Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 207: Middle product

Xiong Manshan’s sudden violent suspicion in the middle of the suspicion, because the Xiongjia and the county’s people arrived at the first time, it also caused the death of the guarded town of the hilly town to be foggy.

The news about the cause of Xiong Manshan’s death was mixed. Some said that the monk of Sirius Gate had assassinated the bear man mountain after sneaking into Mengyu County. Some guessed that there was a shadow of the county magistrate Chen Ji, and some said that it was between the three powerful Infighting, some said that this is a force outside the Yu County to assassinate the bear man mountain to provoke the relationship between the bear family and the county,...

There are even people who look at the Xishan Village with suspicion. After all, Xiong Manshan played a less glamorous role in the Xishan Village and the village.

The town of Huaqiu is the only way for Mengyu County to go to Chenyu County. Because of the death of Xiong Manshan, the county has already blocked the entire town of the hills. The plan for Yang Junshan to go to Chenyu County will naturally be delayed.

However, at this time, Wu Shuo, who has been submerged in the pomegranate forest and rarely appeared in Xishan Village, suddenly found Yang Junshan and told him that he recently felt the breath of the tribe.

Yang Junshan looked at him with some surprise and said: "There are many people of the Wu people?"

Wu Shuo thought about it and shook his head: "I don't know."

Yang Junshan asked again: "What are you going to do?"

Wu Shuo stunned and shook his head: "I don't know, but I want to take a look."

"Do you know where?"

Wu Shuodao: "After the appearance of my ethnic group, they converge again in the northeast direction. After that, they never noticed the appearance of the ethnicity. It seems that their situation is not very good, and they are avoiding anything."

"Northeast direction?" Yang Junshan frowned, blurted out and debut: "Xiong Manshan will not be killed by your people?"

Yang Junshan was originally just talking about it, but I did not expect that after a few days, more and more accurate news came from the town of Baoqiu, but it also more and more confirmed the accuracy of the previous unintentional words of Yang Junshan. .

The fall of the bear man mountain has no signs beforehand, and the body has been healthy. There are no patients and other diseases. After the death, there are no wounds inside and outside the body. It is not poisoned. It does not seem to be concealed. It is like a The old man whose vitality is exhausted naturally dies.

The more this is the case, the more Yang Junshan’s suspicion that the murderer is a witch is increased. The power of the witch’s cursing is originally such that it is impossible to prevent. If you know the means of the witch, you want to see it from the dead. It is extremely difficult to get out of the clues. However, the Wu people were not originally the people of this world. Naturally, no one knows their details.

However, it is precisely because of this, Yang Junshan can not let Wu Shuo leave, if it is really the Witch people, then Yang Junshan let Wu Shuo leave, isn't the sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Although the magistrates of the county and Xiongjia may not know the means of these aliens and can't detect anything from Xiong Manshan, as the investigation deepens, the county and the bear family are quickly identified as suspects. Xiong Manshan was in contact with a woman. Later, the woman was gone. Now the county and the bear family have jointly blocked the entire town of the hills, in order to search for the woman.

Now that the object of the search has been roughly determined, the blockade against the town of the hills has gradually slowed down, so Yang Junshan decided to go to Chenyu County to find the third treasure of the grandson's family. Unexpectedly, Wu Shuo stood up again. Determined to follow him.

"You still want to find your people? I just passed through the town of Baden. This time, although the blockade has been lifted, it is also tight inside the pine. I really want to have any eye-catching characters. You are really the three great players in the bear family. The first is to eat dry rice?" Yang Junshan advised.

However, Wu Shuo is obviously the idea has been fixed, said: "You can rest assured that my own witches have their own secret contact, I only need to leave a mark with the witchcraft secrets when passing through the town of the hills, as long as there are still people Hidden in the town of the hills, you can see it in ten or eight."

In desperation, Yang Junshan had to go through Wuqiu Town to Chenyu County with Wushuo. The road was calm and calm. No matter whether it was a bear family or a monk in the county, it was not difficult for them. However, Yang Junshan was able to People see vigilant eyes.

The news heard from this road is said to be a thorough investigation of the matter. The county magistrate Chen Zhenren directly transferred a team of Meng Yuwei, and Xiongjia is said to have family heavyweights sitting here. Yang Junshan did not. After a pass, you can see two distinct people.

Wu Shuo also saw clearly alongside Yang Junshan, ridiculed: "Although the rigor of the investigation, it may seem more like each other."

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "The murderer is looking for it, and the vacant position of this guard will also be contested."

Wu Shuoxiao asked: "Who do you think this guardian position will fall into?"

Yang Junshan thought for a moment and said: "The town of the hills is the sphere of influence of the Xiongjia tradition. If it is to seize the position of the town of the hills, it is tantamount to tearing the face with the bear family. The temper and the step-by-step means, this time is more like a temptation to sneak a slap in the face, not really want to fight for the position of this hill town."

Yang Junshan paused and said: "But this is an opportunity. I don't want to come to Chen County. It will not make people feel white. I guess how to put a nail in the hill town to contain the bear family. ”

The location of this treasure in Chenyu County is even more biased. Even if Yang Junshan has a residual map in his hand and Wu Shuo is helping him, he spent two days just next to a mountain road. I found a hole that was blocked by a large piece of rock.

"Good insurance, it is so much less than a foot away, this underground cave was found by the people who had pioneered the road."

Both Yang Junshan and Wu Shuo are highly skilled people in the physical forging. This piece of stone is much larger than people, but it can be quickly cleaned up by the two.

According to the remnant picture of the Chang Sun family, it should have been a hill, and a large amount of cultivation materials of the Chang Sun family were stored in a crypt under the hill, but I did not know how many years ago it was opened. When it came out, the hill was flattened.

This road connects the Chenyu County Town and is also connected to Qingshi Town. There are also several villages and towns near the road. There are many people on the road.

This road was laid directly from the top of the crypt. It was only six or seven feet away and it was dug through the crypt. Fortunately, the entrance to the crypt was more than ten feet away from the roadside and was extremely secretive. Later it was dug up by the open road. The rock was pressed underneath, but it was a lucky one that was never discovered.

When Yang Junshan and Wu Shuo went into the underground cave, the road at the top of the head was often driven by the big car. The sound of the rumble echoed in the crypt, and the ears of the people shook with the "嗡嗡".

Finally, when the caves were quiet, Yang Junshan saw the piles of cultivation materials suddenly smiled and said: "I didn't expect the stock here to be the most among the three crypts. How about, see if there is any What is used?"

Wu Shuo has already walked around in this circle and heard: "You don't say, there are really a few things. Since you are so generous, I am not welcome. If you want to have these things, you will be able to The repair is the second most important thing to restore to the power of the witch."

The two men picked in the middle of the crypt, and Wu Shuo said: "How do you plan to transport it back here? There are a lot of pedestrians on the road. If you carry people, you don't know. How many people are going to alarm."

Yang Junshan just found Qibeiyu from a wooden box. This is one of the forty-nine rare products of the lower class used to refine the chess. He said with a smile: "For the time being, don't worry, now send supplies from here. It will surely cause the people in the nearby Chenyu County to be aware of it. You can pick up the things needed to protect the village from here, and wait until the fall to find a solution."

The two spent most of their time trying to pick what they needed, until they couldn’t fit the storage bags, and even had to give up some of the previously selected things for some of the higher value things. Leave in.

Before leaving, Yang Junshan once again laid a shape in the hole, and the two also moved the nearby boulder and pressed the hole underneath again, so that they could safely leave.

The two drove a big car back along the road. Wu Shuo saw Yang Junshan’s thoughts on the car always in the storage bag in his hand. Obviously, he was counting the harvest in the crypt, so he laughed. : "How, what do you want to do now?"

Yang Junshan shook his storage bag, and a disc-like medium-sized implement appeared in his hand. He smiled and said: "What I want to do now is to put the earthworms from the dark city." Half back."

Wu Shuo looked at the disc-shaped implement in the hands of Yang Junshan and smiled and asked: "Are you willing?"

Yang Junshan was really hesitant for a time. In the underground caves of Chenyu County, he also found a pattern of tangles and jade fragments in the corner. This time, he got three after breaking the array. One of the treasures, one of them is the middleware in your hand!

Today, Xishan Village Yangjia and Anxia are not only three instruments, two of which are also under the ruler. Yang Junshan’s own mountain Junyi is also the next product, and Han Xiumei and Yang Tiezhu are still empty. With a pair of hands, to be honest, if this Chinese product is brought back to the family, although it is not compatible with Han Xiumei or Yang Tiezhu’s merits, it is still a rare strength improvement for Yang’s family. .

Moreover, the squatting technique in the dark market is only half a set. If Yang Junshan is successful in cultivation, he can only enter the ground and cannot walk away. At least in Wu Shuo’s view, it is not worth it.

Just when Yang Junshan was still hesitating whether to use this piece of Chinese musical instrument in exchange for the half of the set of earthworms, Wu Shuo’s look suddenly rose, and Yang Junshan immediately found the movement, just at this time, The curtain of the big car has no wind and automatic, and a figure has flashed in silently.

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