Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 863: Silver hand (subscription)

A really good big battle is not to block the opponent from the outside like a glazed hood. This kind of formation is no longer useful if it is concentrated by a person.

A really good big array is like a quagmire. Let the opponents rush in, and then it will be difficult to rush out. It is restricted everywhere, traps everywhere, enemies everywhere, and difficult to fight.

Like the tribal monks, they have an enviable racial talent. They are outstretched in the desert. As long as the flesh is damaged, they can make up for the desert. The truly brilliant monks can even break through the sand. Rehearsed limbs.

However, when the Sha ethnic monks rushed into the emerald oasis, the Shahe array came with a huge amount of moisture, and the sand monks injured by the Terran monks found that the moisture contained in the sand made them unable to repair the injury. Not only that, but the heavy moisture is like a scorpion to a human monk. It not only makes them breathless, but also poisons them when they inhale excessive moisture.

Moreover, the magical means of the monks of the Sha nationality are mostly related to the quicksand. The sand with a lot of moisture is obviously harder to control than the dry quicksand. Even if the magical power is successful, the power will be greatly weakened.

For example, the people of the Zombies are hard to hurt, but when they break into the oasis, the force of the Shahe River’s array of turbulence forms a drifting pit and a swamp mire under their feet. Once they step into it, they act under control. Become the target of a human monk.

Of course, what's more important is that the Shahe Array at this time is in the hands of a true mage who can really exert its power. Otherwise, if you change to another monk, you may be able to lay down the cloud moisture or the sand drifting, but it can't be like Yang. Junshan is precisely the way to control every wet air flow, or the location of each pit.

Nearly three hundred monks and monks have entered the oasis. Although they have caused dozens of casualties, the Terran side still has an advantage. The deaths and injuries of the two monks have exceeded one-third.

The battle of the low-ranking monks is only to further destroy the olympic defensive array, but the real decision of this victory is still the battle between several high-ranking monks in the sky.

After the sand giant squirted a sand arrow, it immediately opened a huge punch and opened to the position where Yang Junshan was. The way the giant boxing passed, the looming force of the imprisonment was set to set Yang Junshan in the air.

Yang Junshan is interesting in this regard. He found that the many samurai monks in front of him had quite the same skills as Yang Junshan’s own methods, but he did not want to dispel the power of the whole body, but instead waved his fists. It is also a punch, and the stone is shocking!

With a fist to the fist, the barge sand box is the size of a house, and Yang Junshan is a burly figure, and his fist is only a little wider than the average person.

The two fists that are so different are in mid-air, but the results are very different!

A muffled sound came, and many low-ranking monks who were close to the two men’s fighting methods were bored on the chest. Several people from the zombies staggered and stood unsteadily, but they were sold off by the three disciples.

The denser sand and rain in the sky fell, and the ground level within the radius of the square was actually three inches higher!

In the midair, Yang Junshan retracted his fist if nothing had happened, and the giant giant’s giant punch had been completely blown up!

The giant screamed, and there was a rush of sand on the huge body. Soon a complete giant punch reappeared on the arm. At the same time, Yang Junshan suddenly felt that there was a change in his body and he couldn’t turn around to see it. A pair of silver palms suddenly appeared, and then a mad man rushed out from the palms of the hands. The array of light curtains in the entire sky was distorted by layers. Yang Junshan, the edge of the highest position in the oasis, was actually Yang Junshan. Squeezed out from the Shahe Baozhen by a fierce force!

The wild giants just slammed the punch at this time, but it was a very tacit agreement with the sneak attacker behind him.

As a top-level master of the array, it actually made people out of the formation, which obviously exceeded Yang Junshan’s expectations. However, at this time, he was not allowed to think about it. More, even another punch has already been ready to go.

Although Yang Junshan was shocked but not chaotic, the double-sided giant axe flew out, and the two axe split the giant's big hand from the giant axe, causing the desert giant to punch a punch, but the punch was cut off half. Fist.

However, the pair of silvery palms came close behind him at this time, pointing to the back of his heart, so that one hand slid across his head, causing sharp screams between the two silver hand movements. .

Losing the asylum of the formation, Yang Junshan didn’t even have time to turn around. He only used the spiritual knowledge to capture the source of danger. The single palm was backwards, but it was a silver hand that was pressed against his head. Stepping on the foot and taking a few steps in succession, it is a point that avoids the point of the back.

Once again, she avoided the well-planned killings of the other party. Yang Junshan not only did not have the slightest effort, but became more and more dignified. It just seemed that he was extremely clever to avoid the opponent’s attack, but in fact he was forced by the other party. Not far from the emerald oasis, but in reality it is the calculation of the other party.

If it is true, Yang Junshan has just escaped the pair of silver hands like the smashing of the bones. On the face, there is a little cold light piercing the void, straight to his door.

This time, Yang Junshan was the real face change. He no longer wished to retain his strength. Shan Junyi immediately threw it out and knocked it down in the air, but it turned out to be a silver flying gun.

After the shooting, the flying gun flew straight back, and finally fell into a barbarian monk dressed in a simple animal skin shirt, bare-chested and busted with a totem pattern!

Behind the desert giant and the other family of the Zombie monks of the bronze body joined hands to avoid it. For a time, Yang Junshan was not only forced out of the emerald oasis, but also fell into the three extraterrestrial realms. In the middle of the killing.

Just in the moment when the silver-colored flying gun appeared, there was suddenly a squirt gun in the desert outside the oasis from the mid-air.

Chen Junsen saw Yang Junshan being beaten out of the battle. In the oasis, there was no head in the group. Then he saw a flying gun in the air. He had already looked like a squad, and he hurriedly shouted: "Shan Man, be careful of sand. gun!"

His voice did not fall, a Scorpio monk suddenly smashed out of the slash, almost forced him out of the formation, but fortunately he was timely, and after Yang Junshan was beaten, among the oasis The defending squad is still running on its own, and Chen Zhenren is in a timely manner. This is the danger that has withstood the attack of the Sha people’s Scorpio.

Chen Zhenren turned and glanced at it. Only then did he discover that it was not only him, but the other three real people had already fallen into an extremely dangerous situation. They could be made one by one by virtue of the power of the formation and Yang’s policy. At this time, Yang Junshan was calculated, and the defending squad could only run on his own, and the personal situation became more and more precarious.

Dozens of flying guns in the sky have fallen. The light curtains that guard the big array can only weaken the power of the flying guns, but they can't resist the flying guns outside the oasis. At least nearly 20 Terran monks are straight in the air. The flying guns squatted on the ground, and the sudden death of these 20 people was the battleline of the sect of the tribe. The time was in chaos. The sand and the zombies took the opportunity to force dozens of tens of thousands of buildings and dozens of buildings were destroyed during the war. .

The Shaman monks in the barbarian suddenly smashed out, and the three tribes in the field joined forces to reduce the ten meetings with absolute strength. Seeing that the Terran side is so hard to insist on it, the low-ranking monks in the oasis may not think it, but The several ethnic monks in the air were almost frustrated, but at this time they heard a long scream in the air, and Yang Junshan, surrounded by three foreign monks and monks, actually smashed the encirclement. , returned to the oasis big array.

At the moment when Yang Junshan fell into the big array, the small array of remote control flew out of him. With Yang Junshan seemingly random, a wind suddenly hangs down from the center of the oasis. An emerald-colored water column rises from the sky, and the water surface of the Emerald Lake, which is located in the center of the oasis, has fallen by half. Many giant pots with the size of the jade are exposed to the lake.

Half of the lake in the Emerald Lake was captured by the big squad, and the power of the Shahe Array was ignited to the peak. The real instinct outside the big squad was not good, especially at that time there was only the last half of the body. The sharp whistling of the sand giant population, the Sha ethnic monk who had already entered the oasis hundreds of feet, immediately turned and retreated.

However, Yang Junshan was angry and shot, and he was able to give these people another chance. A flood peak rolled up the quicksand and turned the hundreds of feet that had been razed by the extraterrestrial monks into a vast ocean. At least forty Shi’s lower-ranking monks were involved. In the flood peaks, then the excess is poured into the abdomen by the mud, and the poison is dead!

Although the Zombie people are not afraid of water, they are all over the swamp under a swamp. Once they fall into the trap, the Zombie monks can't escape from the body, but they can't escape. They can only be harvested by the Terran monks.

The barbarian monks who had appeared as the strange soldiers almost changed the situation of this war, but it was unexpected that Yang Junshan actually lived from the three territories of the territorial squad, highlighting the situation, and seeing the situation reversed, the Shaman monk got the order. After starting to withdraw, I did not suffer too much damage.

Yang Junshan’s great powers, not only the low-ranking monks were tempted by him to cause heavy losses in the Emerald Lake. It was the few extraterrestrial Tianzhu and Xuanzang monks who had been besieging the big squad, but they also took the opportunity to retreat, so that Chen Zhenren, who had already reached the end of the strong battle, etc. Several real-life monks have been relieved.

Until this time, when four real people looked at Yang Junshan, they discovered that he was not unscathed. His left shoulder and the close-fitting genre were caught in the skin, and the blood leaking from the wound was black. Obviously In the poison.

Chen Zhenren and others were shocked. They were about to ask about Yang Junshan’s injury, but he was seeing Yang Junshan turning around. A pair of silver palms were broken and he seemed to be inserted in his waist.


The fourth is more!

The setting of the Zombie may be a bit different from the previous one. For the time being, the new setting will prevail. It is necessary to ponder and correct it again, sorry!

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