Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Tongyuan Wuguan

The silver-grey car at the back passed like a wind, and Lu Shu wondered, was it to start with Yayoi Sakurai, what was so urgent? & 1t; /

Thinking of the fact that Lu Shu stepped on the accelerator, he was behind a silver-grey car far behind, never letting the other party out of his sight. & 1t; /

For practitioners like Lu Shu, at his level, both responsiveness and dynamic vision have far exceeded normal human limits. & 1t; /

In general, many people dare not drive fast because it is too fast to deal with stressful events, such as road obstacles. & 1t; /

So after a certain level, everyone will feel powerless, which is why most people on high roads still drive below 12o kilometers. & 1t; /

And now, the college student Muyun Xiaoyun next to Lu Shu's face was all white. He nervously grabbed the handrail above the window: "Don't drive so fast! I'll give the money, won't I give the money !?" & 1t ; /

"Negative sentiment value from Koto Koyo, +777!" & 1t; /

Koto Hyoyun shouted like crazy: "Why are you driving so fast !?" & 1t; /

Of course, Lu Shu could n’t say his true purpose. He said calmly: “I do n’t see anyone else driving faster than me.” & 1t; /

"What kind of breaking habit is this," Kodo Hyun Yoon roared, and at this time he had classified Lu Shu as a lunatic: "What kind of famous mountain bike **** do you have as a taxi driver ?!" & 1t; /

"Negative sentiment value from Koto Koyo, +666!" & 1t; /

"Hey, the one in front seems to be Nakagawa's car?" Koto Koyuki wondered. & 1t; /

However, at this time Lu Shu no longer ignored him, but focused on what to do next. & 1t; /

Hey, Lv Shu suddenly entered the Setagaya slightly prosperous area when the other party's vehicle actually slowed down, and the direction to go is definitely not the official residence of Sakurai Yayoko! & 1t; /

He feels that tonight is probably not about Yayoi Sakurai, but something else. & 1t; /

If it is only a slave rather than a slave owner, it should be the indigenous people in the island country. & 1t; /

Lu Shu didn't feel bad about the slaves themselves. After all, they were forced to do things. After killing the slave owners in Kuncheng, China, the others were also liberated. Tianluodi didn't embarrass them too much. & 1t; /

This fact actually makes Tian Luo Di Wang very embarrassed, because what if the controlled person killed someone under the last circumstance, after all, the person killed him. & 1t; /

Therefore, this issue is still in the internal discussion of Those slaves who have killed people can only temporarily restrict their exit from the country, and they must report to Tianluodi regularly. & 1t; /

The silver car stopped at the door of a 24-hour convenience store, and a young man walked out of the car to buy things. & 1t; /

Lu Shu slowly stopped the taxi on the side of the road, but before waiting for the car to stop, Muyou Xiaoyun got out of the car and found a plastic bag and vomited up. Lu Shu looked at Muhu Xiaoyun calmly. It's quite stable, that is, it's only 180 degrees, and the body is a bit floating ... & 1t; /

After all, it was a taxi, Lu Shu sighed. & 1t; /

To be honest, he didn't have much interest in drag racing. Some people drag racing because they enjoyed the excited state after adrenaline secretion in the course of that pole, but Lu Shu didn't enjoy it. & 1t; /

In fact, the degree that most cars, airplanes, and machines can reach is still too slow compared to his flight. & 1t; /

Most a-level practitioners can break through the sound when flying, and Lu Shu's flying degree is more ordinary practitioners. & 1t; /

Therefore, the car didn't fly fast. Lv Shu subconsciously thought that drag racing was meaningless. If it wasn't for him that he couldn't throw people and cars on the roadside, he would have followed him. & 1t; /

But this is also good, it is more convenient to use a taxi as a cover. & 1t; /

At that time, the young man came out of the 24-hour convenience store, and Lu Shugang was just about to move the car. As a result, Kido Hyun Yun opened the door and got on the bus again. Lu Shu looked at him in surprise: "What are you doing here?" & 1t; /

Kido Hyun Yun said viciously: "If you pull back to the original place, you must pull back to the original place!" & 1t; /

Yo, Lu Shu looked at Mudo Hyoyun, but was he still a ruthless man? & 1t; /

Then Koto Hyoyun watched Lu Shu get off the bus and detoured the co-pilot. He lifted himself up like a chick and put it on the roadside ... & 1t; /

"Where should I go," Lu Shu said after getting on the bus and going away. He wanted to earn a little more money from Hiroshi Hino, but the problem is that Setagaya is now very dangerous. He is even more dangerous around him. Hu Xiaoyun is not a bad person. He doesn't need to take other people to die. & 1t; /

The young man drove the silver car all the way to the west, and Lv Shu froze for a moment. At this time, some long-lost memories popped up. In front of him was the place where he once started lurking, the Wuyuan Pavilion. & 1t; /

When he left, Taniguchi had burned the martial arts hall of Yosuke Tongyuan's house with a fire, but when passing by the martial arts hall, Lu Shu was stunned, and the supposedly ruined Tongyuan Yosuke martial arts house was rebuilt , And almost exactly the same as before. & 1t; /

And the word Tongyuan on the plaque at the door is still there. & 1t; /

what's the situation? You know, there is no one in Tongyuan family now, even relatives are gone. Who will rebuild the residence of Tongyuan family? & 1t; /

If someone else bought it and rebuilt it, it ’s okay to say, but it ’s also clearly written on the forehead. & 1t; /

Lu Shu glanced at the silver car that was about to disappear before the turn. He decided not to catch up, but stopped on the roadside not far from Tongyuan Jiawuguan. & 1t; /

Standing in the shadows of the roadside, Lu Shu quietly looked at the brand-new martial arts hall. He was a bit dazed, as if it was yesterday when he came here last time. & 1t; /

He quietly jumped up on the wall ~ ~ stepped on the wall and moved quietly, hoping to change the angle of view to see the situation inside. & 1t; /

The result was stunned, and even the appearance inside was generally restored. & 1t; /

Lu Shu was silent, and suddenly a wooden door pushed to the side. A girl wearing a cherry blossom kimono came out from the inside. The other party was still beautiful to the extent that people were breathtaking. The facial features were exquisite as if they were carefully decorated by God. & 1t; /

Sakurai Yayoko, long time no see. & 1t; /

However, Lu Shu suddenly felt that the other party's temperament had a little more maturity and stability, which seemed to be something that must be possessed as a leader of the **** set, but it was not consistent with his age. & 1t; /

However, the next moment Lu Shuxin said badly, he turned and jumped into the night. & 1t; /

A level can feel the eyes of others, so just when Lu Shu saw each other, Yayoi Sakurai should have already felt it. & 1t; /

Yayoi Sakurai looked up at the empty wall. She frowned, and at first she thought that it was those people who were peeping at her, so she pretended not to notice it, and didn't want to beat the snake. & 1t; /

But this time, she clearly felt that the other party's eyes were a little different, and it seemed to have a warmth that seemed familiar. & 1t; /

Sakurai Yayoko stood in the garden for a long time, with a wry smile, the cherry blossom kimono was quiet and fragrant in the night. & 1t; /

… & 1t; /

There are two more changes at night, it is recommended to watch & 1t; / tomorrow morning

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