Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: What family conditions?

The Wuwei Army was heading up against the current in the Black Feather Army. Lu Shu walked at the front of the Wu Wei Army. An invisible sword gas was a life in his fingertips. The black soft armor worn by the Black Feather Army could not block Lu Shu at all. Invisible sword gas.

At this time, Lu Shu's invisible sword gas had exceeded ten thousand, and the invisible sword gas alone was enough for the black feather army.

However, Zhang Weiyu and Liu Yizhao who followed Lu Shu knew that Lu Shu was keeping their hands and did not do their utmost to kill the Black Feather Army, because everyone was waiting for the Grand Master to take action, and that was what they needed to be alert for.

When assigning tasks before, Lu Shu told them that once the three grandmasters of Xizhou shot, the Yulong class led by Zhang Weiyu would deal directly with the two grandmasters except Duanmu Huangqi.

At this time, Lu Shu did not mention what to do with Duan Mu Huangqi, but Zhang Weiyu knew that Lu Shu was going to deal with it personally, plus Lu Xiaoyu.

But that was Grand Master, Zhang Weiyu and others were a little uneasy after all. After all, Lu Shu planned to deal with Duanmu Huangqi with two people. It was still too risky.

If Grand Master is also divided into strong and weak, then Duanmu Huangqi must be the top group, even the master brother of Jianlu can only stand above him. Who knows if he has any stronger backhand?

The Wuwei Army is like a stubborn reef, very hard, and the Black Feather Army is like the sea water constantly washing the fast reef, but it can only be smashed on the reef.

The black feather army tried to form a knife array in front of the Wu Weijun. Some people said that the black feather army's knife array was like a mountain, because their swords were endless. The people in the front row raked Park knife diagonally with the ground, and recoiled the ground with the power of the hand. To resist strong enemies.

The black feathers in the back row are waiting for the opportunity to hunt prey, and the former servants succeed.

It was just that the knife formation was just overwhelmed by the Wuwei Army, because the strength difference was too great!

Moreover, although Park Sword is longer than the average sword, it is definitely not as long as the Trident ...

Just a face-to-face kung fu, the black feather army's knife array began to collapse from where Lu Shu was, like a dam, and the internal structure was completely destroyed.

Lu Shu was a little puzzled: "Why didn't Grand Master still take action?"

No one can answer this question, not even Hei Yujun. Li Heitan suddenly said: "Maybe we are afraid."

Lü Shu flicked a sword gas across the chest of a black-feathered army with blood, and the blood burst into the face of the soldier in the back. At this time, the sword gas had not stopped, but the soldier's soft armor behind him was exploded. It's only a break from opening.

He turned to look at Li Heitan behind him: "Confidence is a good thing."

At this time, Lu Shu didn't even use Jian Qi, because it was too slow! The method of single killing is not necessary in the war, and for the remaining cards, he wants to keep hello to Duanmu Huangqi!

Lv Shu took out a long sword from the mountains and rivers that had confiscated the major organizations. Suddenly Zhang Weiyu and others suddenly subconsciously suspended their bodies because they felt an indescribable sense of crisis from Lv Shu!

At the next moment, Lv Shu's sword was swung out horizontally, and the sword body collapsed and disintegrated at a very rapid rate, and then the huge Jiangang spread like a ripple to the outside.

The black feather soldiers affected by the attack were all visceral rupture and vitality were cut off. This sword actually killed hundreds of people!

Although the speed of the Wuwei Army's advance was fast, it still had to face the resistance of the Black Feather Army, but now it was suddenly empty for hundreds of meters!

Lu Shu sighed: "Sure enough, those organizations won't make any good things for the repairers, but they are all disposable."

In fact, the magic weapon long sword refined by major organizations is not so unbearable. It is really that the sword he wielded caused the load of this long sword to be too great!

Previously, Lu Shu had reached the point where the branches were used as swords, and the leaves did not fall off after the first battle. But now he puts out his best effort, and he no longer controls the delicate degree of power!

Zhang Weiyu was a little shocked to watch this scene in the back. When he first met Lu Shu earlier, the other party used Jiangang with Liupin, which was already amazing.

And now, Lu Shu has cut hundreds of monks with one sword, and he has directly destroyed a magic weapon sword!

Magic weapon long sword said ruin? What is the family condition? This is, is there a mine at home? !

Then, Zhang Weiyu saw Lu Shu re-drawn a magic weapon long sword ...

At this time, the black feather army on the opposite side was also shocked. It was terrifying that they had died so many comrades in a flash. After coming, Lu Shu couldn't perform such a lethal exercise.

But to their surprise, Lu Shu's sword has more than one handle at all ...

One sword, one sword!

The ripples in front of Lu Shu continued to spread, and the blood of the black feather soldiers seemed to be blooming!

The soldiers behind the Black Feather Army always feel that Lu Shu's next sword is the last one ~ ~, but they can't always look forward to it!

The black feather army who came to round up the Wuwei Army increased to more than 50,000 people in just one hour, but more than 50,000 people fell to 20,000 people in an hour, and the Wuwei Army even had few injuries. Basically, it looks like Lu Shu is acting like a magic killer.

In fact, no one has ever seen such a war. In the war, there are dead people who come and go, and whoever ca n’t sustain it first will lose.

But now, because of his personal strength, none of the Yipin Keqing in the Black Feathers dared to go to death. The Grand Master never appeared, and ordinary Black Feather soldiers could not even break through the defense!

Suddenly Zhang Weiyu felt that if he was in charge of a Wangcheng gambling house, he would now bet on how much inventory he had on Lu Shu's sword.

No one expected to see such a day, the magic weapon splashed out like no money!

Only Lu Xiaoyu knows that Lu Shu just splashes day and night again, and his magic weapon and sword can't be used up.

In fact, the major organizations were too polite at first. Lv Shu didn't expect that he could encounter so many supplies ... Of course, major organizations did not expect it.

However, Lu Xiaoyu is very clear that although these magic weapon swords are only used for loose repairs, the Wu Wei Jun does not bother to use such things, but this is all money.

Lu Shu dare, who is stingy, suddenly changed his temper and squandered, not that he really became lavish, but that he really wanted to go home, and really didn't want to let the comrades-in-arms of Tianluodiwang fight alone!

She looked up at the underground and looked at the perseverance of Lu Shu's sword after sword, and suddenly felt that maybe Nie Ting had wanted Lu Shu to be the ninth day Luo, and she never gave up this idea, but was looking forward Such a day.


Two more changes later

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