Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1132: Anyone who opposes us will die

Shi Xuejin was embarrassed and put the green onions back into the space equipment: "It's a pity that the spirit of this master's realm has been known. I already knew that I should bring the little fish."

Lu Shu smiled: "Unfortunately."

He said it was a pity because he knew at the moment when he turned the gourd into position, in addition to turning his head and flying knife, he could also take away the soul of the dead.

"I just got there first," Nie Ting said. "But I think something is amiss. It seems that there was someone hiding there just above, but then left."

"Maybe it's the black hand behind the scenes?" Lu Shu wondered, but he didn't show up. The other party even hid his own perception, or maybe he didn't notice it during the war.

"Anyway, you can't take it lightly," Nie Ting said.

Sometimes, friends are like this. Maybe your blood relatives are disappointing you, but your friends have never let you down.

Lu Shu has thought about this problem, why is this so?

In the end he wanted to understand that those relatives are destined to be your relatives since you were born, you have no right to choose them.

And your friends are chosen by yourself.

Lu Shu said: "Wait a moment for me, I am going to go to the sea to robbery now!"

Lu Shu has been waiting for this thunder for a long time, but he can't tell Nie Ting, otherwise let Ning Ting know that he still likes to be chopped by thunder, maybe he will be made a joke.

However, Lu Shu hadn't moved yet, but saw Shi Xuejin suddenly waved his hand at the sky: "Let's go."

Lu Shu: "???

At this moment, Lu Shu looked at the thunder cloud in the sky, and it started to dissipate! Okay, 12,000 Thunder Swords, how about being a man with a catastrophe? !

Lv Shu quickly pulled Shi Xuejin: "It's not you waiting for a while! Who told you to dismiss me from Thunder Tribulation? You call me Thunder Tribulation back!"

Shi Xuejin: "???

"Negative emotion value from Shi Xuejin, +666!"

At the same time, Lu Shu and Shi Xuejin began to doubt life at the same time ...

It was at this time that Lu Shu remembered that Shi Xuejin had the conviction to disperse the Heavenly Tribulation, and that Shi Xuejin was ordered to call the Heavenly Tribulation back for the first time ... How come back? !

It was only then that Lei Yun, which was dissipating in the sky, suddenly re-condensed, and Shi Xuejin, Nie Ting, and Lu Shu were all stunned. Nie Ting and Lu Shu looked at Shi Xuejin: "Did you call back?"

"I didn't shout," Shi Xuejin felt that he was so wrong today ...

At this time, everyone was amazed. This Thunder Tribulation could not be dispelled by Shi Xuejin!

Nie Ting looked at Lu Shu's eyes strangely, because Lu Shu's own strength was too strong or did Heaven feel that it would be unreasonable not to split Lu Shu? !

Lu Shu took a deep breath and flew to Yayoi Sakurai, and said to Yayoi Sakurai across the light curtain: "You are waiting for me here."

"Well," Yayoi Sakurai nodded vigorously.

Lu Shu's tall figure flew towards the sea, and the people of Hakodate saw that the robbery clouds with lightning arcs in the sky were following Lu Shu. Lu Shu flew to the sea, and the thunder robbery moved towards Lu Shu. Went to the sea.

That scene was as horrifying as the gods were, and it made people feel revered.

"I am afraid that the mythical Jianyu Thor is nothing more than that," someone marveled.

"He looks much better than Jianyu Thor!"

"Have you ever seen Jianyu Thor?"

"never seen it……"

At this moment, some people even really think that Lu Shu is a deity in their mythology.

When the individual's strength is so unbelievable, ordinary people will really regard the other party as a god.

And Lu Shu ’s reputation in the island country is not only due to his strength, but also his fierce power. In the last turmoil of the gods, Lu Shu carried too many lives.

Lu Shu came to the sea to make sure that the thunderstorm would not spread to the human city before he finally stopped. He looked up.

In fact, he was also amazed in his heart, because he felt the persistent will of Heavenly Dao in that looting cloud, as if his reversal of the heavens was the greatest challenge to Heavenly Dao's will.

Suddenly a thunder meandered down, and looked like a tortuous knife in the distance, fiercely splitting towards Lu Shu.

Lv Shu's queyin grey thread is intertwined, forming the first line of protection above his head.

After a thunderstorm passed, the queyin grey line was somewhat out of control, and Lu Shu recovered them into the star map to cultivate, and then took out the thief!

The second thunder, swallowing thieves to resist.

In the third thunder, Lu Shu resisted with Fu Shi and the corpse dog.

In the fourth thunder, Lu Shu lifted the gourd again towards the sky. I saw that the flying knife in the gourd no longer avoided this time, but went straight to the sky dome, and then split the thunder into two. .

If you want to become a Grand Master, you must have a firm mind and your own laws. That is the most persistent belief in the mind of practitioners. Otherwise, this faith cannot compete with Heaven.

The electric light directly hits the heart of the sky, and thunderstorm rustles in the chopped cloud to wash Lu Shu's body ~ ~ An arc enters Lu Shu's Qihai Snow Mountain, infecting every sword tire.

"Whereever we are going to die, this is the rule," Lu Shu said calmly.

The next moment he rushed towards the robbery cloud, and the robbery cloud no longer cut the thunder robbery, but gave him a circular passage! As if the will of Heaven's will is also making way for him!

Lv Shu's figure penetrated through the thunder tribulation, and the stars above her were as bright as the sea. Lv Shu only felt that she had a magnificent mind at this time, and the whole person was suddenly bright.

It turned out that this is the new world!

Sakurai Yayoko smiled and looked at everything in the distance, and even Hiroki had to make concessions for the people she liked at sea. The boy stood on top of Hiroki, and Hiroki finally began to dissipate!

Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin glanced at each other, and Nie Ting suddenly said, "Do you remember what I suspected?"

"Remember, I said at the time that he could only destroy the atmosphere, not the world," Shi Xuejin sighed. "I still have to look away."

At this time, Lu Shu flew back to Sakurai Yayoko and said, "Come out, no one can hurt you."

Yayoi Sakurai hesitated for two seconds and looked at the light curtain: "Can't get out ..."

Lu Shu: "..."

It was only at this moment that Lu Shu seemed to hear Wen Zai's laughter ...

At this moment, of course, he already understood the intention of the text to rush to send the magic weapon, probably the other party had already guessed that someone would be bad for Sakurai Yako, so he sent the magic weapon to defend her.

But Dang Cai is not Wen Zai's character, he will definitely leave something that can be disgusting to Lu Shu, such as this light curtain ... Maybe there is nothing wrong with the charm of the dagger ...


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