The black emperor clung to Jing Yunzhao, and even the gaze was not left to Yao’s baby. The arrogant child directly slammed Yao’s baby’s speechlessness and pointed at the black emperor: “You have no conscience, Who cares for you when the scenery is not..."

"Remind you that the Black Emperor is very clever. You are so jealous of him. If you come back, you will have forgotten who you are." Huo Tianxian was stunned by the side.

When the words came out, Yao baby did not say anything.

"I will go back and ask my brother to find a small pet that I can raise in the dormitory..." Yao baby grinned.

"Your pet is probably only good with Jing II." Huo Tianxian continued to fight.

"No, that's mine!"

"When you raise it, let's talk about it~"

The two often bickered, Jing Yunzhao was used to it, regardless of them, they began to pack things, not long after, Yao baby went out, the Yao mother downstairs has personally picked it up.

Ren Xingyue is the slowest of them to pack things up, lacking interest, and no sense of relaxation.

"Xingyue, what happened to you? Packed up for a few hours, things have basically never been moved." Jing Yunzhao asked.

Ren Xingyue smiled and said: "I don't want to go back to Zhou's family. Zhou Meijun is dead. My aunt is suspicious and screaming all day long. I always say that I remembered Zhou's property to kill her."

Jing Yun Zhao took a look.

The resentment of Mrs. Zhou is not unreasonable. Mrs. Zhou’s younger brother was beaten by her. The people did not come out in prison, the daughter died, and the two of them were roommates, and they will definitely be involved in resentment. Xingyue body.

However, she did not feel that she was missing something. Zhou Meijun’s death was her own.

As for Mrs. Zhou, teaching a woman is not good, she is not a good person, but she is a little bit timid, or I am afraid it is no better than her daughter.

"Do you have income now? Can you rent a house outside yourself?" Jing Yunzhao asked.

"No, I don't have children. Now I have raised me as an heir. If I live outside, I will be very disappointed in my heart." Ren Xingyue shook his head.

Jing Yunzhao can see that Ren Xingyue’s self-control is extremely strong and people are independent. I am afraid that Zhou’s property is indeed not interested, but only for years of being blessed by it, there is no way to complain.

"Xingyue, you are... I have no children for so many years. Is there any problem with my body? I will have some medical skills. Would you like me to check it out?" Jing Yunzhao thought for a moment and asked tentatively.

Ren Xingyue and Huo Tianxian both stunned.

Ren Xingyue suddenly had a red face: "Not very good? After all... Is your boyfriend not jealous?"

“Why are you jealous?” Jing Yunzhao was somewhat puzzled, but he quickly reflected it and was speechless.

"Do you want to swear? Western medicine does take sperm for testing, but I don't need it. From a person's pulse, tongue, and even the eyes, ears, nose and nose, you can almost see the functions of the body, such as the tongue, its meridian directly or The grounding is related to many organs such as heart, liver, spleen and kidney. The normal person has soft tongue and free movement, and the color is reddish. The tongue is covered with thin, uniform particles, moderately dry and wet white moss. The shape is Long oval, fat and moderate, and the root of the tongue belongs to the kidney, which can reflect the reproductive function of humans. Some people have pale tongue, especially the tongue root is lighter than normal color, indicating that kidney gas and kidney yang are insufficient..."

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