Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: The first generation master Lu Xiaoshu!

Does Wen Zai think he is very clever, when Sakurai Yayoko attempts to commit suicide, he guesses that the other party does not want Lu Shu to take risks.

When he discovered that Yu Fuyao saw the protected magic weapon, he was not surprised. He knew that Yu Fuyao had actually thought about the plan from the beginning.

And because of his wit, he carefully selected the protective instruments for Yayoi Sakurai. Not to mention that the Grand Master could not get in, the owner of the magic weapon could not come out himself ...

If it wasn't Wen who left such a hand just now, it is very likely that Yayoi Sakurai would walk out of the protective light curtain and die to prevent Lu Shu from taking risks.

She was so stupid, thinking that as long as she died, Lu Shu didn't need to work hard, but Wen Zai would not think so. He felt that if Yayoi Sakurai died, Lu Shu's anger would probably burn everything.

So Wen suddenly felt that he was the most witty in the audience!

A sense of superiority in IQ crushing, spontaneously ...

He liked Yayoi Sakurai very much, pure appreciation.

There are too many scams in this world, it is already not easy to have someone who is sincere to you.

Does Wen Wen feel that the encounter between Lu Shu and Yayoi Sakurai was never the luck of Sakurai Yayoko, but that of Lu Shu.

It's just that even he can't judge what will happen in the end, because the will of the king is the most unpredictable thing in the world.

"You still have to wait for Lu Shu to come here, little girl," Wen Zaiyou said with a smile in the sky: "I always think that even a grandmaster, there is no way to take him."

At the next moment, he had already seen Lu Shu's figure galloping at low altitude. Before the people arrived, the corpse dog and Fuya had arrived first!

The sharp splitting sound screamed at the young grandmaster. The grandmaster frowned and raised his head, holding the corpse dog and Fuya with both hands.

This is also the first time that Lu Shu was the first to control the Seven Soul Swords in the star map. In the past, these two small swords were unfavorable!

This is the grandmaster's prestige. Lu Shu has never faced the enemy's existence. Only at this moment did Lu Shu understand that the first person under the grand master can still only be behind the grand master!

The young grandmaster is called Xue Shengyou, and Lu Shu has received the negative emotion value of the other party!

At this time, Xue Shengyou didn't know that Yu Fuyao had left. He only knew that he was not perfect for this task, and even made many mistakes. Now that Lu Shu has arrived, he can't even break the protection of Sakurai Yayoko. Magic weapon.

He underestimated this instrument, and also underestimated Wen's determination to do things!

Xue Shengyou wanted to crush Fuya and the corpse dog, but he suddenly discovered that the two swords were stronger than he thought.

As a grand master, he could only control it, but he could not be destroyed.

Xue Shengyou didn't know, even Lu Shu could not know what material the Seven Soul Sword of the Star Map was made of, and where it came from.

Suddenly Xue Shengyou drew two small swords into his sleeves to isolate Lu Shu from their connection, but stepped into the void in one step, and immediately came to Lu Shu's head.

Only one product, since the protective magic weapon cannot be broken for the time being, let Lu Shu lose the ability to fight first.

Yayoi Sakurai shouted carefully in the light curtain. She wanted to go out to help, but she was helpless. The Grand Master could not break the magic weapon temporarily. How could she break it?

Whether Wen Wen is dancing in the sky above the sky, he is the decisive factor in the battlefield. Although he cannot shoot, he has a strong sense of the existence of his magical instruments ...

Xue Shengyou took a shot at Lu Shu's head, and Grand Master shot to stir the world. Lu Shu only felt that there were tens of thousands of tons of seawater pouring out of his head.

Lv Shu knew that he must be careful of the other party ’s ability to haunt the master, but if the theory does not go through practice, then he never knows whether he can win.

Suddenly, Lu Shu's ash-yellow thread was woven into a sharp net on top of his head. Each yin-yin-grey line was not stationary, but shuttled back and forth as if it could cut everything.

But at this moment, Lu Shu suddenly found that Xue Shengyou was wearing a pair of black gloves. Even the space is distorted with ripples.

The citizens of Hakodate were disturbed by the sound of fighting, and they looked towards the mountains of Hakodate, but it was difficult to see exactly what happened.

Then, as if they saw a person falling down from the sky, the western side of Mount Hakodate collapsed in an instant. The huge gravel rushed down the mountain, and a small half of the whole mountain shattered!

What kind of power is this? How powerful is the fallen person, even the rocks can be crushed!

The queyin grey line fell from the sky of Mount Hakodate weakly, as if it were a gray rain, and Xue Shengyou stood silently in the sky, he took off the ragged black gloves on his right hand, and his arm was also bleeding .

Since becoming a grandmaster, Xue Shengyou has not been injured for a long time! And he found that although Lu Shu was seriously injured under this blow, but after the Yinyin Grey Line scrapped one of his core magical tools, it was intact!

Xue Shengyou didn't know about Yu Fuyao's plan. Yu Fuyao didn't want to let Lu Shu know the truth. It must have been hidden from everyone, so maybe Xue Shengyou didn't know that Yu Fuyao did not want Lu Shu to die!

"There is no illusion under the prestigious name," Xue Shengyou said while looking at the ruins of the mountain. "No wonder he can be called the first person under the Grand Master, but it is a pity."

Yayoi Sakurai stared blankly at the ruins of the mountain, and the moment Lu Shu fell down she felt like a sword.

Suddenly, someone in the ruins coughed and laughed twice: "It's not over yet ~ ~ Don't rush to talk nonsense. Whether it's you or the person behind you, who wants to kill her You must die! "

For a moment, Yayoi Sakurai in the light curtain burst into tears.

In the ordinary world, the willingness to die for love is just empty talk, because everyone knows that the oath will not come true.

But Yayoi Sakurai thanked this era for allowing her to prove something with her life. If it was for Lu Shu, she would not even have to die.

She didn't want anything in return, but when Lu Shu said this sentence, Yayoi Sakurai felt that even if she died, she shouldn't regret it.

However, Xue Shengyou didn't look at the ground after hearing the words, but looked up at the sky in amazement. On that day, there were thunderclouds starting to condense!

This is ... Thunder Tribulation!

Grand Masters will not be unfamiliar with Thunder Tribulation, because Cross Tribulation is probably the most impressive thing for every Grand Master.

The text above the sky is also stunned. Although he always subconsciously feels that Lu Shu will not be difficult by a grandmaster who has just entered the new realm, he did not expect that Lu Shu can be promoted to Grand Master so easily.

But the question is whether Wen Wen doesn't care if Lu Shu is promoted to Grand Master, because he always thinks that Lu Shu's promotion to Grand Master is just a matter of sooner or later.

He didn't care what the outcome of this battle would be. Anyway, Lu Shu will definitely win. This is Wen Zai's strong confidence in Lu Shu.

He didn't care about these.

Does Wen Wen care about now, if this Lei Lei hacks down, who will hack first? He must have been flying at the highest point!

Whether the text is too clear about the urinary nature of Thunder Tribulation, Thunder Tribulation doesn't matter who you are under Thunder Cloud, or whoever attracted Thunder Tribulation, who it saw who hacked!

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