Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: careerist

After Lu Shu left, he didn't go too far. He was still observing here with the remaining light on the roof opposite Tongyuan's house ...

In the past, Lu Zhou was the first to scold Liu Yizhao's enemies, and it was a headache. It is not easy to find out if the first-class master uses Yuguang.

However, Lu Shu can now use his afterglow to observe. He is curious. Has Yayoi Sakurai lived here?

After half an hour, a black convoy drove over. More than 20 practitioners on and off the car surrounded the convoy. Yayoko Sakurai, who was wearing a black formal suit, came out of the family gym in Tongyuan.

Some practitioners opened the door for her, and when Yukiko Sakurai got on the train leisurely, Lu Shu suddenly felt that this was what the leader of the **** set should have, instead of wearing a cherry blossom kimono like a girl.

Prematurely standing on a high position allowed Sakurai Yako to quickly mature and grow, but she was still only 18 years old.

According to Zhong Yutang, when Yayoi Sakurai was attacked by a slave owner last month, there were conservative veterans who wanted to make trouble, because some people were still reluctant to just stay on the island.

The conservatives originally wanted to recuperate and conspire for a larger world, but Yayoi Sakurai simply stopped all ambitions for the battle, so the old minister was also dissatisfied.

However, this little disturbance had subsided before it was set off, because the old minister had disappeared, and it would be hard to say how it went missing.

At this time, everyone remembered that Yayoi Sakurai was not only the spiritual leader of the conservatives, but also the person with the highest strength, but also the person with the most God-focused power in his hands.

The black convoy drove away from the family martial arts hall in Tongyuan, and the streets returned to peace, as if no one had ever been there.

Lu Shu sent a message to Zhong Yutang: "When was the Tongyuan Pavilion rebuilt?"

The news quickly came back: "Yakuko Sakurai was rebuilt after he entered the main set of gods. Since last year, she will go to the family martial arts hall in Tongyuan no matter how busy she is. Every day, she does n’t know what she is doing. Our people can't get in, Yayoi Sakurai doesn't allow anyone to go in. "

"Have you not seen it secretly?" Lu Shu wondered, and now there was no guard inside.

"Don't dare to rush past, although it seems nobody, but the martial arts are all monitored by the people of Shenji, and many masters are stationed," Zhong Yutang said in reply.

At this time, Zhong Yutang had someone in charge of Lu Shu's line, because Lu Shu was the ninth Tian Luo. When he went out to perform his mission, there should be a professional team inside to provide Lu Shu with information and technical support. .

Lu Shu has been silent for a long time, and he still thinks that he is very good at lurking. It seems that the other party's monitoring method is very professional. The visual observation uses residual light, and the monitoring setting is delayed for 15 seconds, so even he didn't even notice ...

So it ’s really superfluous to say that he is hiding upstairs and using Yu Guang to observe Sakurai Yayoko. When he drove over, the license plate number and his current appearance have been exposed ...

Yayoi Sakurai should know that there is now a taxi driver called Matsuyama Chief Secretary who has monitored himself, but the other party did not play the grass and scare the snake, fearing that he is regarded as a member of "slave master" or "slave", do not want to play the grass scare the snake?

This was very embarrassing, Lu Shu jumped downstairs, just glanced at two eyes and saw many monitors hidden in extremely hidden places ...

Forget it, anyway, I'm here to protect Sakurai Yayoko, and I'm not afraid of the oblique shadow ...

Lu Shu drove away from Tongyuan's house quickly and returned to his residence.

The place where he lives is in a rental house in Tokyo. The rental house is small and has poor sound insulation.

But it doesn't matter how hard it is, after all, the northward drift of Kyoto in China is also very difficult, isn't it?

Lu Shu suddenly froze after stopping his taxi, because he saw the silver-grey car he had been chasing downstairs downstairs!

He looked up subconsciously, and now the night was dark, and there was only one room lit up, next to him.

This building has only five floors in total. The side he can see now has a small balcony. Lv Shu thought it wouldn't be so coincident, this car owner lives next door?

There are many universities in Tokyo, and there are so many young people on the street because of the many universities in Setagaya. Tokyo Agricultural University, Kokushikan University, and Komazawa University are all here.

At this time, Lu Shu suddenly remembered that Muto Xiaoyun was wondering if this was not the car of Nakagawa's senior. Lu Shu regretted that he should ask Mudo Xiaoyun more at that time ...

Lv Shu was slowly going upstairs. He had not arrived for a week, and he didn't even know who lived in this building.

When I came to the third floor of my rental house, Lu Shu took out the key to open the door, and heard that there were men and women in the next room who seemed to be arguing about something ~ ~ At this time, Lu Shu was very grateful This poorly soundproofed rental house, a male voice deliberately lowered his throat and said: "Did you not say that there is an awakener in your classmates last time, you only need to tell me who she is, I can get resources for spiritual practice and Practice! "

"I can't tell you, that's her secret," the girl said stubbornly. "You haven't come to care about me in a long time. You haven't known where you have been for a month, so you have to ask this when it appears?"

"Now is not the time to discuss this kind of thing. Tell me, who is that awakener!" The boy asked fiercely.

Lv Shu has determined at this time that the boy is probably the owner of the car, that is, the Nakagawa senior who said in the mouth of Kodo Koyo.

But he frowned, and at first Lu Shu felt that he should not blame the slave, because the slave was involuntarily.

But now it seems that this is not the case. This Zhongchuan is the kind that Zhong Yutang said, selling the soul to the devil for the benefit, in order to find a suitable slave for the slave owner, in order to exchange the interest from the slave owner. , Even took the initiative to find the awakeners hidden in his classmates.

Now Shenji is very similar to Tianluodiwang.

Even Shenji is more rigorous, will release some loose repairs, and Shenji completely controls all domestic practitioners and awakeners, and only a few people remain incognito.

So now Lu Shu heard what this Nakagawa said and suddenly realized that not all slaves were forced, and some people succumbed to the devil because of their ambitions!

The passage between Lu Zhou and the earth opens, perhaps this is a carnival for the ambitious.


One more

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