Chapter 834 On a boat

  Seeing this, Lu Xingchen felt a little nervous again, shook his head blankly, and asked again, "Why?"

Han Xiyi smiled slightly, looked away, and then stood up, "Because I don't know if I will have the chance to help you celebrate your birthday next year, so this is a blessing to you and a blessing to me. Best wishes to us."

He lowered his head slightly and looked at Lu Xingchen, "No matter what you think, no matter how much you hate me, my heart for you will not change, even if one day, because of Situ Jue, you and I have to fight against each other, I also want you to know that I will never hurt you. I am leaving."

   After finishing speaking, he smiled at Lu Xingchen, then strode outside.

  Lu Xingchen also stood up and said loudly, "Why? Why do you like me? This is very strange, isn't it? We haven't known each other for long, and we haven't communicated much. Where did this feeling come from?"

   Han Xiyi stopped, then turned around and replied, "Because, you are like a friend of mine, is that an acceptable reason? Besides, don't you and Situ think that I can see the future?"

  He paused for a moment, with a stubborn and determined smile on his face, "In my future, you will be my lover. Since it is destined to be like this, then why should I not like you?"

   After finishing speaking, regardless of the angry expression on Lu Xingchen's face, he strode away immediately.

  Lu Xingchen was speechless. She felt that Han Xiyi's last words were pure nonsense, and she didn't like him, so how could she become a lover?

  She shook her head speechlessly, feeling that her behavior just now was really stupid and ridiculous. This Han Xiyi doesn't look like a big brother at all, how could she associate him with a big brother? She is really stupid.

   On the other side, as soon as Han Xiyi got back to the car, she heard her cell phone ringing again. When she picked it up, she saw that there were already dozens of missed calls, all of which were from Qiao Xi and Bai Mujin.

  He answered the phone impatiently, and Qiao Xi's voice came over sharply immediately, "My boss, are you crazy? Where have you gone? Do you know that Bai Tong ran away?"

  Han Xiyi said indifferently, "I said a long time ago that we won't catch Baitong this time, you don't believe me."

   "Stop talking about those useless things," Qiao Xi obviously couldn't bear it anymore, "If you didn't disappear suddenly, how could Bai Tong escape?"

  Han Xiyi held the phone and didn't speak.

The other end of the phone spoke again, and the voice had become Bai Mujin, "Han Xiyi, did you make the birthday surprise fun? Why? Since Lu Xingchen was deliberately suspicious, why didn't you just admit it? It's all about hell." , you and your little junior sister are happy together."

  Every word Bai Mujin said was as if she was by Lu Xingchen and Han Xiyi's side just now.

  Han Xiyi wasn't surprised either, but sneered, "Bai Mujin, your skills have really improved. With such a long distance, you can get the information so quickly?"

"Hmph," Bai Mujin snorted coldly, "We've already returned to China. Han Xiyi, I'm a little suspicious now, did I follow the wrong person? You are simply a guy who has been dazzled by love. How can a person be the boss?"

"Bai Mujin, pay attention to your own identity." Han Xiyi's voice was a little colder, "What I make decisions is my own business, if you dare to accuse me like this, don't blame me for being rude, especially It's you, Bai Hibiscus..."

  He paused, and then said again, "You can play with them, but you can't play with me. Don't try to play tricks, and don't even think about breaking away from us. You are destined to be on the same boat as us."

  (end of this chapter)

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