Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1413: Counterattack

Extraterrestrial meteors fell in the territory of the town, and the huge shock wave that caused the thunder giants in the sky above the West Mountain to accidentally get rid of the five-color Leiguang column!

The Lei Guangzhu, who lost control and condensed the entire power of the entire five elements of the Rays of Light, was completely detonated after flying a distance to the east under the gaze of Yang Yuyu's horror.

A waterfall like a waterfall descends from the sky, and with the speed of lightning, it will be with the Yan and other people, and with five people, including Yan Yan and others, the brain is drowned in the thunder stream. Among them.

Yan Wei and other five people originally formed the Taoist squadron and the same line of the five elements of the Leiguang dynasty. The five elements of the sacred magical magical powers used by the five people are the same as the ray of the ray, and the Thunder giant condenses. After Lei Guangzhu’s disengagement, the naturalized slurry will not cause too much damage to Yan Yan and others.

It's like pouring a cool oil into a pot of hot oil, and it won't cause any big movements.

However, for Luo Yi Mo Zun, being drowned by the lightning falling from the sky is tantamount to dropping a drop of cold water into a pot of hot oil. This scene is extremely lively!

In the sound of "small smashing" like a firecracker, the sorrow of Luo Xian Mo Zun is earth-shattering.

However, after all, the Luo Zhe Mo Zun is Huang Ting's demon. Even if it is too late to be poured by this ray of pulp, the whole looks like a prawns that are about to be fried, but still can't hurt him. Life is just a big injury but it is inevitable.

However, don't forget that at this time, Luo Yu Mo Zun can still be in Mengyu County. At this time, it is the best time to beat the dog!

Although the impact of the previous thunder on the five people such as Yan Wei is not small, but the timing is fleeting, Yang Junqi is the first to respond, and the lightning strikes the peach sword into a pink thunder. The devil is away from the chest.

Luo Xian Mo Zun dragged the heart of the wounded body to avoid the flash, avoiding the sorrow of the mahogany sword, but the thunder of the blast on the blade was once again affected, and after a sigh, it turned into a magic cloud. Take it away.

When I saw the Luo Mou Devil, I would leave, but I was surprised that one person rushed out and slammed it out, but he saw that his hand was holding a high and high, and turned into a rockery in the air and descended from the sky, directly falling to the point where he was walking. In the dark clouds.

The person who rushed out was not someone else. It was Su Chang’an who was replaced by Yang Junqi from the Five Elements of the Red Army. However, Su Chang’an, who had just advanced the time, also succeeded in condensing the martial art. It is the 38th place in the Taoist magical list!

"Ah--my legs!"

After a scream, the original magic cloud time was draped into a red, like the blood sprayed by the legs of the Luo Mou Devil, and then the whole blood cloud boiled up. .

"The devil!"

Luo Yu's dear and sturdy long scorpion came from the blood cloud.

Then a long trace of blood hangs in the air, and the Luo Mou Devil has disappeared in place.

Luo Xian Mo Zun’s instant defeat is like an introduction, and the whole situation of Mengyu County will be turned over at once!

Yang Junqi and Yan Wei and other five people quickly went all the way to the south, even though the five middle-lower roads were repaired in the process of confrontation with Luo Xian Mo Zun, the real yuan consumption was serious, but in the situation where the overall situation has collapsed, who Still have the mind to calculate this little detail?

The five-person military corps, who was able to fight with a Huangting Devil and did not fall into the wind, slowly came to the south. In the middle, he did not even lift the Taoist tactics for a while, and Zhang Yuming, who was deadlocked in the desert town and Yang. The three knives, the knives, and the Lu Tu immediately resigned.

Among them, Zhang Yuming is the most unwilling, but now that Yang’s general trend has been achieved, it’s no longer necessary to do entanglement. Although he is resentful in his heart, he is also a life-saving person. He will not fight with Yang at this time because of his fever. in the end.

Seeing that Zhang Yuming and others have retired, although Yang Hua has the heart to leave Zhang Yuming and other scourges, he also knows that it is not the time to let his people leave.

Although Yang Hua did not want to reveal his identity as an incarnation of Yang Junshan, but after the courtesy thanked the people of Ziyuan, he also indicated that Yan Yan, who had arrived later, invited her to visit Xishan.

However, the people of Shionyuan obviously have nothing to stop. This time, Xishan Yang’s rescue is just in the past with Yang Junshan’s friendship. There is not much interest in communicating with the people on the Xishan Mountain today, even if it was previously kept mysterious. The same is true of Taoist people.

Nowadays, the world situation on Sunday has changed three times a day. She is just entering the advanced Huang Tingjing. She still needs to return to the Kailing School to retreat as soon as possible. After leaving the sentence with Yan Yan, she will leave.

After Yan Yan and others returned to Xishan, they realized that the three swordsmen in the north, such as the Baiqing Taoist, never returned after they avoided the town from the hill town, and the west also quickly returned the news in the wilderness town. The two great supernaturals who have played in the direction have left each other.

Later, Wu Shuo, who returned to Xishan, brought back more precise news. The two great supernaturals who played in the direction of the wilderness town should be two monks who were secretive to help Yang’s monks and monks. Junshan is quite a mysterious ascetic monk.

The great supernaturals are often more concerned with the pre-planning calculations. In the face of absolute strength, they really want to react in the process of engagement only by the tactful reaction on the spot, or they can seize the various unexpected opportunities to defeat the victory. In most cases. It’s often idiotic to say dreams!

In the process of actual fighting and killing, there are usually very few cases of deadly fights. The mistake is that like Yang’s, the land of his own roots was besieged and he had to rely on the guardianship method to die!

Under normal circumstances, once the situation is found to change, the convenience of a disadvantage will immediately choose to retreat, just like this side of the siege of Xishan Yang.

Therefore, a war seems to be carried out in an unusually fierce manner. It is really necessary to have a turning point. It often subsides in a blink of an eye. It is not the death or injury of one side, but the two sides are dying.

Although the Yang’s genocide crisis was lifted, it was left to the Yang’s land, and Mengyu County, which is the foundation of the land, was almost devastated.

And just after Yang’s wounds and wounds after the war, silently recovering the vitality, in the southwestern direction of Yanzhou, a huge light group suddenly appeared in the southwest direction. This group of Guanghua is too much People pay attention to it, so that under the blue sky, it can give people the illusion of two days hanging.

Above the West Hill, Yang Junshan's gaze seems to be in the southwest direction.

That is enough to hang the huge light group in the same breath as the sun in the southwestern sky. Under the observation of Yang Junshan, there are two brilliances that appear to be glory and even flooded with sunlight.

"The last time!" Yang Junshan muttered to himself.

In the high-altitude skyline of Yanzhou, two huge fireballs, one east and one west, roasted the land of deserts and volcanoes, but they could not capture the brilliance of a group of light-looking groups.

Zhu Lingguang was now a demon-shaped body. A luxurious giant bird was covered with red-red wings. The red flames burned under the body, and she herself was transformed under this raging flame.

In the sky above the Burning County, the emperor was a three-legged fire crow, and a circle of white sun-fired flames wrapped around him, twisting and breaking the void.

At this time, in the void around the two demon kings who are changing towards the wonderland, I don’t know how many of the emperors’ palaces have secretly peeked at this fairy tales that have not appeared for thousands of years. view.

"The two roads that have already blocked the celestial mirror are leading the fairy light, and the last one will be able to completely get rid of the shackles of the world of Zhou!"

"Oh, it’s easy to say. If it’s just the moment that the three mirrors are light, you can be at ease. When the nine priests and friends in the field go out, they will take the initiative to offer the true spirit on the third mirror."

"Why, are these legends in the cultivation world wrong?"

"The legend will not be mistaken. If you pass the three mirrors of the celestial mirror, you will be able to keep the pure yang gods from being invaded by the celestial mirror. Naturally, you can be free from the celestial mirror, but that It means that he has a complete pure Yang Yuan Shen, and the two demon kings really want to achieve, but they are the sanctified golden body fairy!"

The exchanges in the void have just fallen. In the induction of many great supernaturals, an invisible power from the origin of the heavens and the earth suddenly surges and gathers in the void, and then falls on the bodies of the two big demon kings. .

"This is --, the earth and the earth source perfusion? To condense the golden body of the fairy, the body is sanctified?" There is a fairy muttering to himself.

"I am waiting to see the two demon kings outside the field to achieve the golden body immortal and indifferent?" There are other great wonders under the wonderland.

"Don't act rashly, when the monk is as good as the thunder, the others can easily interfere!" There is a reminder of the great supernatural power.

"But we can't do nothing. These two people are said to be in the extraterrestrial starry sky. It is also a golden scented seed that is strongly cultivated by the big forces. It is not necessarily impossible to block the third ray of light. Is it necessary to have the same with the original nine? Like the Taoist ancestors, after their achievements in the golden body, they will join forces to kill?"

"Oh, who said nothing to do? I am afraid that someone has already started!" A faint laughter that could not identify the identity passed in the void.

It is as if to prove that the great supernatural person who seems to know a lot of inner feelings is saying that when the voice is just falling, the two big demon kings who are fully digesting the power of the heavens and the earth in the air to achieve the golden body The flames burning around the body suddenly became obscured, and the two big demon kings suddenly spurted out a blood, and the blood mist was already in the air and it was turned into two flames.

And the suffocating enthusiasm that followed the two big demon kings quickly became silent, and even their huge demon-shaped body seemed to be sluggish at this time.

"Ha? Did they fail to shape the golden body?"

"No, they succeeded, be prepared, then I am afraid it will be a fierce battle!" A voice passed silently in the void, and the indifferent tone seemed to have foreseen many great supernaturals in an instant. Everything that might happen next.

The sky is shining, people unconsciously look up in the direction of Guanghua's most prosperous, but they are seeing high in the middle of the two huge fireballs. The sky mirror suddenly rises brightly, and then the left and right are divided into two beams. Under the emptiness of the void, the two groups of fireballs were directly submerged in the mirror.

The third mirror of the sky mirror, coming!

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