Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1096: The discovery of Sakurai Yayoko

In the early morning, after washing, Lu Shu drove a taxi and went out again. This time the scope of the activity will be expanded. The two lines run between the Guoshiguan University and the Shenji Mansion. Lu Shu is still thinking about how to figure out the Guoshiguan Who is that awakener in the university.

He knew that Shenji must have started to check the taxi and the "Matsuyama Chief Secretary", but he felt that the other party's inquiry should only stay on the surface temporarily. If Shenji started on his own, he could easily retreat.

But Lu Shu did n’t know that Shenji was more active than he had imagined. When he went out less than fifteen minutes, someone flipped into his rental house from the back balcony, trying to find something in the rental house clue.

The two Shenji intelligence officers wore black shoe covers and carefully opened the balcony door. The lock on the balcony door was not a hindrance for them.

The intelligence personnel looked at the situation in the rental house, and there was nothing unusual about it. It was like a normal rental house, no secrets. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

However, at this moment, they were surprised when they received the notification in the headset, and then quickly retreated from the rental house.

At the next moment, a black business car came from a distance, and the appearance of the car looked tough and oppressive.

Sakurai Yayoko came down from the car and went straight up the stairs.

Behind her was a team of confidants. The two intelligence officers were a little shocked. They didn't expect that this matter had shocked the leader of Shenji today.

This made them feel very surprised. Obviously it was an ordinary routine inspection, and they did not plan to get too much information from the rental house. How come even the real gangster came.

Just a taxi driver, as for? !

Today, Yayoi Sakurai has a supreme status within the Shenji, not only in spirit but also in strength, she is a well-deserved leader. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

On weekdays, Yayoi Sakurai is very simple, and ordinary members of the Shinji cannot see her at all, even proud of seeing her.

If one day you can see her inside Shenji, you can talk to Shenji colleagues for a long time and say that you have seen Lord Sakurai today. Lord is as ruthless and domineering as the legend.

The two intelligence officers were a little happy, and seeing Yayoi Sakurai was really a surprise today!

At this time, Yayoi Sakurai stepped up, and it was just at this time that Saito Bell came out of the rental house and collided with Yayoi Sakurai's team.

Sakurai Yayoko didn't seem to mean "secret search" at all, but walked upright and upright.

Saito Suzuki stepped back a little timidly, waiting for Sakurai Yako to pass by.

The Sakurai Yayoko aura in black formal wear and high heels is too powerful. It is definitely not the cherry blossom kimono girl in Lu Shu's impression, and it has nothing to do with quietness. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In fact, few people in the current collection of gods have seen the side of Sakurai Yayoko!

Saito Suzu is a student at Kokushikan University. Sometimes when you go out, you will be envied and say, ah, you are a student at Kokushikan University.

However, at this moment when Saito Suzuki looked at Sakurai Yayoko, who was getting closer, he felt like an ugly duckling ... When Saito Suzuki thought that the team would pass by him, Sakurai Yayoko Suddenly stopped: "Did you ever speak to the Matsuyama political department next door?"

Saito Suzuki froze for a moment: "Songshan Jun is a very good person. Are you doing anything with him?"

Yayoi Sakurai looked down at this Saito Bell, and then Saito Bell suddenly froze for a moment: "Are you Yayoi Sakurai, the man who used to be a high school man and woman god!"

Speaking of this, Yayoi Sakurai and Saito Suzuki are still in the same session, but now that Yayoi Sakurai is no longer in school, Shenji directly invites the teacher to the mansion of Shenji to teach one-on-one And the teacher has no teacher dignity, teaching is a little bit trembling ... When teaching, there are ten people in black suits and black sunglasses next to you watching you behind the sunglasses, normal people will definitely be afraid ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

At this time, even Yayoi Sakurai was a little trance, and her nickname hadn't been mentioned for a long time. Since she became the true leader of the Shenji, no one mentioned it.

At this time, Saito Suzu also noticed that he seemed to be saying something wrong, and quickly bowed: "Sorry, sorry, you are now a more noble identity."

Sakurai Yayoko suddenly smiled: "It's okay, don't worry, I just want to ask you about Ms. Matsuyama."

Saito Suzu was relieved, and I don't know how. When Yayoko Sakurai laughed, the atmosphere that almost fell to the freezing point melted at once.

"Can I ask what you are doing with him?" Saito Suzu asked cautiously. She used the Matsuyama Chief Secretary as a friend, and of course she couldn't easily betray her.

"Wait, what's your name?" Sakurai Yako asked suddenly. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"My name is Saito Bell."

At this time, Yayoi Sakurai became kind: "Chiba told me about you ~ ~ Boasting you are really good, are you a good friend?"

"Wow, really?" Saito Suzu feels too surprised, on the one hand, because the leader of the Shenji has heard of himself, on the other hand, there is a kind of happiness for human beings: after being praised without knowing it , I was also accidentally informed ...

To put it simply, your friends praised you without anyone knowing, and then someone came to tell you, who praised you.

This will make me happy ...

The two of them suddenly became friendly because of the girl Chiba. Chiba really sought out, and Lu Shu also knew that the other party once liked Lu Shu's latent character Yosuke Kirahara.

Due to the fact that Lu Shu and Yayoi Sakurai were once kept, Chiba Mayumi also got acquainted with Yayoi Sakurai and even often went shopping together. When the two were shopping, Yayoi Sakurai could pretend to be an ordinary person , Without entourage.

Saito Suzuki also heard that Chiba had mentioned Sakurai, but she hadn't taken it too seriously before.

Sakurai Yako suddenly asked, "Can you tell me something about the strange changes in the Matsuyama Chief Secretary?"

"Yes," Saito Suzuki decided to tell the truth: "I think the pressure of chatting with him recently has suddenly become very stressful, and the speech has become a little ... stimulating people's nerves ..."

Stimulates people's nerves, commonly known as piercing heart.

Sakurai Yayoko is tall, and Saito Suzu needs to look up to see Sakurai Yayoko's expression.

At this time, after she suddenly realized that she had finished speaking, Yayoi Sakurai's expression was brighter, and she didn't know if it was an illusion!


There are two more changes later, it is recommended to watch tomorrow morning, and I do n’t know when I can adjust back to my work and rest, I will adjust it as soon as possible ...

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