Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: Sword energy

War is the cruelest thing in the world. It devours life at the fastest speed. The Wuwei Army did not let Lu Shu fight alone, or even if the speed of Lu Shu ’s killing was stronger, it would seem a little bit small for the entire war.

The Black Feather Army is a black kill, while the Red Tassel on the head of the Wuwei Army looks like a splash of blood.

In the collision of red and black, the black feather army has been constantly importing new forces, while the Wuwei army has always stood up.

Suddenly, the original Black Feather Commander Li Liang said next to Lu Shu: "This Black Feather Army formation began to shrink, minimizing casualties. I see that 80% of the force is around us and we want to complete the pinch, even if we can't beat it. Life is dragging us here. "

Lv Shu froze for a moment, he always thought that this black feather army was close to the edge of defeat, but the other party still had tactics waiting for himself?

It must be said that this black feather army's fighting spirit is tenacious, and Lv Shu feels second only to Tianluodiwang.

When Li Liang spoke with a firm tone, Lu Shu nodded: "Notify the brothers behind to pay attention."

Lv Shu is a very self-aware person, except for the total failure of the plan, he is a bit unwilling to lose, but on the battlefield, he will never make fun of other people ’s lives. Li Liang used to be the commander of the Black Feather Army, of course he is the best People who know the black feather army.

However, at the next moment, Lu Shu and they saw a group of black feathers appear on the horizon behind them, and this time they turned out to be cavalry. They started to charge the Wuwei Army at the moment they appeared in the field of vision!

That horse was unusual. Before Lu Shun saw Duanmu Huangqi's flaming Yunju, he asked Yi Qian. The Xizhou people are good at raising horses, and the horses they raise are all capable of repairing for strength.

Although the strength is very different from that of the Wuwei Army, if they charge to form inertia, they can also cause great damage to the formation of the Wuwei Army, and even cause the death of the soldiers of the Wuwei Army!

The so-called professional things are left to professional people to do. Lu Shu feels that it is worth saving Li Liang. In the future, he may even consider letting Li Liang take over the command of Wu Weijun. Therefore, Li Liang is the most suitable candidate.

It's impossible not to die on the battlefield, even if the Yulong class goes straight to the battlefield, there will be casualties. Zhang Weiyu has already resigned, and Lu Shu does not intend to force, but intends to complete.

Just like the completion of Liu Yizhao, he feels that it is good for everyone to do what they want to do most. No one in this world is destined to fight for him.

This time Lu Shu didn't care about it, but thought about letting Lu Xiaoyu send Anthony directly.

On the one hand, it is because if you really play against the Grand Master afterwards, I am afraid that the main battlefield is also in the sky. Anthony's strength is greatly reduced.

On the other hand, when dealing with such cavalry, Li Liang generally chooses to sacrifice some people to ease the impact of the cavalry, but this is his approach when he was in the black feather army. Most commanders will be divided when there is no choice. Approval of cannon fodder, this is the meaning of cannon fodder.

But the Wuwei Army is different. No one in this army can become cannon fodder. They must live together and die together.

At the moment when the cavalry was approaching, the ground suddenly lifted a huge wave of mud and rushed towards the cavalry. The long waves of mud and sand spread out like a great wall. Then, between the rolling of the mud was actually Anthony pulled high again, like a tsunami!

The mud like a tall building was shot fiercely towards the cavalry of the Black Feather Army, and they were immediately obliterated, and the people turned back!

The dust was flying hundreds of feet, and there were still cavalrymen able to break through the mud and sand tsunami, but when they arrived in front of the Wuwei Army, they were not afraid!

Only this time, Anthony exhausted all the soul and returned to the black hole to rest and recuperate. Wu Weijun knew that this was Lv Xiaoyu's method. At this time, Zhang Weiyu suddenly felt that he probably knew where Lu Shu and Lv Xiaoyu wanted to deal with Duanmu Huangqi personally.

Because he clearly felt that this mud wave was only one of Lu Xiaoyu's means, and Lu Shu has been conserving his strength from the beginning to the present!

In fact, Lu Shu didn't save his strength, he was just using money to change the cards.

If he does not use these magic weapon swords now, he will consume his own cards.

Lu Shu loves money very much, but he can also not love money.

At this time, energy fluctuations came from the far plain, and the energy fluctuations were pushed out one by one, as if there was space being transformed, and the world was changing.

There is Duanmu Huangqi in that direction, and there are three Grand Masters, but this is not important, the important thing is that there are comrades there, and the way home!

Lu Shu's expression was still calm, but suddenly he started to break through the direction with all his strength: "Follow me! Today, I will go home, I think who dares to stop me!"

Suddenly, the black feather soldiers found that Lu Shu in front of them seemed to be crazy. It turned out that Lu Shu's terrible situation was just the tip of the iceberg!

The long sword in one hand shattered into dust in his hands ~ ~ The long sword in his hand changed again, but Lu Shu's heart didn't arouse the slightest waves.

Sometimes he would think that this world is really absurd, the spirits are recovering, the old age will eventually die, and they are so fresh in this new age, before Lu Shu did not think about who he would be desperate for !

Lu Shu feels that Xiaoming is her own. What else in this world is more expensive than her own life?

But the person who loves to eat fried noodles did not regret it in the face of life and death, then he will not regret it.

Su Shu suddenly felt that it was too slow to cut this sword one by one!

too slow!

too slow!

too slow!

At this time, Hei Yujun suddenly saw that Lu Shu had stopped, and even the sword in his hand no longer appeared, as if it was used up.

Lv Shu looked at the black feather army as dense as a locust disaster in front of him. His mood was unprecedentedly calm. He suddenly felt that the way home was so close.

It was also at this moment that he understood why the man who left him with only a back when he died wanted to eat a bowl of fried noodles very much.

Because that is the taste of hometown.

Just when the Black Feather Army rejoiced that Lü Shu ’s sword had been used up, they suddenly saw the ten thousand swords on top of their heads appearing.

There seemed to be drums roaring and deafening above the mountains and seas.

Lu Shu laughed: "People under the sword today can come to me for revenge in the future. My name is Lu Shu, from the Tianluo Diwang, the ninth Tianluo, Lu Shu."

At this time, Lu Xiaoyu, who was still closed and keeping his eyes under the ground, had recovered the exhausted Jia Sanyi, and she said calmly: "They are no longer there."


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