Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 861: Xu Lei (for subscription)

"I just want to trap me with these water nets?"

Fantasy saw her being trapped in her heart, but she was still screaming in the delicious.

However, she does have such a sigh of relief. Under the control of Yang Junshan, although the changes in the formation method have become extremely subtle, it has been destroyed by her in advance, and the power of the formation itself has dropped a lot.

But seeing her six-faced glass crystal-like magic weapon suddenly rendered a gorgeous color, drowning the entire illusionist in the color of the light, and then these colors continue to grow, the surrounding water network is turned out, and the color As the water network continued to spread, in the process of spreading, Yang Junshan even found that his control over the partial ban of the rendered area was greatly weakened.

However, Yang Junshan still has no discoloration. He shook his head and said: "It seems that you really don't know how to fight against a Mars!"

Yang Junshan smashed his hand, and a double-sided giant axe dance became a flywheel that went straight to the edge of the color of dozens of feet.


In the colorful light group rendered by the gorgeous color, there is a faint sparkling splatter, and a sigh of sorrow comes from it. The original spread of the color quickly fades away. The position of the illusionist is now far from the original position of twenty or thirty feet. However, he was still accurately found by Yang Junshan.

The six-faced glass crystal-shaped magic weapon still hangs on the top of her head, but at this time it looks a little crumbling, and the original illusion of the original illusion is a bit embarrassing, even she looks at Yang Junshan’s eyes. With a trace of fear: "You can actually see my illusion of life, wrong, not the battle, it is your own mysterious magic, or the eyes, or the spirit!"

Yang Junshan did not look the same, sneer: "You will stay here today!"

"Hugh think!"

The illusionist screamed, and the whole person suddenly began to distort, and then began to stretch from front to back. Actually, there were seventeen or eight figures appearing in front of Yang Junshan.

Yang Junshan's eyes flashed in the cold, but this time it showed a little confusing color, but he did not hesitate, shaking his hand and punching it out, and the stone breaking day and the boxing network used the array of law to change the power of countless stocks from different. The direction was unexpectedly played, and the shadows of the illusionist were broken. Every broken figure actually burst into a **** fog.

"Don't hurt my wife!"

An angry drink rang from the back of Yang Junshan, and then a fierce wind came from behind him.

Yang Junshan did not return, but waved his hand and pointed out. The wind behind him suddenly collapsed, and then Yu Li did not stop and hit the direction of the sound behind him.


A cry came and there was a sound of falling and rolling and stone collisions, but Yang Junshan felt that the two voices seemed to be familiar!

However, the current enemy, Yang Junshan also refused to just sneak attack on his Xuan Zang illusion, although the stone breaks the boxing and breaks most of the phantom, but there are still a few figures are trying to cover the oasis Escape outside the scope.

Yang Junshan snorted, this illusion is obviously using an extreme mysterious magical power, this magical power is cited by his own blood, and the phantom summoned can even confuse Yang Junshan's wide and cold spirits, but Words, every phantom smash is a hurt for herself, this time even if she can escape from here, I am afraid it will be badly hurt!

However, Yang Junshan will not let her go so easily!

Shan Junyi was pushed out by him, like a meteorite that was blocked by the stalker, and rushed across the back of several phantoms.

"Don't, don't hurt my wife!"

A **** light flew from the side of Yang Junshan, and then ran into the mountain monk who had been crushed by the road.

A group of blood fog collapsed, and the mountain monarch was actually slightly smashed. Finally, there were still three phantoms that escaped from the crush of the mountain monarch.

Yang Junshan's brow wrinkled, he just saw clearly, that **** fog is actually a broken mysterious monk who displayed a mysterious magical power similar to the illusion, which inspired his own potential and ran into the mountain. In order to win a glimmer of life for the illusionist, in fact he did it, but it is really like this person said, this illusion has him such a husband who is just a mysterious world?

But why does this person give Yang Junshan a very familiar feeling, is it...

For a moment, Yang Junshan’s heart flashed countless thoughts, but he did not hesitate. At this time, the only three phantoms left by the illusionist had left the Oasis and were fleeing in different directions.

"Yang Junshan, you are waiting!"

A scream of screams came from the desert outside the oasis.

Yang Junshan sneered: "You are too happy!"

The mountain princes fell in the air, and a phantom in the distance sent out a desperate sigh. The six-faced glass crystal magic weapon rose, trying to resist the fall of the mountain prince, but with the sound of "咔嚓嚓" together with the phantom Squeezed badly.

At the same time, only the two remaining phantoms spurted out a blood. In the perception of Yang Junshan, the temptations of these two phantoms all fell from the stubbornly embarrassing situation to the heavenly realm!

The bowstring vibrates, a cold light like a meteor catching the moon usually shoots a phantom here, and it is a scream that comes from two phantom mouths. The phantom that was shot is suddenly disillusioned, and the last remaining phantom suddenly turns into A group of colorful smog infiltrated into the desert, and at the moment of the disillusionment of the phantom, her breath fell again, falling from the heavens to the gathering place.

"I was still run away by this person!"

However, the other party was originally repaired as a monk who was not weaker than him, and the mysterious supernatural powers were out of the way, and Yang Junshan did not dare to go out of the oasis because the extraterrestrial monks were about to invade. This gave the other party the final result. The opportunity to escape, but this illusion was repeatedly hit by Yang Junshan, repairing all the way from Taiyi to Xuanzang, has been insufficient.

Yang Junshan turned around and a twilight fell in front of him. A Xuan Zangjing monk looked at the array in the hands of Yang Junshan and said: "In the view of the Emperor Chen Junsen, I saw Yang Daoyou,..."

Yang Junshan directly interrupted his words and asked: "What is the situation in the oasis?"

Chen Junsen gave a slight glimpse, but he still replied honestly: "The situation has been basically controlled, and the extraterritorial monks who have been chaotic are basically annihilated. If it is not for Yang Daoyou, I will not be so fast..."

Yang Junshan nodded, but once again interrupted his words, pointing to the person on the ground who had broken his legs and even had some unrecognizable people. He said, "Why is this?"

Chen Junsen replied: "This person is Wei Ji, the owner of Weijia, one of the three affiliated families of the Emerald Lake Oasis. After returning from the ancient ruins, he was retired as a name for healing. Today it seems that he should be disguised as a illusion. The lurking opportunistic chaos, the oasis chaos is the most common cause of this person, in the original is to chase this person, but did not think that has been killed by the Tao."

Yang Junshan shook his head and walked to the corpse. Before the man’s legs were attacked by Yang Junshan, he was already turned into two stone pillars by his petrochemical. However, this person had interrupted his legs. The mysterious magical slammed into the mountain Junyi, in order to give the illusionist a chance to live.

Yang Junshan reached out to his face and grabbed a piece of human skin from his face, revealing a face that was severely damaged but still familiar to Yang Junshan.

"Xu Lei... It really is you!"

Yang Junshan is half-shocked and sighed.

When Yang Junshan waved his hand, the corpse on the ground ignited a blazing flame, and soon it turned into a pile of white ashes. The ground sand squirmed and buried the ash in the ground.

Yang Junshan turned around and asked: "How much power is there in the oasis?"

Chen Junsen seems to have expected this. He looked at Yang Junshan and said: "There are 12 real people in the oasis. Three of them are illusions. At the beginning of the chaos, I can’t wait for the defense. There are two friends. Dead, Zhang Hui’s younger brother has lost his strength..."

Chen Junsen said that he had a slight pause here. Yang Junshan understood what he wanted to say. He said: "The three-channel friend has fallen, that is to say, there are only five real people in the battle!"

Chen Junsen glanced at the array in the hands of Yang Junshan and hesitated a little. He said: "Predecess..."

Yang Junshan Trail: "The Emerald Oasis is now taken over by me, informing others to prepare for the battle. I don't have to think about fleeing first. This will be a fierce battle. Can you persist in your reinforcements?"

Chen Junsen seemed to want to say something, but he finally nodded and set up the dawn to return to the oasis.

After looking at the buildings surrounded by the illusion of the illusion, the defensive array covering the entire oasis has not been destroyed, but there is no doubt that there is a huge weak link here, which makes Yang Junshan have some headaches, as long as it is not Fool, the foreigner who came to the field will definitely choose to attack this place, and he still does not know the strength of the extraterritorial army that came to attack this time.

After a while, the two figures flew from the oasis. Before the arrival of Yang Junshan, the two warriors were nervous, but they were bold enough to say: "The younger two have seen the predecessors under the ancestral hall, and they look back at their predecessors. Both of us came to assist the predecessors in repairing the damaged formation by the life of Chen Shishu."

Yang Junshan’s eyes brightened and he praised Chen Junsen’s inconsistency. He said: “You two are the mage, can you know how to fix this Shahe array?”

The two martial arts monks nodded, one of them said: "I will only be a simple fix for the two. After all, this method is a treasure, and I am just a veteran."

Yang Junshan nodded: "That's not bad, you two start, don't be scared later!"

Although the two division mages did not know what Yang Junshan meant in the second half of the sentence, he quickly took out four storage bags from his waist and then temporarily stacked a large number of array equipment on the open space of the ruins.

Yang Junshan saw that although the two were nervous, they were extremely orderly. When they repaired the array, they were easy to use and difficult, and they were skilled. It is obviously not the first time to repair this Shahe array. When it comes to some doubts, Yang Junshan is not pointing. However, it is the two democrats who are delighted with the exception.

However, this scene maintained less than a fragrant time, and he heard Yang Junshan sigh and said: "Come on!"

The two monks who were immersed in the world of the French law, asked, "What is it?"

The voice just fell, and suddenly the ground swayed violently. The sand on the ground was like boiling. Generally, a layer of sand waves rushed from the far and near the oasis.

"The Sha people are the Sha people!" the two tacticians cried in panic.


The second is more, the friends of the road quickly lend a helping hand, sleep in the autumn!

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