchal gates of the cultivation industry. Naturally, they originally have some ability to reduce the cultivation of mines. The secret of the risk of magic.

These mysteries have always been swayed by the forces of all parties, but for thousands of years they have never heard of anyone who can obtain these secrets from the Zijing Pavilion.

Even if Zizige was attacked by extraterritorial forces in the past few years, the ancestors of Xianjing were degraded in this battle, and the dojos were all broken. The forces of all parties were no shortage of people who sneaked in and robbed, but they never heard of anyone who got it. The secrets of the sacred magical magical sacred magical sacred.

Until Xishan Yang’s and Devil’s blood were both out of the battle of Huaiyu County, the Yang’s family had more than a dozen monks who had mastered the five elements of Lei Shen’s magical powers, and the influence of the parties suddenly became stunned. The mystery that can be used to reduce the risk of practicing Raytheon has fallen into the hands of Young?

This kind of suspicion is not unreasonable. We must know that when the Ziyan Pavilion was attacked by the extraterritorial forces to break the dojo, Yang Junshan was the one present, and so far Yang Junshan’s most dazzling battle was in that big battle. He took the opportunity to kill an extraterrestrial fairy, and won the prestige of "Zhu Xiandao".

Who knows if Yang Junshan had once entered the Zijing Pavilion and collected the mystery, even if there was no, then the wonderful Taoist people had been in the practice world, and it was difficult for the two sides to reach an agreement at that time, otherwise the Yang’s monk would How can I have a complete five-line Thunderbolt?

This is another discovery of the forces in this battle.

There are many kinds of Lei Shen Shen Tong, and the five elements of Lei Shen Shen Tong can only be regarded as one of the more widely spread genres.

In the war of the Yang family, although the most cultivated is the two magical magical powers of the Wutu Shenlei and the Cinghuo Shenlei, but the other Yimu, Gengjin, and Kwaishui three-way treasure thunder magical powers are not without display. Only people who have been cultivated are few.

Have a complete five-line Thunderbolt, don't forget that there is another super-powered magical power above the five supernatural powers, which is only ranked 12th in the Taoist magical list, but actually The power of the single argument can be compared with the top ten magical powers - the five Lei Zhengfa!

The reason why the forces of the parties think of this supernatural power is because in this war, Xishan Yang’s monks consciously cultivated a kind of Taoist martial arts with five kinds of five elements of Lei Shen Shentong, and in the war. Played a pivotal role.

This makes people wonder whether Xishan Yang’s mysterious inheritance of the five-legged Leifa magical powers has been achieved even by the Zijing Pavilion, which can be combined with five elements of Lei Shen Shentong.

Of course, this is only a suspicion. In fact, the road force displayed by Yang in this war has indeed been used to learn from the Purple Guards, and more from the five elements of Yang. Lightning bursts.

And the most crucial thing is that Yang’s Dao’s Dafa is unlikely to condense the five elements of Leiguang’s magical power into five-legged Fa-rectifications, and the power cannot naturally be compared with the Zifangge’s Taoist Array.

However, the squadron of the 霄 霄 阁 can not be allowed to be controlled by five monks in the real world. If you want to unite the five sects of Fa-rectification, you must at least have five priests to display a treasure. The five elements of Lei Shen magical skills.

In contrast, Yang's five elements of the Lei Guangdao corps are not as powerful as the sables, but the threshold is low. The real world monks can do as long as they have five monks who practice five elements of Lei Shen.

Although the Guardian Guards of the 霄 霄 阁 can be condensed into the Five Rays of Fa-rectification, but the threshold is high, the non-state exists, I am afraid that I can't control this burst of Lei Shen Datong.

However, although Yang’s five elements of the Lei Guang Dao Bing dynasty are not comparable to the five-right Fa-rectification, they are jointly displayed in the hands of five real-life monks, but they are sufficient to defeat any existence under the path, even under certain circumstances. It can also threaten the Taoist monks.

Imagine that when the demon or the Shura tribes were on the five real people of the Yang family, Yang’s shot was not only to restrain the opponent’s magical powers, but also to be a five-way five-line Thunderbolt. bombardment.

Even with the help of the Taoist tactics and the five elements, the five elements of Lei Shen Shentong are not only very low on the monks themselves, but also the gap between the magical exhibitions will become extremely short, so that the five real people It is possible to cast a supernatural power like a cannon, and to carry out repeated bombardment of the opponent.

Such a superb and explosive power can often cause great damage to the opponent once it is displayed in the melee, and Xishan Yang is relying on this means to beat the extraterrestrial monks of the demon domain.

In this battle, the most outstanding ones are Yang Lan, the youngest survivor of the Yang family.

After getting the guidance of Yang Junshan, Yang Lan was not only repaired in the past ten years, but also cultivated the auxiliary magical magical power of "Tai Qing Xuan Huang Qi". In one fell swoop, the masterpiece of the Yang family passed down a sacred magical masterpiece, but it caused a lot of sensation within the family.

Before the successful implementation of the "Fan Tian Overprint", Yang Lan has already been built into the "Fei Tu Shen Lei" in the five elements of Lei Shen Shen Tong.

In this war, he first killed a demonic in the first encounter, and then organized four other family members to form a five-line thunderstorm, killing two Shura real people one after another. , injured three people.

Later, when Zhou Yi and Ning Bin joined forces to fight against a clouded Shura, Yang Lan and several partners clashed with chaos and seized the opportunity to suddenly attack and sneak up. In the Qing Yunjing Xiu Luo Zun, he was wounded in one fell swoop.

If it wasn't for the Shura Zun, seeing the machine early, and quickly showing the self-mutilation of blood and blood, before the two ancestors of Zhou Yi and Ning Bin walked away, I am afraid I will hand over my head.

Even so, after the escape of the Shura Zun, it must be a bad injury. In a short time, I am afraid that I will never be able to join the battle with Yang.

In the first battle of Huaiyu County, Xishan Yang’s strength in the case of Yang Junshan’s whereabouts was unfounded, and the powers of the various parties in Yuzhou felt jealous and shocked the forces in the practice community.

Xishan Yang, in the impression of all parties, this new rise seems to rely on a powerful and powerful supernatural power to support the party, and now has its own accumulation, with its status The foundation and strength.

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