Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1715: Lesson, reenactment

On the edge of the Xishan Palace, Shen Yu Gu Xian saw no one behind him, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Shen Hao’s coming to Xishan originally had a smoldering mind. Even if it was not in the Zhoutian starry world, the attempt to divide Xishan Yang’s attempt was rejected by the Taoyuan Xianzun on the spot. He originally had the intention to end himself.

Even under the warning of Tao Yuanxian, he did not dare to do anything. He tried to hit a side ball and entered the two immortals of the Flying Sword in the name of aid into the Xishan continent. In fact, it was once the Xishan Yang collapsed. The traces of the highlights, these two will immediately become the pioneer of the flying swords to rob the Yang's heritage.

Even though he did not show up, he has been hiding in the Xishan Palace, and he has been peeked at the movements of the Xishan continent. After waiting for the collapse of Xishan’s guardianship, he will be able to enter the hinterland of Xishan and compete for the various treasures left by Yang Junshan.

At that time, it is not a violation of the Taoist priests. Even if Puyuan Tianzun knows, he can't say anything.

However, he did not think that he not only did not wait for the collapse of the guardianship of Xishan, but instead saw a scene in which the great supernatural powers contend with each other. In order to protect Xishan Yang, Puyuan Tianzun personally stopped Meng Po. .

As an ancient fairy who has existed for more than 10,000 years in the starry sky, Shen Hao naturally understands what kind of existence is represented by Meng Po. Behind her is a fairy road that even Pu Yuantian does not dare to make. Extreme.

Even so, Puyuan Tianzun still did not hesitate to block Meng Po, what does this mean?

Followed by what made Shen Hao completely unexpected, Yang Junshan appeared in the Raytheon scene in perfect condition.

At the time, Shen Hao had already understood that everything that he had planned before, at the moment of Yang Junshan’s appearance, had already been completely turned into water.

The original application was still thinking about the development of the situation, but it was expected that Yang Junshan had already noticed his existence in the first time, and he immediately had to squat.

The power that Yang Junshan showed at that moment made Shen Hao stunned. The kind of means that almost completely integrated the entire palace into his own power, so that Shen Hao seemed to face the illusion of rolling the whole starry sky at that moment. .

Although Shen Hao understands that this should be a means for Yang Junshan to achieve by means of the force of the formation, Shen Hao is still a wise choice to turn around and flee in the first time.

However, Yang Junshan obviously would not let him escape easily. Fortunately, at this time, the Taoyuan Xianzun suddenly appeared, and happened to be in front of Yang Junshan, giving Shen Shen the time to escape.

However, when Shen Shen thought that he was completely out of danger, he had just breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly saw a few stars in the distance crashing into the meteorite group from different directions, but in a flash caused the whole meteorite. After the group's linkage, hundreds of different sizes of stars meteorites collided with each other, and the final goal was to target Shen Yuxian, who had already fled to the edge of the Xishan Palace.

What kind of feeling is it that hundreds of different stars of different sizes meet in different directions?

Shen Hao could not even escape, because at this time, there were meteorites in his face in all directions.

In desperation, Shen Hao had to stop moving in the same place, and honestly resisted the continuous impact of these hundreds of meteorites.

Even if Shen Shen is a big Luo Xianzun, the same is not weak, but after being continuously attacked by hundreds of meteorites, the celestial body in the body is also exhausted by a little bit, until finally, by a meteorite. I bumped into the bones of the body and the bones were broken. The whole person was like a meatloaf sticking to the rock, and all the way out of the Xishan Palace, this is counted.

Shen Jun’s encounter was naturally made by Yang Junshan. The appearance of Tao Yuanxian was obviously not to let Shen Hao die in the hands of Yang Junshan. This face Yang Junshan naturally wants to give, but Yang Junshan is not a soft persimmon, anyone can It’s natural to give Shen an unforgettable lesson.

This time hundreds of meteorites were attacked like meteor showers, which was caused by Yang Junshan’s gently pushing the meteorite in front of the Tao Yuanxian.


Yang Junshan said that he would return to the Quwu Mountains.

He also has no time to take care of the foreign monks who are fleeing from the Xishan mainland. At this time, the seal against the Emperor of Cairo has not been fully completed. Yang Junxiu can only insist on the natural restraint of the ghost monk with the blood of the white tiger. Moreover, she has just entered It takes time to consolidate the cultivation of the Daluo Wonderland.

In response to the seal of the powerful Confucius, such as the Emperor of the Emperor, but he left a small gap, he can use it, and become a lever to overturn the entire seal system.

Therefore, Yang Junshan must personally take shots to ensure that nothing is lost.

However, after Yang Junshan returned to the Quwu Mountain Range, Yang Junxiu first asked what happened outside the sky.

Yang Junshan simply described the process to one side, and said that the Tao Yuanxian respected him to go to the world of Fengtian.

Yang Junxiu snorted and said: "Where is the Puyuan Tianzun asking you to be a pawn?"

Yang Junshan is a light-looking look, laughing: "In fact, in any case, I have to go to this rich world."

Yang Junxiu thought for a moment and said: "Is there really a mysterious light in the world of the world?"

Yang Junshan shook his head and smiled: "He is a sacred sage, even if he had previously owned it, after the advanced road, Xuanguang will leave him."

Yang Junxiu's face was slightly disappointing, but she soon thought: "Even if the early Xuanguang can no longer stay on the emperor's body, then he will certainly not let this treasure leave on his own. At the beginning, Xuanguang may be on the other ghosts. ”

Yang Junshan nodded and said: "Yes, in fact, when I appeared outside the thunderstorm, there was one person in addition to Shen Hao in the Xishan Star Palace. If I did not guess wrong, it should It is Zhong Rong."

Yang Junxiu said: "What do you mean by saying that Xuanguang is in the body of Zhong Rong?"

Yang Junshan nodded and said: "It is very likely, but he was under the protection of Meng Po, and soon left the Xishan Star Palace, I did not confirm the time."

"So, brother, what are you going to do with the suppressed Scorpio?"

Yang Junxiu asked: "I can feel that although the Emperor of the Jurassic was suppressed under the Quwu Mountain Range, he still has the power to accumulate in the dark, ready to get out of trouble. He is a good-hearted god, almost never die. The existence of us must be sure to be foolproof!"

"Since he can still accumulate strength, will it be possible to take his accumulated resources out of the air?"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "I have secretly deduced the Zhou Tianxing battle array in person, and understand that the Heluo Star Palace originally suppressed the essence of the Yuan Dynasty. Although my big five-line Leiguang series is not comparable to the Heluo Star Palace. There are countless days of star-studded squadrons, but this scorpio is obviously not qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Yang Junxiu asked again: "What should I do?"

Yang Junshan stretched out his hand, and a black book that was completely imprisoned by the purple-gold thunder light appeared in his palm.

"Life and death book?" Yang Junxiu subconsciously said.

Yang Junshan nodded and said: "In fact, it is a way for you to sit in the Quwu Mountain Range and suppress the Jurassic Son. You are now a big Luo Xianzun. The blood of the Baihu family has natural restraint on the ghosts. With the help of the Xishan Guardian Array and the Quwu Mountain Range, as long as you don’t leave Quwu Mountain in the future, you won’t get out of trouble.”

Not waiting for Yang Junxiu to say, Yang Junshan went on to say: "Just like this, you will be stuck in this place for a long time, and you can't leave Quwu Mountain for half a step. Of course, you have been sitting in Quwu Mountain, you can always The source of the sneaky scorpion is used for refining, which is good for the improvement of your cultivation. Even if you repair it to reach the 'three flowers gathering top', it will not be before the advanced road. What are the bottlenecks? But this is a bit unfair to you."

Yang Junxiu heard the words but smiled: "How can such a good thing be unfair? It is only a few hundred years in Quwushan. This is for me to wait for the longevity, but it is just a few retreats."

Yang Junshan still shook his head and said: "Before you can advance the road, you still can't leave the Quwu Mountain Range. Do you have to die for three thousand years, you have to stay in the Quwu Mountain for thousands of years? What?"

Yang Junxiu smiled and said: "So, if you have another way, you have to use this life and death book?"

Yang Junshan nodded with a smile and said: "You will wait a little longer, seeing that the brothers have re-enacted a life-threatening power through the life of this sacred son!"

Yang Junxiu is waiting to ask what kind of supernatural powers, but seeing Yang Junshan suddenly rushed out of a source of qi, and then this source of gas into a purple chaotic airflow, is one of his sacred magical powers, congenital Mixed!

Immediately afterwards, Zijin Leisi, who was imprisoned on the surface of the life and death book, suddenly dissipated. The lost life and death book suddenly turned into a dark and fragrant source of dying air, but it was quickly overwhelmed by the surging innateness.

Although the congenital mixed energy seems to cover the sky, it can be swallowed up in the dead of the life and death book, the original purple cloud was rendered a thick black at this time.

However, the source of Yang Junshan's origin is endless, and the purple mist that has been concealed by the innate temperament is constantly surging, and the deadness of the source of life and death is like the water of the rootless wood, which gradually begins to become Exhausted, originally rendered a layer of black innate mixed energy, and began to change to purple.

"Using congenital mixed vitality to assimilate the original deadness in the book of life and death, and finally used to improve the order of innate mixed energy?" Yang Junxiu felt that he had already seen the purpose of Yang Junshan.

"Oh, that's more than that!"

After all, he saw Yang Junshan suddenly reaching out to the purple mist, only to hear a burst of "哗啦啦" sound, originally integrated into a book, which contained the life and death book of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth about the feelings of life and death, suddenly spread out, The paper that turned into one page floated in the purple mist, and then slowly melted in the purple gas until it disappeared.

The original life and death book itself has been changed due to the immersion of the original source of silence. The material of the page can be seen as the condensation of the original source.

Nowadays, the book of life and death has been completely swallowed up by the innate temper. After absorbing and refining the life and death path contained in the life and death book, Yang Junshan’s sacredness has changed in essence and the quality has naturally improved.

Congenital mixed vitality was originally a sacred magical power with potential in the demise of the dead. Now, after immersing and merging the life and death of the sacred sacred sacred treasures, the quality potential of this sacred magical power has broken the original shackles and become A potential magical magical power that can reach the realm of creation.

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