Sovereign to Immortality

: The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-six, three flowers gather, the avatar incarnation

In the moment when the book of life and death was broken and melted, Yang Junxiu could even perceive the depth of the Quwu Mountains from the instigation of the Emperor.

There is no doubt that the book of life and death is not only the magic weapon of the Emperor of the Emperor, but also the inner scorpion has accumulated the eternal solitude of not knowing how many years, but now all of them have married for Yang Junshan.

Yang Junxiu saw that Yang Junshan’s re-enactment of the sacred fairy tales was about to be completed. He claped his hand and said: “Brother devours and merges the eternal sorrow of the life and death book, which greatly weakens the strength and heritage of the sacred emperor and strengthens his own strength. It’s even more difficult to do both, and it’s hard to get away with the difficulties!”

Yang Junshan is undecided, just "haha" smile, I saw the innate purple gas gradually began to collect, and finally condensed into a group in his palm, perhaps because of the fusion of a large number of original sources of death, Even though the magical power itself has been sublimated, this group of purple gas is still faintly invisible.

The vastness of the life and death of the sacred sacred treasures of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred .

After Yang Junshan returned from the chaotic land of the nine-day astral world, his own cultivation has reached the apex of the middle of the Da Luo Xianjing. At that time, there was only one step away from the Da Luofeng Peak of the “Sanhua Juding”.

Nowadays, this big stock is derived from the back-feeding of the genius of the Emperor, but it gives Yang Junshan an opportunity to break the barrier of the late Luo.

The origin of Yang Junshan's head is like a canopy that covers the Baizhang square. Among them, the "Flower of Heaven" and the "Flower of the Earth" sway and stand against each other.

However, at this time, the origin of the sky is once again divided into one, and it is able to stand up with the other two tops, followed by a mysterious one that combines vitality and death. The flower is in full bloom, and it is reflected in the flower of the sky and the flower of the earth.

Although the "new flower" of the new life seems to stand up with the "flower of the sky" and the "flower of the earth", in fact, the "flower of man" itself looks very illusory, as if it can be blown out in one breath. Withered.

However, just as the "Human Flower" was formed and bloomed, the source of the heavens and the earth accumulated in the Xishan continent was activated at the first time, and almost the tentacles spread throughout the Xishan mainland's array system, and began to spread in the mainland. A little bit of ingestion, and then began to converge toward the Quwu Mountains along the bursting network.

On the top of the Xishan Mountain, there is a grand source of enthusiasm, all the way to the Quwu Mountains.

Not only that, the line system of the Great Five Rays and the Ring of the Rings continued to expand, and even the entire Xishan Palace became an auxiliary array method used to collect the origin of the sky and the sky, all used by Yang Junshan.

If the origin of the heavens and the earth is tangible and qualitative, then from the far-reaching point of the starry sky to the Xishan Palace, you will find that the entire starry sky has now completely turned into a huge vortex, the stars scattered in the starry sky. The origin of the world is constantly being sucked into this vortex.

In the process of convergence, the free source of the instinct will inevitably lead to the different properties of the heavens and the earth, while the different properties of the heaven and earth aura will often form a different color of aura after the concentration reaches a certain level.

Therefore, the entire Xishan Palace was originally formed by a huge invisible vortex because of the absorption of the origin of the heavens and the earth. As time goes by, this invisible vortex gradually became attached to the various auras, completely forming a huge color. A funnel-shaped whirlpool.

These huge celestial wonders, not to mention that they are near the Xishan Xinggong, are clearly visible throughout the entire Zhoutian astrology, and even some great supernaturals who are far from the Zhoutian astral can be aware of the Zhoutian sect. What is happening.

Among the Quwu Mountains, the dozens of hills that were almost turned into ridiculous places because of the eternal death of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Jurassic, at this time, all of them revived, and the spirit of the Jurassic remains in the Quwu Mountains. The traces are clear.

Not only that, a large number of heaven and earth origins infiltrated from the mountains of the Quwu Mountains, and they gathered together in Yang Junshan, which was suspended in the air.

At the crucial moment when the monks were promoted for promotion, most of them were secret places hidden in secret rooms and retreats, in order to be afraid of being interfered by external forces during the promotion process.

However, Yang Junshan was hovering over the Quwu Mountains at this time. Under the eyes of the crowd, the last one in the "three flowers on the top" was condensed, but it was not defeated at all. In fact, it was his promotion for this time. The owner has strong confidence.

With the support of such a large number of natural and natural sources, Yang Junshan, which originally seemed to be a very scattered "flower of humanity", gradually became solid, and waited for this flower of essence to look like the essence, Yang Junshan The repairs that have just advanced into the late Da Luo Xianjing have been completely stabilized.

At the same time, Yang Junshan has just re-agglomerated the seeds of the sacred sacred magical powers, and at this time also falls into the "flowers of people" to raise.

The congenital mixed vitality is different from the three gods of the gods, the purple gods, the thunder gods, and the gods of the heavens. Although it has not merged with the purple and purple, it has been highly hoped by Yang Junshan.

The "Flowers of the Sky", the "Flowers of the Earth", and the "Flowers of the People" are all blossoming. The cultivation of Yang Junshan has finally entered the late stage of the Great Luo.

Although Yang Junxiu feels sincerely happy for the righteous brother to successfully condense the "three flowers on the top", but after Yang Junshan gradually cultivated to be stabilized, Yang Junxiu still has some doubts: "Brother, just like this, you can guarantee the scorpion Can't you escape?"

Although Yang Junshan was repaired at this time, although it has gradually stabilized, the momentum of the whole body has not converged in the slightest, but has become stronger and stronger.

"Of course not, but it’s a last small step!"

Yang Junshan smiled and looked up at the thunder and light curtain over Xishan.

At this time, Yang Junshan was full of momentum, surrounded by the top of the three flowers, like the waterfalls on the rewinding, breaking through the obstacles of the thunder and the sky, extending all the way into the starry sky, so that the original is like a whirlpool The aura of heaven and earth is like a fireworks, and it blasts in the stars. It is beautiful.

At this time, far above the foothills of the Xishan Mountains, the huge nine days should be blasted open by the Yuanshi, and the stratus formed by the original source of the formation will emerge from it.

Purple hair, purple eyebrows, and Yang Junshan's extremely similar appearance, and that is an impressive pair of eyes, the left one is also a purple pupil, while the right one is completely purple gold.

This time, the appearance of the spirit did not depend on anyone, nor did it rely on the power of the formation to emerge on the front line. Instead, it condensed into the size of a normal person. More importantly, this time the spirit also condensed. Legs!

At this time, the spirited body has completely separated from the contact with the guardian of Xishan. In fact, as long as he is still within the scope of the guardianship of Xishan, then the whole five-line Leiguang chain of fairy tales will be available to him at any time. Control mastery.

I saw that the apex reached out and pointed out that the shards of Yuanshi, which had already been blasted, flew from all over the place and re-closed into the original place of the original nine-day Yuan Shishi. In fact, this thunder has lost. Most of the essence of the source, but the entire Xishan guardian system is not affected.

After doing all this, the spirit seemed to feel the summoning, looked up and looked in the direction of the south of Xishan, and then heard a bang on the Xishan, and the squad had already turned into a thunder and rushed to the Quwu Mountains.

Yang Junxiu looked at the horror that was completely fascinated by the source of the Thunder after Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan smiled and introduced to Yang Junxiu: "Come, this is the third incarnation of the brother, Yang Landao, Yang Yudao, this is Yang's righteous sister Yang Junxiu, you should know!"

"Yang Hao has seen the deity!"

The avatar incarnation, that is, Yang Junshan’s third body incarnation, Yang Yuxianzun, was a meticulously present to Yang Junshan, and then looked at Yang Junxiu, saying: “I have seen Baihu Fairy!”

Yang Junxiu suppressed the surprise in his heart and said with a smile: "Yang Haodao friends are not polite. If you don't hear Yang to help you before, I can't compete with the foreign continents in the outer thunder."

Yang Lanxian is still a cold-suppressed expression, saying: "Yang is a guardian of the great formation, but as the incarnation of the deity, but it is completely different from the spirit, if at that time those foreign domains Da Luo again To attack, this time there is no need for a fairy to shoot, it is Yang's own strength, but also enough to resist the big Luo Xianzun!"

"Hey," Yang Junxiu did not know what to say, but he could only look at Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan was a little embarrassed to touch his cheek, indicating that Yang Junxiu did not care.

At this time, Yang Lanxian's gaze looked at the ground under his feet. The purple eye of the pupil of the purple eye was faintly locked between the right eye, as if it could penetrate the ground and see the ancient man who was sealed in the depths of the earth.

"The meaning of the deity should be to Yang to monitor and suppress the underground of the world?"

Yang Lanxian did not raise his head and said that he seemed to be asking, but his tone was extremely determined.

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "But it is necessary to worry about the Taoist friends, and the Taoist friends have the right eye with the sacred beads. The singularity of the scorpion in the underground cannot escape your observation."

Yang Yuxian respected the little head and looked at Yang Junshan: "Since it is the deity of the deity, Yang will not slack off naturally, although Yang can see the real body of Jurassic, but after the seal of the array, Yang still needs one. a means of restraining him!"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "That is of course!"

After all, I saw Yang Junshan reaching out to the top of the three flowers in the "Heavenly Flower", a sacred image of the supernatural singularity that was completely condensed from various runes, and turned into a purple electric awning instantly into Yang Yixian Respected in the right eye.

Yang Junxiu smiled and said: "The celestial penalty beads plus the chaos of the purple scorpion god, this is the real 'eye of the penalty', although the two can not be fully integrated, but used to restrain the scorpion More than enough."

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