Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: Freshness

"Wang fried," Wen Zai said. & 1t; /

Yufu shook his face very badly: "Lu Shu is the landlord!" & 1t; /

Wen Zai's face was arrogant: "I only bomb the people I want to bomb." & 1t; /

"Fighting a landlord also gave you a sense of superiority?" Yufu shook his face with a black face: "Sakurai, you come to him, I don't want to play with him."

"If you don't want to play, let Sakurai do it for you, why don't you let me play?" Wen Zai was not happy. & 1t; /

They took the train on the way to Sapporo, and Lu Shu proposed to play cards. & 1t; /

It was not that Lu Shu wanted to play cards, but that he was tortured. & 1t; /

Modern people generally play their mobile phones quietly after they get in the car, watch videos, watch news, and watch movies, and they will soon get to the place, so as long as the power is enough, they will not be too boring. & 1t; /

So the question is coming ... Wen Zaifu and Yufuyao do not have mobile phones ... & 1t; /

These two people are really curious about everything when they get on the bus. For example, the way the train works. You have to say how convenient they will find it. & 1t; /

What they feel is novel is that Wen Zaifu and Yu Fuyao are both emperors, who think they are the closest to the origin and truth of the world, but they do n’t understand the principle of this train, even the electric lights and 1ed display on the car. . & 1t; /

The world is presented to them in another way. They will not question the spiritual path they have traveled, but they will want to understand why. & 1t; /

Lu Shu was very patient at first. When Yu Fuyao asked him if the small screen was a real person, Lu Shu explained: "That's all real people, but there is a camera shooting them, complete records I gave everything that was born at that time. "& 1t; /

Wen Zai nodded and nodded: "Will you shoot this kind of thing?" & 1t; /

"I will," Lu Shu took out his phone to Wen Zai for a few seconds, and then ... Wen Zai asked Lu Shu to take pictures and videos along the way. & 1t; /

He said that even if Tiandi had an end to his life, he would leave his handsome and handsome image to future generations, so that everyone could continue to look at him ... & 1t; /

On the other hand, Wen continued to put shapes on the train: "Do you think this shape will look like a great shore, or will I put my hands down? Would you like to reorganize your head? Do you think ..." & 1t; /

Lu Shu's face is green, so why is he still a narcissist! & 1t; /

The tickets they bought happened to be face-to-face with a four-seater, and Yu Fuyao sneered with arms on his seat: "Are you even a painter in the Emperor's Palace?" & 1t; /

Wen Zai said: "How can the artist's craftsmanship reflect one-tenth of my form?" & 1t; /

Lu Shu puzzled: "According to your character, shouldn't you use the adjective of 1 / 10,000?" & 1t; /

Wen Zaifei said: "You don't understand this. I use one-tenth to describe it, it seems too exaggerated, and others don't believe it. When you use one-tenth, everyone thinks this description is very true." & 1t ; /

Where is it true ... Lv Shu was powerless to vomit. & 1t; /

To be honest, he really didn't want to go with Wen Zaifu and Yu Fuyao, so he just rushed into the fight that these two guys had just played in the sea, so that Lu Shu's many skills could only be held in his stomach, and he didn't dare to release it at will ... & 1t; /

However, Lu Shu will keep all these things in the small book. He will be promoted to the Grand Master's level one day sooner or later, and even the profit will be recovered ... & 1t; /

Yu Fuyao disdainfully said: "How old is the child, just like a child, and I don't know how to become the emperor." & 1t; /

Wen Zai suddenly laughed: "I do know how you can become a heavenly emperor." & 1t; /

Yu Fuyao's face suddenly turned black: "Whether the text is there or do you know what you are talking about?" & 1t; /

"Did I just want to leave a picture with a problem?" Wen Zai answered non-questionably. & 1t; /

"Childish," Yu Fuyao said coldly. & 1t; /

At this time, Yayoi Sakurai wanted to relax the atmosphere and said to Mifuya: "Shall I take some pictures for you too?" & 1t; /

Yufu shook his eyes and said, "Is it possible? I want to take a picture with Lu Shu ..." & 1t; /

Sakurai Yayoko: "..." & 1t; /

Lu Shu: "..." & 1t; /

However, how can Wen Zai make Yufu shake his mind? The group photo of the last two people turned into four people. & 1t; /

Finally, everyone now shows that Yu Fuyao and Wen Wen have black faces, and Lv Shu has no expression. Only Yayoi Sakurai is happy from the heart. & 1t; /

After getting off the bus, the two of Yufu Yao and Wen did not want to go to the hot spring shop for the first time. In fact, the hot spring shop has already made a reservation, and it is a very famous one. & 1t; /

Although many tourists have already made reservations, no one here has dared to refuse Shenji's request. & 1t; /

But the two of Yufuyao and Wenzai are suddenly not interested in hot springs now, shouting that they must buy a mobile phone, one per person, immediately! & 1t; /

After buying the mobile phone for two people, Yayoi Sakurai patiently taught them how to use it, and also asked the photo studio to print out the previous group photo, one for each person. & 1t; /

Although Wen Zai said that he rarely took a group photo with Yu Fuyao, he silently put the photo into the space equipment. & 1t; /

I have to say that other things on the earth dare not be stronger than Lu Zhou. The technology in photography really makes Lu Zhou Tiandi feel very interesting. & 1t; /

Standing there alone, the camera clicked, and the person seemed to live on paper. & 1t; /

Those memories, those fragments, are all engraved in it, as if you can see the photos and remember everything you once were. & 1t; /

Wen Zai suddenly said: "Lv Zhou would have had this thing before ~ ​​ ~ I don't know why, Lu Su suddenly felt that Wen Zai was inexplicably sad and hadn't waited for Lu Shu to say anything. Wen said again: "I used to look better, but no one can see it. "& 1t; /

Ha ha, go die, narcissism. & 1t; /

At this time, Yu Fuyao and Wen had already become very interested in this world, and believed in some of the things Lu Shu said, especially in science and technology, such as: the people in the TV set are real. & 1t; /

When I entered the hot spring hotel that night, there was a TV set on the back of the family-style bar with a fantasy movie on the earth. Wen Zai froze for a while and said: "The abilities of these people look just like that. The man who controls the steel is okay, and what kind of phoenix girl, oh, the one who can control other people ’s minds is not bad, but are these really real, there are so many strange people on earth? "& 1t; /

Lu Shu looked at Wen Zai and Yu Fuyao, and said seriously: "Yes, it really exists." & 1t; /

Wen Zai nodded and nodded and said nothing. In his opinion, he really underestimated the earth, but these people still could not beat him ... & 1t; /

Entering the room, Wen Zai and Lu Shu, and Sakurai Yako and Mi Fuya. Wen Zai entered the room and saw that there was a TV in it. The TV was turned on as soon as possible. Female ... & 1t; /

Wen Zai looked at Lv Shu with a shocked expression. The expression probably meant to say, or you guys will play! & 1t; /

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