Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: All rely on peers

"Can you tell me more?" Yayoi Sakurai's eyes were bright.

Sometimes you ca n’t underestimate a woman ’s powerful instincts, maybe one of your eyes will make her feel everything.

Sakurai Yayoko knew that Lu Shu had returned from Lu Zhou. How could she not know that she was one of the people who most concerned about Lu Shu's whereabouts.

So when she was in danger, Sakurai Yayoko was wondering if the teenager knew he was in danger, would he come? !

Sakurai Yayoko was not quite sure, but her warm eyes last night made her sleepless. She didn't fall asleep all night. She just stabilized her mood by practicing.

Last night she flipped her wallet over and over again, looking at the more than 100,000 yen in it. Speaking of more than 100,000 yuan, there were not many, only a few ten thin, but just a glance at it felt very at ease.

This turbulent night finally let Yayoi Sakurai decide that she is going to take a look at herself to see what is going on with the Matsuyama Chief Secretary.

At this moment, Yayoi Sakurai already understood what was going on. She was very happy, not happy to finally find each other.

But when he is in danger, the other party really comes.

When they met last time, they did not have any status to be crowned, but now they meet again, one is the ninth Tian Luo of the Tian Luo Di Wang, the master of the Wuwei Army, and the other is the leader of the Shenji.

Sakurai Yayoko suddenly felt anxious again. Will the change of identity make them alienated? It should not be!

Saito Suzuki looked at Sakurai Yayoko and turned away. She even saw a smile on her face that could not be stopped. Is this the unsmiling leader in the legendary collection?

Do n’t you all say that Sakurai Yayoko is serious and ruthless? When Shenji completed the thorough cleansing of the conservative party's main battle group, everyone still remembered that it was really a killing.

Saito Bell and even most members of the Shinji do not know that, like a cherry blossom kimono and a black formal dress, Yayoi Sakurai has two moods.

"Find the taxi, I want to know where he is now," said Sakurai Yayoko, and then got on the black business car like a queen.

Saito Suzu did not hear this sentence. She wondered why the Matsuyama Chief Secretary had an intersection with Sakurai Yayoko. At the beginning, she could see that Shenji came to investigate the Matsuyama Chief Secretary. Did her own explanation make Shenji give up the investigation?

She took a light breath, shouldn't there be anything wrong?


Lu Shu was still strolling in front of the Guoshiguan University at this time, and the taxi did not know where he was parked.

At this time, had prepared a new identity for him, but Lu Shu was useless. He decided to give the identity of Songshan Political Department to the last minute.

He prepared his spare identity because he knew that the identity of Matsuyama ’s political bureau had collapsed last night. Saito Suzu and the slave Yagawa Nakagawa had an intersection. If there is a ghost inside the **** set, then he is likely to be targeted by the slave owner. Therefore, it is better to have an identity backup, and this is the benefit of having the support of

What he didn't know was that he was parked next to the taxi a few kilometers away and now surrounded by a large number of Shenji members, the car was ripped apart.

However, everyone mobilized the monitoring and checked for a long time and did not find where Lu Shu went. At this time, it was the turn of the Shenji members, because after they lost Lu Shu, the ghost knew whether Sakurai Yayoko would be on fire.

Although Sakurai ’s treatment of the enemy is fierce, there is no special pressure when he thinks about his own. This is also the reason why many conservatives follow her with determination.

But the master is tolerant and tolerant.

The member of the Shenji who was in charge of finding Lu Shu dared to report to Yayoi Sakurai: "I lost it ... I couldn't find him anywhere."

The members of Shenji who were waiting for the punishment suddenly heard Sakurai Yayoko smile and said, "It's also normal. If you can find him, then he is not him."

The members of Shenji were fascinated at that time. Is this a mystery ... or tongue twister?

Looking at Sakurai Yayoko means that finding the other party is not too incompetent, but Sakurai Yayoko knows that the other party is extremely powerful.

What is the sacredness of this Matsuyama Chief Secretary? !

Now all major organizations have been lost, and the original Shenji has been reduced to second-rate organizations. As a result, after the Tiger Back Fortress, the Shenji has once again become first-class.

Is Shenji stronger? No, it's because other organizations have become weaker ... whether it is first-class or second-rate, all relying on peers ...

Looking at the entire earth now, few organizations can still be considered powerful, except for the

However, Shenji does not have the mind to compare with Tian Luo Di Wang at present. For Tian Luo Di Wang, there is no first-rate second-class concept. They are a separate standard. This standard is two words, invincible ...

Hey, Sakurai Yayoko's most trusted middle-aged female practitioner took a look at Sakurai. There were some rumors inside the core of Shenji. They knew that Noji Yushin, Takashima Hirazu and others were all the ninth day. Luo killed, but the most interesting rumor is that on the ninth day, Luo had a relationship with the current God Collector ...

No one in the Shenji hates Lu Shu. Here, those who admire the strong, who have the ability to kill the Shenji, they admire and respect who they are.

So if someone asks who is the most worshipped overseas practitioner in Shenji, the first is Nie Ting, and the second is the ninth Tianluo ... Some people even think that the two are tied for first place, after all, Nie Ting did not put the Shenji Kill through ...

At this moment, the middle-aged female practitioner who usually served Yayoi Sakurai thought, wouldn't it be the ninth day Luo came, she still hardly saw Sakurai in such a comfortable mood ...

But she didn't tell anyone her guess, but she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If it was the one who came, the people who had the imprint of the moths in the territory recently might have died.

No more worrying about the safety of Yayoi Sakurai, she suddenly relaxed a lot in her heart ~ ~ Lv Shu slowly walked around in the Kokushikan University, he would not think that someone had guessed his identity, and I was thinking about how to use the awakening person at Kokushikan University to catch the big fish.

Lu Shu remembered that Saito Suzuki was from the Faculty of Law, so the awakener should be a student of the Faculty of Law, and his current standby status is from the Faculty of Science and Technology, which is ready to be activated at any time. Quietly leave Tokyo.

Lu Shu did n’t know how to get to the Faculty of Law when he first arrived. He turned left and turned right for a long time, but he did n’t find it. So he was going to find someone to ask for directions, but he did n’t ask yet. , Please ask the law department how to get there? "

Lv Shu Leng was on the spot, so what's the line? He pondered for two seconds and said: "Turn left in front and go straight for 300 meters, then turn right, go straight for 1oo meters and then turn left. There are many people there, you ask them how to get there."

"Negative emotion value from Noda Seiko, +666!"

At this time, Lu Shu felt something was wrong. The other party was the same as his destination. He looked at the other party. He suddenly showed that the other party was wearing gloves. Wouldn't it be to cover the slave's mark?

At this time, Lu Shu looked at the other party more carefully, the energy fluctuations in the other party, level c.


One more

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