Jing Yunzhao’s words are obviously ironic, but they can’t be heard, but they are still very angry.

"Is it? But I didn't have the blessings for you. I didn't have a big director to see me. I said, this entertainment circle is too complicated for people like me." Shen Xiao laughed.

Jingyun Zhaoer smiled and looked at Shen Yu full of ridicule.

Shen Yan also did not give up, his eyes were calm, and people could not find a flaw.

In fact, there is no quick way to deal with Shen Yu. The father and the two sisters love her very much. She can also frame the calculations on Shen Shen. Even if we are clear that it is embarrassing, maybe it will Choosing to drive out of the house, after all, the feelings of Shen Yu and Da Yu seem to be as deep as the outside world.

Only this way is not suitable for her.

What she wants is to rely on the facts, not the feelings of the consumer family, to use their trust.

The future is still very long. The person who is in a hurry is definitely not her. One day, sooner or later, the sinking will reveal the fox tail.

Jing Yunzhao spent a weekend at home, and the surface seemed to be safe.

The winter holiday is coming, Jing Yunzhao is also busy with various exams, but she has good abilities in all aspects. I don’t have to worry about hanging the subject. Even the score of each door is far ahead, and people still look up, but maybe some people still have She was a bit embarrassed, but after half a year, the thoughts of that smoldering vanished.

After all, Jing Yunzhao and the difference between them are too big, and the pressure on the roots can not express the unreachable emotion.

On the day of the holiday, there was a lot of reluctance in the dormitory.

Yao baby is a foreigner, naturally will not stay in Kyoto, even when the birthday banquet of Jing Yunzhao must not go, it is a pity.

"I have to go, you must think about me, Daxian, you have to leave me with any good things, or else I will not finish with you... and the scenery, you must always mention me in the black emperor." Name, I am so easy to let him learn to call 'baby', the stars, you too, call me every day..." Yao baby packed his suitcase and began to grieve with his mouth open.

This little temper has not changed at all, but the self-care ability is much stronger. At the very least, it is very good to do the finishing of the house.

"Well, we know, I promise that as long as there are others, there will be you, delicious and fun, remember you, only a month, do not need such a nause?" Huo Tianxian silently shook his head, simply take She can't help it.

A few people, only Yao baby will be the most spoiled, but also have to say that she has made the dormitory atmosphere better and better.

As for Ren Xingyue, it is the lowest one, but often it is very transparent, but it is not too talkative.

Jing Yunzhao three people expressed their concern, Yao baby was only satisfied, and stared at the Black Emperor.

"Jingjing, or do you want Black Emperor to live with me for a month? You three can often get together, but I can't, parents and brothers will definitely not let me go when I go home..."

Just after Yao’s baby finished, Black Emperor immediately jumped to Jing Yunzhao’s shoulder. The paw grabbed her clothes and put it on the side of her neck. It was completely an unwillingness to be abducted.

For the performance of the Black Emperor, everyone is already eccentric.

"You also saw it, it is not willing to..." Jing Yunzhao has two hands and one hand, and nothing can be done.

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