Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 862: When off (subscription)

"No problem!"

Yang Junshan's voice was not big, but it was clearly passed to the ears of the two sorcerers, and at the moment of hearing his voice, the two men’s panicked minds were inexplicably calmed down.

The layers of sand waves are getting higher and higher, and the oasis has reached 30 feet in front of the oasis. The sand waves are rolling over the millions of stone sands with the momentum of the mountains and the sea, and only this magical power. Almost all of them can drown a small half of an oasis under the desert.

Yang Junshan sneered: "The sand is also soil, playing sand in front of me, but you are still a little worse!"

The Shahe array is fully operational under the control of Yang Junshan. The layered network of formations appears in the void. However, all this spread is not a wave of water, but a golden brilliance. These brilliances are from the oasis. The sands along the ground stretched out, and then intertwined into a network, even along the layers of the rolling waves, the huge waves of slaps were tied to the network.

Then, in the incredible gaze of all the monks in the Emerald Oasis, the sand waves that had been slammed in the direction of the oasis were actually rolled back, with a huge force to destroy the sand dunes and fill the sand valleys. After the sand waves, the sand monks who drove the sand waves to the oasis were drowned in the massive sand.

The squally winds, the deserted land, the heavens and the earth are vast, the deserted terrain outside the emerald oasis has changed greatly, and a desert is flat and innumerable within a few miles, without even a small dune undulating.

Oh, it’s not none. Under the swell of the small sandbags, there are only a dozen sand monks who survived. These survivors climbed out from the sand, and forgot to look at the emerald oasis, and saw it. The figure hanging high above the oasis, then shouted, panicked and fled to the road.

A few dawns came quickly from the oasis behind Yang Junshan. Chen Junsen and several other real people originally wanted to come to help. However, the scene in front of them made everyone feel awkward. Yang Junshan actually calmed down dozens of people with his own power. The "desert sands and screams" formed by the monks of the famous Sha ethnic group.

I remember that shortly after the advent of the extraterritorial monks, there were dozens of monks who were less than the real people of the tribes who joined forces to promote the "deserts and squalls" and destroyed a small oasis in one fell swoop, including four resident monks. Three hundred monks eventually escaped more than a dozen people, including two seriously wounded monks.

This "desert and smog" is more than that, because this "sand" is promoted by the tribal monks with real people.

The four real people each took a look, and then Chen Junsen took the lead: "The situation is critical, the Emerald Lake oasis will be in the hands of Yang Zhenren. Next, I will wait for how to act, and please Yang Zhenren."

These four real people are the highest with Chen Junsen, and they reach the peak of Xuanzang. The other three are also Xuanzai, and the other two are the second most important. Compared with Chen Junsen’s calm, the other two. It’s a bit hesitant to look at the real world.

"Don't think about escaping," Yang Junshan broke the thoughts of other people in one sentence: "There are at least two foreign monks and two heavens outside, and there are no fewer than ten foreign monks outside the real world. They have left this oasis and left. A large array of asylum, with your cultivation is a death, unless your strength is equal to Yang."

The two monks and monks really changed their faces. The Xuanzang was also white, but he was the patriarch of Guanzong’s affiliated family. He did not say that he was responsible for the sake of the earth, but he could not escape the family. The tribe died.

One of the two gangsters whispers: "So, how can we keep it?"

"Of course I can't keep it!"

Yang Junshan smiled and looked at the face of the people's big change again. Shen Sheng said: "But if you are working together, you want to stick to the Guanzong rescue, but there is some hope!"

Speaking of this, Yang Junshan glanced at Chen Junsen's real person and said: "Would you like to come to the nobles to sit on the Emerald Lake Oasis and fall into the hands of people outside the domain?"

"of course not!"

Chen Junsen immediately said: "The three Taoist friends are also Xizhou monks. When they also know the significance of the Emerald Lake Oasis for this sect, without the Emerald Lake, the foundation of this sect is equivalent to cutting 20%, and not It’s true that the Tao’s ancestors are not too ignorant.

Guan Tao's ancestors were the only Taoist ancestors of Guan Yuzong. Everyone heard Chen Zhenren say that his confidence has increased by a few points, not to mention that as Yang Junshan said, at this time they escaped and there is nowhere to escape. One way, but others have not escaped hope, but does not include Yang Junshan.

Chen Junsen hesitated a moment and went straight to worship: "I also asked Yang Zhenren to see the lives of nearly a thousand people in the oasis, help me and help!"

The other three real people also quickly followed up.

Yang Junshan understands what he means. As the only immortal real person in the oasis, he also controls the entire oasis. It can be said that the lives and deaths of these thousands of people are completely in the hands of him.

Yang Junshan sighed and said: "Reassure, since the three-channel friend is dying, since the front is handed over to Yang, Yang will give him an explanation!"

Having said that, Yang Junshan’s sandstorm rising toward the front, said: “Prepare for a fierce battle, the Sha’s offensive is blocked, and others are coming!”

As if to verify Yang Junshan's words, everyone was just ready, several sand pillars suddenly exploded from the ground, and then formed a few huge sand punches in the air, from different directions to the oasis.

When several sand punches are near the oasis, the water curtains on the first floor are propped up over the oasis. Every time a sand punches through the water curtain, a large amount of sediment is washed away, waiting for the triple water to pass. At the time of the curtain, there were only a few dozen or so feet of Sha Quan, which had a size of more than ten feet. After being beaten by Chen Junsen and others, a puffy sand fell from the air, but it collapsed. Several buildings.

Just when several real people were in the air to resist the high-level monks attacking the field, hundreds of monks dressed in loose white coats came out from the sand, and then dispersed to rush toward the oasis. At that time, the magic weapon of the Hundred-handed Machete has already been released, and a stream of light is sprayed in the air to the oasis.

At the same time, in another direction, there are also hundreds of seemingly weird monks appearing in the field of vision. Compared to the tribal monks, these monks are tall and tall, and the movements are stiff but the speed is very fast. Stepping on the ground, you can open a bunker with a deep foot. Obviously, both weight and strength are enormous.

"The zombie is a zombie monk!"

Chen Junsen said that the appearance of these Zombie monks seems to make Chen Zhenren more anxious than the fact that the monks of the Sha ethnic group have just killed the oasis.

The low-ranking monks in the oasis have been organized to come to the outside to face the battle. Chen Zhenren wants to rush out to the Zombie monks, but before he can shoot, the two bronze streams will be attacked from the left and right sides. .

Chen Zhenren has a sword and a long squat in the week, and a white sword is swaying to the left and right sides. The Chen Zhenren is still a sword repairer, which makes Yang Junshan somewhat surprised.

However, the sound of the two golden and iron crosses came from each other. The two bronzes flowed in the air and only a slight meal, and then they rushed toward Chen Zhenren again.

When Chen Zhenren saw that the situation was not good, he hurriedly retracted into the oasis to guard the squad. These two streamers stopped the figure in front of the water curtain, which made people see their true colors, but they were two figures. Strong and strong, the skin is shimmering with a bright red luster and a dull look.

"Is this copper?"

Yang Junshan was interested in watching the two foreign monks who quickly retreated after the successful interception. This is the first time he saw a Zombie monk.

The Zombie monks are divided into furry, iron, copper, silver, and the legendary golden stiffness. After the cultivation, the body is as stiff as a dead body, and the whole body is surrounded by chills, so they are called zombies. The name used to differentiate and repair is usually also called iron corpse, copper corpse, silver corpse, and golden corpse. The body of the zombie monk who is repaired to the copper is like bronze. The strength is about the same as the real world.

Yang Junshan looked carefully. The two swords of Chen Zhenren wearing the golden cracked stone only broke the two-footed Xu’s mouth in the two bronze monks, but there was no blood leaking out. In the process of two copper crooks receding, the two wounds on the flesh have been closed and slowly recovered.

This makes Yang Junshan sigh the sturdy body and resilience of the Zombie. I am afraid that the top Witch monks may not be able to get the body of the Zombie!

At the moment when Chen Zhenren was forced back, Yang Junshan also had the heart to try these two stale strengths. However, just before his thoughts began, there were countless ridges on the flat beach outside the oasis, and then accompanied The sullen from the bottom of the sand, a 30-foot tall giant composed entirely of deserts appeared outside the oasis.

The giant roared in the sky, and a pungent sand spewed out of the mouth. The range of hundreds of feet was shrouded in spurred sand, and the monks who had come to the edge of the oasis to fight against it were the first to bear the brunt.

Yang Junshan saw the situation is not good, the hand spread a piece of Yuan magnetic Baoguang sweep, sweeping most of the sand off the ground, but there are still many shots in the oasis.

Chen Zhenren saw the situation is not good, screamed: "Prevention!"

Below, there is the monk Guan Guanzong's response to the law, and immediately became the sect of the ancestral sect of the sect. With the help of the squad, a layer of light curtain was set up in front of the squad to block the sand from the blast, the three subordinate families. The monks were not as well trained as the monks, but they also responded. Only some of the scattered battles were chaotic, and the chaos was very confusing. After the sand was slightly weakened through the array of light curtains, the chaos was quickly given. The monks caused casualties.

It is the moment of this slight confusion. The low-ranking monks of the Sha and the Zhuang people have passed through the curtain of the Guardian, and they have withstood the suppression of the big array and entered the crowd of the Terran monks.


The third is more!

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