Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1131: Bring your own catastrophe

Thunder came from the sky dome, and occasionally an arc struck through the thunder cloud. The entire Hakodate was in a panic, and the typhoon was gone, but this came an existence that looked more terrifying than the typhoon!

Wen looked at the sky with melancholy: "A little caught off guard!"

He turned around and waved his arms away from the void. This hilarity could not be watched anymore. He was not afraid of thunder, but he did not want to let Lu Shu know that he was here.

Whether Wen left or not, it was not that he did not worry about Lu Shu, but that he knew that the general trend was set.

Lying in the ruins of the mountain, Lu Shu felt the star charts on her body. The fifth star chart was finally completed.

Joy, anger, sorrow, love and evil, this is the meaning of the seven spirits represented by the seven-story star chart.

The first corpse dog, the second corpse name Fushi, the third corpse name Qin Yin, the fourth porch name Swallow, the fifth porch name non-poisonous, the sixth porch name filthy, and the seventh porcine name dirty!

This time, the new sword that will be formed on the main star of the fifth star chart should be non-poisonous!

But Lu Shu thought before, what kind of sword would non-poison be?

The corpse dog is heavy, the speed of ambush is fast, the number of queyin is very large, and the thieves are swallowed, and it is reasonable to say that all the swords that should be there are already there!

At the next moment, the fifth layer of the nebula officially turned into a complete galaxy, and above the seventh main star ... only a ghost image condensed!

However, he suddenly noticed that something in his mountain river seal was crashing wildly. He opened the mountain river seal, and the gourd that he had long abandoned was suddenly flying above the fifth layer of nebula!

The gourd swallowed the ghost image above the star map, and the surface of the original flying knife in the gourd quickly dissolved, and the long and beautiful flying knife shone brightly, shining stars!

The original purple-gold gourd completely transformed at this time, and a group of stars burned like flames, burning the purple of the gourd itself into white jade!

Lu Shu was really puzzled this time, why the gourd flew in, as if it should have been there.

Before the gourd had been absorbing his star power to support himself, Lu Shu only thought it needed energy.

Lu Shu also thought about why the gourd does not absorb the aura. Later, I think it should be due to the higher quality of the power of the stars. Now think about it, I feel that it is not right.

The original flying knife in the gourd was obtained by Lu Shu from the black market. At that time, Lu Shu thought that the flying knife was integrated with the gourd, but the problem came. This urinary gourd was not only connected after getting the flying knife. This function of turning the head is not available anymore, and it is even more disobedient. I am busy keeping the knife every day.

In the past, Lu Shu was still looking forward to saying that you should nurture it slowly, maybe one day it will be of great use, but in the end it has been nurtured for a long time, or it can only be used to fight thunder!

Lu Shu subconsciously said: "Xue Shengyou!"

Seeing that Xue Shengyou above the sky suddenly looked down at Lu Shu as though force majeure appeared, Lu Shu could clearly feel that this urine gourd has finally returned!

Lu Shu not only rejoiced in turning the gourd into the world, but also rejoicing that he only stepped into the guru realm with one foot. Even Thunder Tribulation has not yet passed, but Xue Shengyou has been unable to resist his turned gourd!

Regardless of whether it is a shadow or a thief, although Lu Shu likes to fight in close combat, he can indeed turn his gourd more in line with his heart, because this thing can be unexpected!

Lv Shu soared up from the ruins of the mountain, and the gray line of the falling bird's shadow flew back like a tornado, following him around.

Xue Shengyou suddenly felt a pain in his arm. The corpse dog and Fu Shi that had been wrapped in his sleeves were no longer detained by him, but flew back to Lu Shu.

The tree surrounded by the swords was like a **** who had just arrived.

Yayoi Sakurai is standing in the light curtain looking at Lu Shu above the sky. This is probably the person she likes. Yayoko Sakurai never refrained from admiring the power of Lu Shu, that is Lu Shu ’s Part, isn't it?

Sakurai Yayoko suddenly laughed. It turned out that Lu Shu didn't need her to maintain her life.

She likes the feeling of being protected, rather than being a lord of the gods to protect others. It would be best if she could cook at home every day and wait for someone to return. The person would return from outside after a busy day, and then say to her, 'I'm back ', Think about it and feel happy ...

Wait, you should n’t think about it at this time, Sakurai Yakoko blushed.

Lu Shu stood in the void and looked up at Thunder Tribulation. He smiled at Xue Shengyou: "Hurry up and finish this fight, I have to go to the tribulation."

Of course, this kind of thing is not in the city. This day's catastrophe is a scale that Lu Shu has never seen before. Nie Ting's two trips were not as powerful as he was.

If this thunderstorm broke out in the city, I am afraid that all the 310,000 people in Hakodate would die today.

And Lu Shu is very interested in the thunder of this day. You must know that he has more than 12,000 sword tires in Qihai Snow Mountain ~ ~ If he has more than 12,000 thunder swords Annoyed, I am afraid that ordinary masters have to walk around themselves!

Who dares to provoke a player who brings his own catastrophe? !

Xue Shengyou said with a sneer: "You really think I only ... cough!"

Xue Shengyou suddenly coughed up with blood, he looked at the black blade on his chest with surprise!

Lu Shu was also stunned. What he saw was Nie Ting who suddenly appeared behind Xue Shengyou!

Nie Ting shrouded in the **** clot was almost thunderous, and then took advantage of Xue Shengyou's full preparedness to prevent Lv Shu from distractingly speaking, and penetrated Xue Shengyou's heart with a knife!

I do n’t know why, every time Nie Ting appears, Lu Shu feels ... even Grand Master is so vulnerable!

Nie Ting calmly pushed Xue Shengyou away and said, "Too much nonsense."

Xue Shengyou's body fell down like a rag sack. Lv Shu froze for a while and saw Shi Xuejin also coming out of the void. He was curious: "When did you come?"

"Oh," Shi Xuejin said with a smile: "You Mingyu told us that you are in danger. At that time, we were in a meeting to discuss things, and immediately came over."

"Discuss business matters? Why do you hold green onions in your hands?" Lu Shu shocked.

At this time, Shi Xuejin remembered that he and Nie Ting were busy on their way, and the green onions forgot to let go ...

Lu Shu suddenly realized that these two were probably eating. Suddenly he heard You Mingyu say he was in danger and the enemy was the Grand Master.

Then Nie Ting robbed him ... Lu Shu didn't even receive Xue Shengyou's final negative emotion value ...

Of course, Lu Shu is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do, it's good for people to save themselves like this ...

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