Chapter 833 Happy and Lonely

   "Lu Xingchen," Professor Li walked over with a cake, "Happy birthday."

   "Thank you, teacher." Lu Xingchen stood up respectfully, and said with some embarrassment, "I haven't come to class a few days ago, I'm really sorry."

   "It's nothing, I seldom told me." Professor Li's voice was a little serious, "Besides, I actually don't think you need to come to the class, whether it's acting class or directing class."

  Lu Xingchen didn't speak, and listened to the teacher with his head down.

  Professor Li continued, "As a director, I have taught you almost everything I can teach you. You are very talented in this area."

   "Thank you teacher for your approval." Lu Xingchen said sincerely,

  Professor Li said again, "I still say that, you are really not suitable for acting. You should know that you are the only one who failed the test in this year's training class. I think you still..."

Knowing what Professor Li was going to say, Lu Xingchen interrupted embarrassingly, "Teacher, I know what you mean, but I can't give up on acting, so please forgive me, and please trust me once, From now on, I will definitely be a good actor.”

  She said that from now on, it is because tonight the acting improvement particles will be officially released, in other words, her acting skills will be saved.

  Professor Li thinks that Lu Xingchen is a bit stubborn. He doesn't quite understand why Lu Xingchen insists on being an actor, but it can be seen that Lu Xingchen is very firm.

He couldn't say anything more, so he had to say earnestly, "Since it is your own choice, as a teacher, I can't interfere too much. I can only say that I wish you well. I hope... your choice is not wrong. Give up on directing completely."

   "Teacher, don't worry," Lu Xingchen said a little happily, "I'm going to release an MV recently, and I'll try my best to get myself to be the director of the shoot. Then the teacher will see my performance."

   "That's good, you work hard, and call me if you have any questions." Professor Li was really excited when he heard it. After all, class is just a class. How well Lu Xingchen has learned still needs to be tested in actual combat.

  And as a teacher, I naturally hope that my capable students can carry forward what they have learned.

   "Well, thank you teacher, I'll go now." Lu Xingchen was still thinking about Han Xiyi, after saying goodbye to Professor Li, he immediately left the classroom to find someone.

  She found the door all the way, and when she was a little disappointed, she saw Han Xiyi sitting on the steps eating a cake, taking one bite at a time, with a happy and lonely expression on her face.

  Lu Xingchen was stunned again. In the different space, the senior brother always sat on the steps and ate cakes, but the senior senior brother always had a happy and happy expression on his face.

  The doubts in her heart became heavier. After thinking about it, she coughed lightly, then walked over, sat next to Han Xiyi, and asked intentionally, "Why do you sit here and eat?"

  Han Xiyi saw that it was Lu Xingchen who came, the expression on his face was much happier, and he said with a smile, "I have something to go back, but I still want to eat the cake here before leaving."

   So, just a coincidence?

  Lu Xingchen nodded, and pretended to ask casually, "Then why did you wish me today every year? This blessing word is really novel."

  Han Xiyi turned her head, and stared at Lu Xingchen with pure purple pupils, "Don't you understand?"

  (end of this chapter)

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