Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1112: Break common sense

Sakurai Yayoko was going back to the house, and Lv Shu shouted to her: "I think you eat and you go back."

Sakurai Yayoko suddenly laughed: "Well."

Then, after Yakuko Sakurai stuffed two pith-washing fruits, the whole person was stunned. Lv Shu had been surprised for a long time. After all, so many pith-washing fruits were sent out.

At the next moment, Yayoi Sakurai took the phone and said, "Bring the sodium potassium alloy!"

A phone call, many people in Shenji followed up. Someone quickly took out the sodium-potassium alloy from the headquarters warehouse and drove by, and then Momogi sent him respectfully.

When Mogi Minchong came in, he carefully looked at Lu Shu and Yayoi Sakurai, and then looked at the open door of the two of them. She was shocked to see that the two people were sleeping in two rooms. The imagination is completely different ...

She had guessed whether Lu Shu wouldn't work, but afterwards she herself felt that the odds were too small, so is the boy in front of him too principled.

Yayoi Sakurai is very nice, even a woman must admit that Yayoi Sakurai's appearance is the kind that makes most women jealous, so trying to resist this temptation is not an easy thing in itself.

In the past two days, Toshiyuki Mogi has noticed that there is something wrong with Yayoi Sakurai. After the school festival, Yako Sakurai accidentally asked her a question: "Mogi, if it is you, how would you manage the divine set?"

Momogi Minchong is one of the most promising people in the b-level strongman of the current collection to be promoted to a-level, and has won the trust of Sakurai Yako, so it can be said that it is in power.

But this question asked by Yayoi Sakurai, she really never thought about it, because she knew that the lifespan of the a-class strongman is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

It is not clear how long you can live. After all, this is just a rejuvenation on the earth. No one has any experience in this area. If it is Lu Shu, you can answer immediately. The life span of a class practitioner should be about 8oo years old. Only a small group of strong people can break through this limit.

Momogi Minchon suddenly realized when he heard the question of Yayoi Sakurai that the master of the **** set would not want to go to the Tian Luo Di Internet Cafe with the ninth Tian Luo! ?

She didn't know yet that at the school festival, Lu Shu once said to take Yayoi Sakurai to eat snacks. Yayoi Sakurai was seriously considering this issue.

At that time, Shigeru Mogi dare not to speak, and she worried that Yayoi Sakurai was testing her loyalty. As one of the representatives of the hermit family sent by the conservatives, Toshihiro Mogi certainly knew the truth of the companion such as the companion tiger, fearing that what was wrong was removed by Sakurai Yayoko.

Now Yayoi Sakurai in front of Lv Shu is like a good little baby girl, but that is the master of the **** set. How cruel was the conservatives to eliminate the main battles. Only those who have experienced that turmoil know!

And now, Mogi Minch suddenly realized that this girl really seemed to be able to give up all the power and interests in her hand for the ninth Tian Luo, even if she left Shenji.

If this matter is to let Zhong Yutang Hao Zhi Nie Ting know that they will have a toothache, Lu Shu is sent to send a message to Shenji: We sent Lu Shu in the past, just want to establish diplomatic relations with you, after all, our ninth day Luo Very good relationship with your Lord of Gods.

But their purpose is to hope that Shenji is in the hands of Sakurai Yayoko, and do n’t keep making mobs with Tian Luo Di Wang, because Sakurai Yayoko is still very friendly to Tian Luo Di Wang. Everyone wants Lu Shu to deepen this friendship.

As a result, all this must be abducted by the leader of the **** set!

Is this ridiculous? Who went to establish diplomatic relations and abducted the president and the king? What did you build here? !

It was at this time that Sakurai Yayoko had drawn a dagger from his sleeve. The dagger Lv Shu had seen. It was a personal implement for Sakurai Yayoko, including the cherry blossom kimono worn by Sakurai Yayoko.

Yayoi Sakurai asked Momogi to go out and Momogi to resign respectfully. At this time she realized that it was her own qualifications that Yayoi Sakurai was going to test? !

Sakurai Yayoko is a Class A qualification. This is not a secret in the God Collection, but is this qualification not fixed? Is there any change?

As we all know, qualifications will not change, this is common sense!

At the last moment when he withdrew from the courtyard of Tongyuan's courtyard, Mogi Minkan gave Lu Shu a careful look. She understood that this teenager always broke common sense, whether in the news or in the intelligence.

Now it is not impossible to break common sense for Yayoi Sakurai again!

What is the level of qualifications such as Grade A? No one knows, at least Momogi does not know!

When Lu Shu tested with sodium-potassium alloy, the silver-white sodium-potassium alloy eventually turned into a star.

When Lv Xiaoyu tested with sodium-potassium alloy, the silver-white sodium-potassium alloy eventually turned black like an abyss.

After Carol had eaten, thunder flashed in the sodium-potassium alloy.

In fact, Lu Shu didn't know that, in fact, some people were born with this qualification: Nie Ting.

When Nie Ting tested his qualifications for the first time, the sodium-potassium alloy was abnormal, which was different from that of Lv Shulu Xiaoyu. In the bottle he tested, the sodium-potassium alloy changed sharply like a blade. Shape.

This is actually one of the top secrets of Tian Luo Di. Shi Xuejin once said with a smile that Nie Ting is a child of one in six billion, and no one is more fortunate than him.

Until Lu Shu appeared to subvert the mother's cognition ...

Now, Yayoi Sakurai cut his finger with a dagger pattern.

It was as if the cherry blossoms were blooming by the street in spring, and then a gust of wind blew down, and the cherry blossoms fell one by one.

Sakurai Yayoko's eyes bright picked up the bottle of sodium-potassium alloy and looked at it: "It's beautiful."

Lu Shu sighed with relief and became!

Although this kind of gift is not a big price for him, for Yayoi Sakurai, it is a thing that can earn a lifetime.

Although the promotion of Grand Master does not look at the roots of qualifications but at perception, you must always practice to that threshold to be qualified to compare with others.

"Thank you, Lu Shujun," Yayoi Sakurai bent down and bowed to Lu Shu. Lu Shu suddenly turned his head, because the collar of his current kimono was too spacious ...

At this moment, Momogi came back in a hurry, and just saw this scene, she hid her smile, because she felt that the ninth Tian Luo, although not serious, was quite gentlemanly.

Sakurai Yayoko sorted the neckline and looked at Mogi Moto: "Is there anything?"

At this time, Yayoi Sakurai had put the sodium-potassium alloy into her space ring because she didn't want others to know Lu Shu's secret. Even if Lu Shu doesn't mind herself, she wants to prevent someone from playing Lu Shu's idea.

Mogi Minchung said: "A young man in a strange dress suddenly came to the door and said that he was looking for Lu Shu ..."

Lv Shu was stunned for a moment, wouldn't it be the slave owner who came to the door, he was curious: "Did the other party say who he is?"

"The other party said that he is Wenwen, do you know," Mogi Minchung said: "The other party ... is very strong."


There will be one more later

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