Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1791: Chaotic vision

It is not mentioned that Xian Xianzun revealed in front of the masses the sensation caused by Yang Junshan entering the chaotic land.

And before Yang Junshan entered the chaotic land, the surging chaos originated him in an instant. Rao was the experience he had entered into the chaos several times before, and he almost could not hold on to the erosion of chaotic origin. .

Undoubtedly, the source of chaos in the chaotic land of Fengtian World, the erosion of the body of the monk and the fairy, is fiercer than the chaos in the chaotic land of Zhou Tian and Jiu Tian.

This is also due to the fact that Yang Junshan has made greater progress in the realm of “the blood and rebirth”, especially in the realm of “blood incarnation”, and let him control himself. Achieve a more subtle situation.

Especially when Yang Junshan used this insight to improve the magical power of "Fa Tianxiang" and merged with his accomplishments in the space supernatural power, he suddenly faced the chaotic origin of the land different from Zhou Tian and Jiu Tian Chaos. When it was eroding, it made a timely response.

The spatial barrier of one layer after another spreads out from his body. Although each layer of space barrier is quickly annihilated under the erosion of chaotic origin, in the process, the source of chaos is inevitably consumed.

When the source of chaos finally touches the body of Yang Junshan through the spatial barrier of the body, through the weakening and dilution of the layers, he can repair the erosion with the strong forging, and absorb and refine the finalization. As the source of self-cultivation, it will further consolidate the foundation for the future.

Until this time, Yang Junshan had the embers to see the scene around where he was.

However, the land of chaos was originally a chaotic and fascinating scene. There is no space between the top, bottom, left and right, and there is no time to pass. Yang Junshan’s so-called viewing is only subconscious, and originally did not think. Can see what.

However, when Yang Junshan's gaze looked around, what was presented was a chaotic world completely different from his previous experiences.

Unlike the chaotic land that is relatively stable on Sundays and nine days, the chaotic world here seems to be more chaotic.

There are surging chaotic turbulences everywhere, and from a perceptual point of view, these chaotic turbulences seem cluttered and extremely embarrassing.

When Yang Junshan entered the chaos of Fengtian World, the reason why it was difficult to adapt at one time, except that the source of chaos here seems to be more intense, the biggest reason lies in the disorderly surging chaos and chaos, let him be in the first I have been under tremendous pressure for a while.

“Is this a unique phenomenon in the chaotic land of the Fengtian world?”

As the last large-scale plane world in the world of Starry Sky, the place of chaos here is more special than other planes in the world, and it seems to be justified.

"Or is it because of Hong Meng's purple gas?"

After all, the Hongmeng purple of Fengtian World has not yet been born, which means that Hongmengqi is still bred in the chaotic land, or the vision of such confusion in front of it seems to be justified.

"It doesn't seem to make sense without thinking this way!"

Yang Junshan rubbed his chin and recalled what he had said to him before he entered the world of Fengtian.

Although it is only speculation, Yang Junshan is still fresh in memory. For example, the Hongmeng purple gas produced by Fengtian World may have nine roads. These nine Daohong and Ziqi may be born at the same time, and the whole world of starry sky will soon reach perfection. Under the circumstances, the disintegration of Fengtian World may be greatly advanced...

"If this is the case, then the riots of chaos originate at this time, is it because of the eternal birth of Hongmeng Ziqi? Oh, nine roads are born together!"

Rao was previously given three treasures by Yang Junshan (one of which was given to Yang Junxiu). It should have been no stranger to Hongmeng Ziqi, but he thought that he might soon get a red and purple, and his heart still could not help. Excited in the heat.

Just how can we find the trace of Hong Meng in the chaotic land?

Yang Junshan understands that if it is as if Pu Yuantianzun said that the Hongmeng purple of Fengtian World is a nine-way, then the experience of the world's major worlds will not be used.

This is the biggest reason why Yang Junshan had ventured into the chaos under the premise that Hongmeng Qiqi had not yet had a sign of birth.

Although it is an excellent time to temper the flesh and refine the chaos and source, but under the premise that Hongmeng Ziqi is about to be born, Yang Junshan still has to find the trace of Hongmengqi.

Thinking of this, he began to try to go deep into the land of chaos, trying to find out what was going through the chaotic chaos.

Yang Junshan’s previous place was where he came after entering the chaotic entrance, and even he himself did not know exactly where it was.

But when he stepped out from here, the chaotic currents that flowed around him became more fierce.

Compared with this, he just entered the chaotic turbulent impact of the place where Chaos is located, which is more like a aftermath.

Yang Junshan’s heart moved, and the previous step of stepping out was collected, and the chaotic turbulence that had surged suddenly weakened a lot.

If Yang Junshan is thoughtful, once again stepping on his feet, the chaotic currents that are surging around him become fierce again, and the chaotic power contained in these turbulent flows has a feeling of completely smashing and annihilating Yang Junshan. .

The monks who waited for the Daluo Wonderland, even if they upgraded the forged body to the third level of indestruction, could not persist for a long time under such circumstances, and would be eroded by chaotic turbulence.

In fact, the vast majority of the forged bodies of the cultivating Tianzun are only able to achieve the third level of indestruction. Even these sects do not dare to have any protective measures, like Yang Junshan. I stepped into the land of chaos.

Of course, these thoughts just flashed through his mind. Yang Junshan has not forgotten his true purpose, and that is the search for the trace of Hong Meng.

Just looking at this chaotic world in front of you, how to find Hongmeng purple? Just going around and taking a chance?

Yang Junshan could not help but stop thinking and thinking, and at the same time, his body was exposed to the turbulence formed by the source of chaos, and the celestial body in the body circulated on its own, constantly ingesting chaos from the body. The source, and after refining, one by one to enhance its own source.

Yang Junshan understands that at this time, as long as he is willing, he can step out of the way to enter the world at any time, even without considering the possibility of failure.

Even after he advanced into a new way, because of the further influence brought by the improvement, his forging repair may also be greatly improved, and even the realm of “blood reborn” is unknown. .

At this time, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, Yang Junshan slightly stunned, the chaos in front of the dark channel seems to be chaotic and disorderly, but if it is simply tracking the source of one of the turbulent streams, can it be Found?

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