Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1412: Get rid of

The three talented swords formed by Bai Qingdao and others could easily kill Yang Junxiu who was alone. The response of Yang Yuyu was extremely timely.

Bai Qingdao and other three people even had no time to come to the surprise that Yang Yuyu could summon the Thunder giant again so quickly. The thick five-color Leiguang had traversed half of Mengyu County and headed for the Baiqing Dao and other three people.

In desperation, it was too late to wait for the two-color swords of Bai Qingdao's swordsman to merge, and annihilated in the middle of the sky with the five-color thunder.

At the same time, Bai Qingdao people alone set off a green mans sword, blocking Yang Junxiu who came to the sword.

“铮——” The sound of gold and iron symphony resounded throughout the northern part of Mengyu County, enough to make all the low-ranking monks feel heart-wrenching and vomiting.

Although the Sancai sword array was forced to form a combined attack, the Baiqing Taoist still used the power of the sword to attack Yang Junxiu from the state of the human knife.

However, the green mans sword was also smashed, and the flying sword fell into the hands of the Baiqing Taoist. He felt a huge force from the hilt of the sword, and the Baiqing Taoist people retreated, but the heart was secretly surprised by Yang Junxiu. Fierce.

Although Yang Junxiu’s sudden attack caused some troubles for the Baiqing Taoist and other three people, in their view, it was only a slight delay in the time they broke the five elements of the Raytheon.

The three people of Baiqingdao had to regroup and retreat, but they saw that Yang Junxiu was like a madman. He rolled up a blade storm with a sickle and pushed it to the Baiqing Taoist and other three people.

Fenghua Taoist people in the heart of a move, whispered: "Be careful of the devil around this demon!"

Bai Qing and Jian Zhu two people know, and the three people cooperated with each other. Then, in the moment when Yang Junxiu's blade storm swept, the three people used their magical powers together, and with the help of the three talented swords, a huge tricolor sword lotus suddenly dreamed. Yu County is blooming in the north!

Yang Junxiu’s blade storm was smashed and smashed in an instant. The two invisible shadows, from different directions and even not close to the three swords, were already stunned by the sword’s stimuli. Busy and fleeing.

However, at this time, the change was regenerated, and a five-color thunder that was thicker than before was suddenly dropped from the sky. Even before the Baiqing Dao and other three people reacted, they fell directly into the center of the lotus heart of the tricolor sword lotus.

Rumble - followed by the dull thunder from the top of the west.

"how is this possible--"

The three-color Jianlian, which was originally in full bloom, suddenly shrank. It seems that there is still a Rayman jump in the lotus heart of the sword lotus, but the tri-color swordsman who has gathered has become illusory from the essence.

The power of this attack is even more than the full blow of the two sides at the beginning!

However, what really surprised the three people of Baiqing Dao was not how big the power of this Raymond was, but how could Yang Yuyu be able to make a second blow in such a short period of time?

Is there a person on the West Hill who can completely control the five elements of the Raytheon and repair it beyond Yang Yuyu?

The three people of Baiqing Dao had just eliminated the power of the Le Mans. Even before they had made other responses, they could see the Xishan over dozens of miles away. The Thunder Giants had already prepared to shoot again. What is even more terrible is that The body of the Thunder giant once again condensed to the position of the waist, and looked more solid than at the beginning.

Undoubtedly, although I don’t know why, but what is certain is that Yang Yuyu’s cultivation has actually achieved a breakthrough in this short period of time!

Actually it will be at this time!

Although Bai Qingdao and others were slightly uneasy in their hearts, they did not affect the operation of the sword array. As the three Taoists changed their orientations in the sword array, the three swordsmanships were twisted and twisted, forming three spiral swords. The thunder that fell again on the west side of the mountain was shattered in the air.

However, at this time, the three swords were quite dignified, and the power of the five elements of Raytheon did improve a lot. It can be seen that the strength of Yang Yuyu was strengthened in a short time.

In this way, it is unlikely that you will quickly and forcibly break through the guardianship of Xishan Yangshi. The Sanjianjian array that originally had the upper hand and will have the upper hand will have to be temporarily stagnated in the wrestling with Yang!

At this time, an inexplicable heart that originated from instinct suddenly appeared in the hearts of all the great supernatural monks. This panic that seems to stem from the whim of the wind swept all the horizons between the heavens and the earth. presence.

The scene above Mengyu County was like a catastrophe, and suddenly it fell into silence. The long and deep tremor suddenly came from the depths of the heavens and the earth. "哗啦啦啦" seems to be everything, together with the sky floating in the sky. The clouds are trembled violently at this moment. At this moment, it seems that everything between heaven and earth has been shrouded in fear.

At this time, the great supernatural powers who were repaired on the thunder of the robbery, because they have already begun to contact and refine the origin of the heavens and the earth, therefore, they have a clearer understanding of these worldly horrors, and even they can vaguely perceive this. The fear of sudden stocks should come from the southwestern state of Yanzhou!

Yanzhou, of course, is Yanzhou!

Being able to experience the test of life and death of thunder, and the existence of a person who is not agile, almost instantly thought of the possibility of such a big horror.

But what about thinking about it?

These things are enough to make the world overturn and should not have to intervene.

Therefore, after a moment of hesitation, the two great supernaturals who reacted were caught in a more intense war.

And perhaps only one of them is really paying attention to the development of the state of Yanzhou, that is Yang Junshan!

Yang Junshan may not be able to observe the situation in Yanzhou from thousands to thousands of miles away. However, his deep understanding of the origin of this world can be inferred from the change of the power of the heaven and earth. The change.

What's more, just in the moment of the change of Yanzhou, Yang Junshan has vaguely perceived that he has been monitoring the Mengyu County war. The sight that originated from the outside of the funeral market has left!

Yanzhou Da Yao Wang Di Ying, Zhu Lingguang also hit the golden body fairy, trying to sanctify the body, as the master of the masters of this world, how can the Jiu Xian Xian Zun not come to the scene?

Moreover, it is not just Jiu Xian Xian Zun, it is the sect of the sects and the two sects in the fairy palace. At this moment, I am afraid that I have already paid attention to the actions of the two big demon kings of Yanzhou.

Yang Junshan suspects that the landlord will be awakened, and may even wake up from the deep sleep, just after the two of them are in Yang Junshan, the biggest unrest factor in the world is falling into the shackles.

However, although the attention of almost all the wonderland has been attracted to Yanzhou, but for Yang Junshan, it is still not the best time, he still needs to wait, waiting for Yanzhou to become a force involved in all parties. It was difficult for the quagmire to get out of the house. Only then was the time when his last fisherman was profitable.

Yang’s situation is still grim. Even at a critical moment, Yang Junshan secretly led Yang Yuyu’s success in advancing the Qingyun situation, but he could not gain an overwhelming advantage in a short period of time.

Don't forget, the reason why Yang Junshan didn't dare to reveal his identity, even hiding in the Xishan, even in the dark, did not dare, it is because in the sky above the head of Xishan, outside the burial sky, there is a pair of Xianzun eyes are working Staring at it.

However, now Yanzhou’s eyes are going to collapse because of the sanctification of the two demon kings. The world’s world barriers of the entire world must be broken. Most of the great supernaturals above the fairyland have already traveled to Yanzhou. At this time, Yang Junshan wants to secretly engage in some small moves. Who else can find out?

Therefore, when Yang Yuyu manipulated the entire five elements of Lei Guangdao in the cooperation of Yang Junxiu and concentrated on the sword fights of the three people, such as the Baiqing Taoist, dozens of influxes from the extraterrestrial stars outside the funeral market. Outside the extraterrestrial stars, seven or eight of them were attracted to the general, and the ghosts brought together the gods and rushed toward the territory of Mengyu County.

Moreover, from the trajectory of the seven or eight stars meteorites from the sky, it is finally to be degraded to the northern part of Mengyu County!

Coincidence? It doesn't seem to be!

No one has noticed that these few extraterrestrial meteor landing ranges will be included in the "Songzhumei" of the joint sword array in the northern part of Mengyu County.

No one can detect what happened to these few extraterrestrial meteors and changed the signs of the landing trajectory.

Don't forget that there were even several consecutive times, and every time a few extraterrestrial meteors smashed into the West Mountain guardian squad.

What's more, once these seven or eight meteors have fallen into Mengyu County, the huge shock wave may eventually hurt the Baiqing Dao and other three people, but it can almost make the entire northern part of Mengyu County go up and down!

Then there were seven or eight meteors falling, whether it was Bai Qing, Feng Hua, Jian Zhu, three sword repairs, or Yang Junxiu and her miser, the only choice at this moment is to evade.

Along with the massive fireworks in the sky, after the meteor has smashed the ground loudly, several huge dust columns of up to hundreds of feet have been vacated in the town of the hills, and there is no artificial building in the entire town of the hills. Everyone is dead for a lifetime.

The three thunderous roads of Baiqing, Fenghua and Jianzhu escaped from the barren town, and they were able to avoid the aftermath of the extraterrestrial meteors.

Yang Junxiu has also been returning to the barren town, watching the ground of the barren town pick up a layer of earth waves like a tsunami, all the way chasing behind her to the town of the barren soil.

At this time, over the Xishan, Yang Yuyu also estimated the scope of the extraterrestrial meteor landing. The only thing that was not thought of was that these extraterrestrial meteors would set off such a large wave when they landed, so that he mobilized the entire force of the road. An incomparably huge five-color thunder, originally thought of robbery at the fall of the meteor, harassing the Baiqing Taoist and others.

However, the fact is that the three people of Baiqingdao saw the opportunity early, and they had already escaped from the territory of Mengyu County before the fall of the meteor, and they had just gathered a five-color Leiguang column with the greatest pressure they could bear. Because of the huge shock wave that the meteor outside the field has set off in the town of the hills, it has shaken off the hands of the Thunder giant!

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