Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1792: Chaos slang

The chaos of Chaotian World seems to be violent and disorderly, but Yang Junshan has somehow flashed a thought from his mind, which is to trace the source of a turbulent flow.

He also boldly guessed that the source of chaos in the land of chaos lies in the birth of Hong Meng.

Although there is no basis for this kind of speculation, in Yang Junshan's view, it is always better than being a flies in the chaos.

When he thought of doing it, Yang Junshan immediately separated one of them in the chaotic turbulence by the perception of God, trying to trace its source against the turbulent direction.

However, just as his consciousness of consciousness has just captured one of them, this turbulence can be traced with the disappearance and disappearance.

Yang Junshan then tried several times to capture the traces of turbulence, but each time he had not yet followed the source of the turbulent flow, he had already collapsed.

Yang Junshan was originally suspected because his own sense of God touched the chaotic turbulence, but he soon discovered that this was not the case. It should be that the chaotic turbulence was extremely short from generation to dissipation.

However, this has intensified the curiosity of Yang Junshan. What is the cause of chaotic turbulence?

In fact, there is still a way to find out the source of the turbulent flow of chaos. That is, after spreading the knowledge, it will monitor the source of the space within a certain area. Once there is turbulence, he can naturally The source is perceived at the first time.

However, it is difficult to find out, even if Yang Junshan’s own knowledge of the soul has been enhanced by many times, in the unprotected chaos, he does not dare to expose his own soul to the chaos for a long time. Under the erosion of the source.

In desperation, Yang Junshan can only continue to use this seemingly clumsy method to chase the source of a chaotic turbulence.

After several times, although Yang Junshan's sensory sense is already agile enough, he is more and more proficient in the process of chasing. Even several times it seems that he has already noticed the source, but it is still a small slow step.

After several chasings failed, Yang Junshan could not help but stop the traces. It was not that he had lost his confidence, but he was constantly rethinking the previous process and looking for other solutions.

The origin of chaos is known as the source of all things. Habitual erosion and assimilation of all things, Yang Junshan's knowledge can not be expanded, and Xianyuan can not be extended to the outside world, so the use of magical power in the chaos will also be weakened to the extreme.

However, besides that, are there ways to help him chase the source of chaotic turbulence?

Thinking about it, it seems that only he can use his powerful forging again.

In fact, Yang Junshan's body is also suffering from the erosion of chaos, only because his powerful forging is able to weaken the effect of this erosion to the extreme, which is the basis of his ability to stand in the chaos.

Just how to use your own forging advantage?

In the Yang Junshan body, Xianyuan began to surge, and at the same time, his body began to expand in the impact of chaotic turbulence.

At this time, he actually displayed the magical power of the heavens!

It should be known that under the impact and erosion of chaotic turbulence, the larger the size, the greater the pressure that Yang Junshan will bear in chaos.

Similarly, after Yang Junshan's body became a giant with a height of dozens of feet, his contact range for chaotic turbulence has multiplied accordingly.

Since it is impossible to use the knowledge of God, it is convenient to extend the range of contact with the touch of the huge body as much as possible. Although it is still a way of taking chances, it will also consume twice as much, but at least it is better than the previous one. It’s more likely that the cat will kill the mouse.

In fact, this method seems to be effective. At least Yang Junshan has been in the chaos of the chaos. He has felt the turbulence of chaos in his body several times, but this process is extremely short, and he wants to capture but eventually It’s still a little bit worse.

Suddenly, Yang Junshan seems to have a feeling that he will soon catch the source of chaotic turbulence.

Sure enough, a strange muffled sound suddenly sounded in the ears of Yang Junshan.


Just like the sound of a slamming door, it is followed by a subtle chaotic turmoil that flows through the air and rubs the ear of Yang Junshan.

In the vagueness, Yang Junshan even heard the voice of someone talking in the moment of turbulent flow from his ear.

However, this process seems to be extremely short-lived, and even if it is repaired by Yang Junshan, it is impossible to hear the low voices.

If Yang Junshan has absolute confidence in his own strength and perception, he may even wonder if he is affected by the illusion.

In addition to the surging source of chaos, the chaotic land was originally a dead land. Even if he slaps his hands at this time, it is impossible to have a sound.

However, Yang Junshan just heard a muffled sound like a knock on the door, even with a vague slang.

It’s like someone is talking outside the door while knocking on a thick door. The person standing inside the door wants to confirm if someone is knocking on the door and sticking the ear on the door panel, but even then I heard the sound of talking outside the door.

Yang Junshan continued to wander in the chaotic land, and soon he once again touched the birth of chaotic turbulence, and this time he happened to be close to the part of his chest.


More clearly than before, Yang Junshan could even feel that a shock that was impossible could seem to resonate with his heart.

The proverb seems to appear again, even seems to be clearer than before, but Yang Junshan still can't understand what he is saying.

Things seem to be getting more and more weird. The dead and chaotic land actually makes Yang Junshan feel the vibration, the sound, and even the voice of speech.

Although this strange vibration is minimal and extremely short, the ambiguous sound seems to spread with the strange vibration, but the time of vibration is too short, and the proverbs seem to have only one or two words. The word disappeared after the assimilation of the source of chaos.

Yang Junshan is not discouraged and continues to swim in the chaotic land, looking for the source of chaotic turbulence.

After the beginning, it was much easier for Yang Junshan to capture the source of chaotic currents again.

Moreover, he also found that whenever he captures the source of chaotic turbulence, it must be accompanied by that wonderful sound, and the sound is different in size, but it seems to be directly related to the formation of chaotic turbulence. relationship.

Not only that, but he also found that every time the source is produced, it does not mean that those ambiguous proverbs will appear, and that these proverbs themselves will be given the same, but with a change in tone and length.

Almost at this time, Yang Junshan heard the biggest muffled sound in the chaotic land. A large stream of chaotic origins passed through him. Yang Junshan finally noticed some more practical things.

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