Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 3:

The three-person tour turned into four people, which made Lu Shu despair.

It was bad enough to have a text or not, and now there is another Yu Fuyao.

To be honest, Lu Shu really worried about his own safety. These two big brothers, they really can't afford any of them.

And the most important point is that neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp, and it costs money faster.

Sakurai Yayoko, in turn, took control of the Shenji after being out of conservative control. It should be more mature in principle, but Lu Shu was surprised, and now Sakurai Yayoko is more naive.

This reverse growth of psychological age is probably because of the many burdens.

In fact, the reason why people will mature in this life is that they carry too many things, and experience the humor that no one supports, those who have suffered losses, the trust that has been betrayed, the love that has not responded, Then I was forced to mature and exchange all this for the ability to protect myself. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

If you can always be like a child carefree, who would accept the so-called maturity?

However, Lu Shu felt that Yayoi Sakurai was innocent now. As long as Wen Zaifu and Yu Fuyao spoke, she would buy them all.

At the request of Yufu Yao and Wen, whether Lu Shu and Yayoi Sakurai took them to the beach. And make three chapters with them. Travel as you travel, you ca n’t hurt ordinary people, you ca n’t spend money on it, you have to be temperate, you need to save money ...

Originally it was just casually said that both the result of the text and whether it was Yu Fuyao agreed.

Whether Wen disappeared into the sea, Yu Fuyao stood at the beach and didn't know what to think about, and even followed.

Lu Shu has some doubts. Lu Zhou also has the sea. Why did Wen Zai and Yu Fuyao come to the beach to play? This seems to be a very unreasonable thing. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

If it is a person who has lived in 6 for many years and wants to see the sea, this is understandable, but why did the two Emperors Lu Zhou also indicate that they would come to the seaside, is there any secret under the sea?

Lv Shu wanted to follow along, but he felt that things between Heavenly Emperors might not be able to intervene.

When they entered the sea, Lu Shu whispered to Sakurai Yayoko: "You are not familiar with them, there is no need to pay them this way?"

Although you are the master of the **** set, you are rich, you control the economic lifeline of the island country, but you do n’t need to be so generous.

Sakurai Yayoko smiled happily and said, "Does this make them feel more enthusiastic, then they will stay here for a long time."

Lu Shu was silent. He wanted to say that Sakurai, you are really good. Just standing there quietly like a cherry blossom will make people stare unbearably. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

But even if Wen stayed here for 100 years, Lu Shu could not stay here for 100 years. Lu Shu has his own life.

Sakurai Yaiko seemed to see through Lu Shu's thoughts. She looked at Lu Shu with her hands on her back and smiled: "Lv Shujun doesn't need to feel troubled, they won't stay here all the time, will they?"

Lv Shu stood there stunned, looking at the girl as if she broke her own dream with a smile.

As a result, at this time, there was a violent roar beneath the distant sea surface, and even the seawater was tumbling upwards due to this hand, and the continuous rising tide of the seawater was about to form a tsunami.

This is the power of the Grand Master, and it can have a huge impact by raising your hand to the ground.

Lu Shu glanced behind him, and behind them was the city. If the tsunami swept through, he would not know how many people would die. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"How did they fight?" Sakurai Yayoko was very puzzled.

"I also want to know," Lu Shu said seriously.

But now I do n’t have time to delve into that much. Lu Shu knows that he did n’t rashly follow up, otherwise the aftermath of the two players might not be able to bear it.

He stood by the sea, and the next time the water system moved, the sea water pouring into the city like a city wall stopped for a moment, and then it seemed to have a big hand pressed up and calmed down!

But Wen Zai and Yu Fuyao didn't stop. The tsunami was still rolling after another, and Lu Shu could only calm the sea water.

Lu Shu thought about what this was called. The two Grand Masters suddenly fought, and he had to follow him to clean up the aftermath, so as not to hurt the innocent.

The more this is, the more he wants to know what happened under the sea! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Is there anything unusual under this sea area?" Lu Shu asked Yayoi Sakurai curiously.

"No," Yayoi Sakurai shook his head: "We have already explored the surrounding waters, and it was at the time of exploration that the deep sea white sand was present, and now even the deep sea white sand has been collected."

"If you recall again, these two people suddenly started here without reason," Lu Shu frowned.

"It's nothing unusual ..." Yayoi Sakurai was also puzzled.

As a result, at this moment, whether Wen rushed out of the sea, Yu Fuyao followed behind him, and the two fell in front of Lu Shu and Yayoi Sakurai. Wen Zai said, "You see what I caught?"

Lv Shu looked at the two big crabs in Wenwen's hand: "So you just went to catch the crab just now?"

"So what?" Wen Zai laughed happily. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Lu Shu carefully looked at Wen Zai and Yu Fuyao, as if they hadn't even touched their hands!

It ’s not that they did n’t do it, but two people did n’t want to say why they did it!

Yufu Yao instantly evaporated the steam from her body and pulled Sakurai Yayoko to the beach to pick up shells. Lu Shu looked at Wen Zai and said, "Why fight?"

As a result, the text was hardly serious at this time: "You are careful about this woman ~ ~ I take back the sentence I said before, and I should ... cannot beat her."

Lv Shu was stunned for a moment, but it was still rare to see whether Wen was not blatant, which was really rare.

Before he could say anything, several uniformed staff ran over, and the tsunami just alarmed them.

It was just that when everyone came over to check, the sea was calm and the tsunami disappeared.

They looked at each other without knowing what was going on, and then said to Wen Zai and Lv Shu: "It's very dangerous here. Didn't you see the tsunami just now? Hurry and leave."

Lu Shuxin said that the tsunami is not dangerous at all, and the people who can create the tsunami are dangerous.

The tsunami was indeed gone, and the staff simply suspected that it was an illusion.

As a result, the relaxed staff saw the two crabs in Wen's hand suddenly said: "Is this what you caught from the sea? You don't know that fishing is not allowed here? This is a fine!"

Lv Shu whispered: "About three chapters!"

Change to the previous article, where is the nonsense with this civilian, but this is not the promise of the three chapters of Lv Shuyue, otherwise he will not be taken with him.

Wen Zai looked at the crab in his hand: "This is my pet."

The staff sneered: "How do you prove that this is your pet?"

Wen Zai said: "I throw them out, call their names, they will come back."

The staff froze for a moment: "I don't believe it, you try."

Wen Zai directly threw the crab back into the sea, and the staff said: "You call the crab back now."

Was the text surprised? "Crab? What crab?"

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