Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: Eat solitary

Is the text there? This made Lu Shu surprised. He never really thought he would hear this name on earth.

As for Momogi, it is very strong, of course it is very strong, not to mention the earth, even if the entire Lu Zhou can be stronger than the text.

But it seems that Wen Zai and Shenji seem to have started?

When he and Wen Wen met for the first time, he was in Lu Wangshan. At that moment, he felt that this Emperor was a little unreasonable. Although he looked extremely majestic in his kimono, Lu Shu really did not think that the other party was like a Emperor.

In other words, the other party may not think about the Emperor of the day.

Later, Lu Shu saw the commemoration of Wen Zai in the book collection, if the thing could be called commemorative ...

However, there is no intersection between the two sides. Even if Wen Zai still drew his eyebrows at the Jianlu ceremony, Lu Shu still felt that the two sides would not have any intersection in the future.

And now, the other party has come to earth!

When did you come here and where did you come from?

Lu Shu was thinking about a problem before. He guessed that all the places in the world that can open space channels are actually specially developed by the former. One on Longmen Mountain, one in Northern Europe, one in North America, and one in Changbai Mountain, so this The four channels should correspond to the four great powers, and each of them has escaped from the Grand Master's realm.

Logically speaking, although the relationship between Lu Shu and Wen is not good enough to chat and drink, it is not bad.

But now he couldn't relax at all, because Lu Shu felt that all anomalies must have roots.

He was still thinking about a problem before. So many slave owners came from Lu Zhou to mark the practitioners as slaves for the purpose of controlling the practitioners.

Such a big action plan, there must be a principal who will come to the earth to control the overall situation, otherwise they will not let them fight like a piece of sand?

And now the text is suddenly appearing, which space channel is the other party coming from, North America? With those slave owners?

Could it be that the text is the manipulator behind it? There was a chill in Lu Shu's heart.

However, Lu Shu thought of whether the text was a success or not. He always felt that the slave owner forcibly made the slave imprint, unlike the other party.

In Lu Shu's impression, whether Wen or not should be the kind of person who idles and finds nothing, but it is definitely not so insidious.

It's just that the arrival of Wen Zai completely means that there is more and more intersections between Lu Zhou and Earth.

Is the text coming today, who will come tomorrow? The Yufuyao who likes to sleep on Lu Shu's bed every day? Or the emperor Qingkong who looks honest?

Lu Shu said: "Where is he, take me over."

Mogi Minchong took Lu Shu out, and then at Lu Shu's temporary residence in the convoy, he saw Wen Zai stood at the door carrying his hands leisurely, and lying beside him was a crooked member of Shenji.

These people were originally taking a break. As a result, did they come to ask if they knew Lu Shu? The members of Shenji thought of who you are. They wear such weird clothes and ask such weird questions. Why tell you?

Then, even the opportunity to tell was gone, just a moment, everyone was stunned.

No one died, the intensity just happened to be stunned. Whether Wen Wen asked Mogi to report, he was waiting here.

When he heard footsteps, did Wen turn his head, and when he saw Lu Shu, he was surprised: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you missed me? How have you been recently? How did you eat? , Have you grown up here since childhood, would you like to show me around. "

Lu Shu's face was black at the time. This is a dignified emperor. Although he was not serious but was still in the normal category, how has he changed into a urine after the concert.

Hey, Lu Shu suddenly felt that whether the text that might exist in the zigzag is the real text.

Zhang Weiyu said that whether Wen was a teacher of the Royal Dragon Class before, and that he was the most hearted person next to the old **** king, so will Wen reveal his true personality in front of the people he trusts most?

But why does the other party treat himself like this ...

"How come you are here on earth," Lu Shu asked curiously. He felt that at least the atmosphere is still very harmonious. Let's try it first.

Wen Zai said indifferently: "I think so many people have come, so I have to come and go."

When Lu Shu heard it, she was a little confused: "It's that simple?"

"Yeah, it's that simple," Wen Zai said: "Have you eaten anything, stutter it first ..."

Lu Shuxin said that this is probably the most grounded Emperor I've ever seen, so you came here in the middle of the night just to find a stutter?

But can Lu Shu refuse, this is Grand Master, or the strongest Emperor in Grand Master.

When the two were talking, Toshiyuki Mogi was translating what Yagiko Sakurai said to him whether or not Lu Shuhe Wen said ~ ~ Before Toshiyuki Mogi came to Yayoi Sakurai, it was because Toshiyuki Mogi Chinese……

However, at this time, did the text turn around and even said in Japanese: "No need to translate, I will also speak your language."

Lu Shu wondered whether Wen Wen was amazed, and whether Wen Wen saw Lu Shu's gaze, he burst into anger: "Is it very powerful, ha ha ha!"

Lu Shu: "..."

Sakurai Yayoko understood Lu Shu ’s expression and seemed to realize that things were not that simple. She ordered Mogi Moto to wake up everyone on the ground, and then prepared a sumptuous dinner for Wenzai.

Whether the article admired Sakurai Yayoko, said, "It looks pretty virtuous, much stronger than Jianlu's."

Lu Shu was silent, and he took Wen to the Wuyuan Pavilion of Tongyuan. Yayoi Sakurai followed, Lu Shu carrying his hands, his right index finger struck the Morse code rhythmically: Be careful, this person The pinnacle of Shenzang Realm comes from Lu Zhou.

Sakurai Yayoko surprisedly looked at Wen Zai's back, this young man turned out to be the pinnacle of God's Tibetan Realm?

Lv Shu had been trained by Zhong Yutang for him three days before he first came to Shenji, and Yayoi Sakurai used to deal with intelligence personnel often, so the Morse code of the two clubs is not uncommon, but Lu Shu didn't expect to use it one day.

The members of the Shenji quickly bought food and sent it to the Tongyuan Wuwu Museum. The stone table in the courtyard was very rich. Wen Zai pulled a mouthful of eel rice and then furiously said: "No wonder I often carry my back to my ancestral land. Here comes the one-to-one meal! "

Lv Shu burst into tears and laughter in an instant, what is it all about?

He thought that after the article came, he might get some information from some clues, but the result was more and more confused ...

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