Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 206: Sumi stone

An Xia Xingchong stood up and went to prepare supplies. Unexpectedly, Yang Junshan blocked him. He smiled and said: "No hurry, this time, my uncle, you are coming back, I actually want you to sit in the village for a few days, as for raising materials. Things have already had a look, but you still have to decide first, but after the opening of the market, you need your uncle to go out."

An Xia was surprised to forget Yang Junshan, but he always knew that this scorpion could not be measured by the eyes of ordinary people. He heard the words, but did not specifically ask Yang Junshan how to raise materials. He just said: "That is good, it happens. I can also take a break. My nephew should also test the spirit this year. Your seven aunts have always been soft-hearted. I don’t know if this child is suffering. I don’t know what it’s like to love this child. It’s just that I have to teach myself a little better. Hit the foundation."

Yang Junshan’s words are a glimpse. Yang Junyi has already begun to test the spirit this year.

At this time, An Xia stood up and left, Yang Junshan just stood up, but he saw An Xia and turned around, as if suddenly thought of something, said: "There is one more thing, this autumn is afraid of the village Be prepared, I am afraid that there will be a large number of people moving in the old Yang family in Qingshi Town!"

The reason why Yang Junshan wants to go out personally is for the other two treasures left by the Sun family. Yang Junshan’s residual map was marked with three treasures. The west bank of Jinxi, which is located in Xiyu Village, is located in Mengyu County. The treasure of the cliff hole has been found and evacuated. It is precisely because of the support of a large amount of material resources in this treasure house that the construction of Xishan Village in the past two years has been carried out in an orderly manner at an extremely fast speed.

However, Yang Junshan also found that the amount of materials accumulated in this secret collection is extremely large, but few of them have high-quality treasures. For example, most of them are the legal elements of the middle and lower grades. Occasionally, there are a few top-grade sacred materials that are rarely seen in the secret. As for the last collection of the genius that was discovered by Yang Junshan, it is the most precious of the whole treasure house. s things.

As the only hero of Jinyu County, the Chang Sun family has been inherited for nearly a thousand years. How can it be only such ordinary goods, and after this period of protection of the village and the consumption of Yang Tiangang’s retreat, the remaining half of Jinxi Cliff’s material has already been There are very few left.

Especially after Yang Junshan’s victory over Xiong Xizhe, as Xiong Xizhe discovered afterwards, the final array of Yang Junshan’s spiritual array is actually a further deduction of the Nursing Village’s large-scale map, and after that, The progress of the Xishan Village Protection Village has been further accelerated, and the materials that could have been maintained for some time have become scarce due to the accelerated consumption.

Therefore, Yang Junshan intends to go to the other two treasures marked on the residual map to see it. Moreover, the urgency of Yang Junshan’s heart is getting heavier and heavier, and Xishan Village really needs a lot of materials to accumulate.

However, there is another important reason for this. Yang Junshan feels that his cultivation is getting closer to the second place in the military. He wants to use this time to protect the village. The strength of the land to attack is the second most important to attack the military, although the chances of success are small.

The secret that Yang Junshan was looking for this time is in Mengyu County. The treasure of Jinxi West Bank Cliff Cave is in Jinyu County, but it is the closest to Xishan Village. After Yang’s father and son negotiated, they decided to remove the treasure.

However, a few days later, when Yang Junshan finally found this treasure, he finally changed his mind and planned to look at the treasure in Chenyu County.

The reason is very simple. The place hidden in this treasure of Mengyu County is located under a huge sand dune in the deserted town, and under the sand dunes is the newly emerging Shatian Village in the desert town, because the village is the field. Zhengwang's integration, several villages in the desert town of Fengtian Zhengwang are respected, and half of the deserted towns do not say that the dripping water managed by Tian Zhengwang is impenetrable, and they may want to pull down dozens of vehicles' cultivation materials at the bottom of Tian Zhengwang's eyelids. Unless the eyes of the entire desert town are paralyzed.

In desperation, Yang Junshan had to take the first few precious objects in the sand dunes where the treasures were located, and take them away. When they left, they were too close to Shatian Village. In addition, the hidden array was laid in the hole that was originally hidden. This was the first departure.

After returning to Xishan Village, Yang Junshan counted the things brought back from the barren hill town in the Lingyuan cave. The hand was holding a list on it.

This list has many of the same places that Yang Junshan had handed over to An Xia, but the forty-nine kinds of spiritual materials used to refine the chess have already been outlined. These things can be found in the homes of Xishan Village in the past few years.

However, this time after coming out of the desert town, Yang Junshan successively delineated nine of them in accordance with the things brought out, although in just a few days, he has found ten of the forty-nine kinds of spiritual materials. There are five kinds, but after all, the materials of the Chang Sun family in the crypts of the desert town are piled up like mountains. The only ones that can be used together are the nine species in this area. It is still difficult for Yang Junshan to sigh the refinery of this game.

In addition to looking for the spiritual materials needed to refine the chess in the treasure house, Yang Junshan also found five kinds of Chinese spirits used to enhance the combination of the Yamaha.

Refining a Chinese product can only require up to twenty-four Chinese spirits, but Shan Junyi itself is a musical instrument. It is impossible to use a variety of Chinese spirits to upgrade to the Chinese product. Junshan is naturally striving for its own life, and twenty-four spiritual materials should be prepared as much as possible.

Nowadays, with these five kinds of Chinese spirits, he has found sixteen kinds of Twenty-four Chinese products, and two-thirds of the spirits are in their hands.

In addition to these special trips to find the middle and lower spirits, Yang Junshan also brought back all the seven top-grade spirits in the cave. These seven kinds of top-grade spirits are currently used only three kinds, except for the village. In addition to the big array, there is also the transformation of the land of the spiritual source that Lin Chengzhen uses with 67 kinds of spiritual materials.

In addition to finding spiritual materials in the crypts of the deserted town, Yang Junshan also found a group of medicinal herbs for mortal and martial arts practitioners, but because Yang Junshan’s storage bag space is limited, only The most valuable ** bottle of Ling Dan brought back, which applies to the six bottles of Ling Dan used by the martial arts monks, Yang Junshan left two bottles, and the remaining four bottles were given to Han Xiumei, An Xia, Yang Tieniu And Wu Shuo.

Although Lingling Dan has little help for the impact repair, it is very beneficial for the cultivation to be steadily improved. These two bottles of Lingdan are enough for Yang Junshan to shorten the time to push to the first peak for three months or even More.

The remaining three bottles of Ling Dan, in addition to the two bottles are suitable for the third-best scorpion of the martial arts, the remaining bottle of Qingyuan Lingdan is very helpful for the fourth revered monk, especially Once Yang Tiangang broke through the fourth weight, Qingyuan Lingdan was the best auxiliary to consolidate the cultivation.

In addition, there is a box of jade stone that has not been cut yet. Yang Junshan estimates that at least sixty or seventy jade crystal coins are cut, and the value is equivalent to six or seven thousand jade coins.

In fact, there are three large wooden boxes filled with jade coins in the crypts of the barren hill town. According to Yang Junshan’s estimate, there are at least 10,000 jade coins in it, which can be regarded as a huge amount of windfall, but now only Store in the crypt.

But all of this is not the most precious thing in this crypt. On the ground of a corner of this crypt, Yang Junshan once again found a formation that is exactly the same as Jinxi Cliff. The squad array is perfectly combined with the jade array.

After Yang Junshan carefully removed the formation, he found two things from the inside, but this did not have a complete system of spiritual inheritance as in the previous one, but one of them brought to Yang Junshan. Joy is not getting a set of inheritance.

Broken Mountain Spirituality, a complete set of spiritual inheritance, Yang Junshan did not think that the long-term Sun family still has a complete collection of broken mountains, this is a power and even the spirit of magical skills above the cracking, if it is Yang Junshan Being able to cultivate successfully will not only be able to master two spiritual inheritances in the early days of the martial arts, but more importantly, their own strength will be greatly enhanced.

More importantly, Yang Junshan once heard that this broken mountain spirit should also be the inheritance of Qi Tianzong. It is the same as the cracking of the earth. If it can be cultivated successfully, two The complementarity of each other is based on the simple addition of two spiritual techniques.

In addition to this spiritual inheritance, another treasure that Yang Junshan found is a piece of black stone that is one foot square, and it is precisely because this piece of black stone occupies too much space in Yang Junshan storage bag. Therefore, Yang Junshan had to reduce the number of cultivating materials that were of acceptable quality.

In fact, Yang Junshan himself does not know what it is, but when he saw it at first sight, he was able to determine that this would be a spiritual material because of this black stone and Yang. The material of the broken gun head that Junshan once obtained in Jinyu County is exactly the same, and the broken gun head was originally the soul of the fallen sky.

The spiritual material of the spiritual order is the must-have for refining the spirit. This is the first time that Yang Junshan has seen these treasures of quality. The excitement in his heart is self-evident.

However, Yang Junshan’s most thought at this time is the treasure hidden in the third treasure house of Chenyu County, since the most important things in the first two treasures have been hidden by the long-term family. Then, if you want to come to this third treasure house, there will be no exception.

However, when Yang Junshan was planning to go to Chenyu County, a sudden event in Mengyu County caused Yang Junshan to suspend his journey. The town of Mengqiu, the border of Mengyu County and Chenyu County, was suddenly violent. Dead.

At the first time of the news, the Xiongjia and the county magistrates arrived at the hill town almost at the same time. Later, the two sides seemed to have some disputes, but they eventually joined forces to block the township of the town of the hills. The border crossing of Yu County was also blocked.

The cause of Xiong Manshan’s death has become the hottest topic in Mengyu County. Various rumors have been made, and it’s hard to tell the truth. But at this time, Wu Shuo found Yang Junshan and said: “I feel The atmosphere of the tribe."

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