Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: Foreign member of, Sakurai Yayoko

In fact, this secret meeting was not intended to hide Lu Shu, but because Lu Shu was present, Yayoi Sakurai was a little embarrassed to say.

What made Ning Ting and Shi Xuejin most surprising was that Yayoi Sakurai had only discussed one thing with them in a secret meeting: she wanted to join Tian Luo Di Wang and become a foreign Tian Luo of Tian Luo Di Wang ...

Yayoi Sakurai was very polite when he said this: "Actually, it doesn't matter if it's Tianluo, ordinary members can do too."

Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin were both ignorant at that time. What about this kind of thing? This is too thorough!

As a matter of fact, Yayoi Sakurai had this plan long ago, and even Shigeru Mogi knew it, because Yayoi Sakurai had asked her several times, if she took charge of Mojiki, what kind of foreign organizational relationship would she take? Is the policy radical or conservative?

What kind of management will be adopted internally, loose or high pressure?

At this time, Momogi felt that if it wasn't for Yayoi Sakurai's intentions, how could he have such an idea?

But does Yayoi Sakurai really plan to run over for Lv Shu, even the God Set?

But Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin thought about other things. Now Shenji ’s external attitude is their favorite. Just play your own. You do n’t expect much contribution to the world, just do n’t add confusion to everyone.

This can be said to be the transformation that Yayoi Sakurai has done with his own strength after fully controlling the divine set. How about replacing another person?

Moreover, Yayoi Sakurai has a lofty status in the Shenji. If he changes up, he may not be convinced that there are factions in the Shenji, and Shenji will fall into infighting again.

But this is not the main consideration of Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin. It is really difficult for them to discuss such a utilitarian matter with this kind of persistent and simple girl. Nie Ting as the heaven and earth network has to take care of the overall situation, but they have no clear purpose for utilitarianism. .

When it comes to long-term security within the organization, can others be capricious, can Nie Ting be capricious? Maybe an outsider would think that he was a bit cold-hearted and ruthless in considering this question, but if he Nie Ting took such a big matter directly to send favors instead of seriously thinking, then he was not Nie Ting.

Each of his decisions may have a long-term impact on the future of the entire organization.

Sometimes Shi Xuejin feels a pity for Nie Ting. He even knows that Nie Ting had thought that people would take over the affairs of the world. Not that Nie Ting felt that he was not competent, but he was more suitable for being invincible. Assassin.

Just like Zhang Weiyu and Liu Yizhao, the responsibility was not the life they most expected, but now is the moment to truly let themselves go.

But there was no way. Nie Ting had considered Chen Baili and Lu Shu, and neither of them was appropriate.

Chen Baili's Xianyun Yehe, and if Lu Shu is in charge of Tianluodi, he may not know what moths will be caused by

Nie Ting wondered: "Are you going to come back with us?"

At this moment, Yayoi Sakurai smiled and said: "It's not like this, but I hope it will be more convenient when I go there in the future."

That being said, everyone understands that Yayoi Sakurai wants to visit the country. Just say it. Who can stop you, everyone is welcome.

They all know that Sakurai Yayoko actually wanted to leave himself a possibility.

Sakurai Yayoko smiled and said, "Maybe things are settled here one day, I will really settle there, do you not welcome me?"

Nie Ting smiled: "Welcome."

Why not welcome, you Yayoi Sakurai came to settle in the country, that is not the trouble of Tian Luo Di Wang, but the trouble of Lu Shu, you think about it slowly, we are old and do not understand the world of your young people ...

When Nie Ting said the words "welcome", it means that Sakurai Yayoko secretly joined

But after all, Nie Ting will not directly give Sakurai Yayoko the identity of Tian Luo, but an ordinary member.

When the conference room door opened, Lu Shu asked curiously: "What did you discuss in it? Tell me about it."

Shi Xuejin and Nie Ting laughed and said nothing, neither of them planned to tell him.

Nie Ting stepped into the void, and when Shi Xuejin was about to leave, he was directly dragged back by Lu Shu ...

Shi Xuejin wondered: "Is it bullying honest people? Why don't you drag Nie Ting?"

"Who do you want me to drag, you tell me what you have discussed in it," Lu Shu asked with a bad look.

"Cough, it's okay to tell you," Shi Xuejin said: "Yakuko Sakurai has secretly joined Tian Luo Di."

Lu Shu took a breath, but it was such a big thing: "You agree? Are you crazy?"

Shi Xuejin was unhappy: "Sometimes I am also a senior, can't you respect a little when you speak?"

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds: "Are you crazy?"

Shi Xuejin: "... whatever I say to you!"

Shi Xuejin swept away Lu Shu's hand in his clothes and turned to step into the void.

At this time, Yayoi Sakurai came out of the meeting room with a little shy smile and said to Lu Shu: "Lu Shujun ~ ~ will be a colleague in the future, please take care of me, I will take the time to see you.

In the end, Yayoi Sakurai did not choose to go directly to settle in the country, but stayed in Shenji.

In fact, even Yayoi Sakurai didn't figure out how to get along with Lu Shu now. She was very clear that Lu Shu moved her more than she liked.

For Sakurai Yayoko, Lu Shu is like a class hero. When she is in danger, the class hero will appear as scheduled.

But you can't say who the hero saves, who he loves.

Now Yayoko Sakurai feels that there will be countless possibilities for the two people to have a long time in the future. She is not afraid to continue to wait, and she will not wait for nothing.

Moreover, even if you really can't wait, Yayoi Sakurai feels that she can already live in those beautiful moments.

"Lv Shujun, can you accompany me to see the mountains of Hakodate again," Sakurai said.

There, Lu Shu rescued her.

The two stood on Mount Hakodate, with the sea in the distance and choppy waves in the stars.

"Lv Shujun, we should live long, right," Yayoi Sakurai smiled.

"Yes," Lu Shu nodded. "Yipin has a life span of 8oo years, but I think you can be promoted to Grand Master."

Sakurai Yayoko said happily: "I will try my best to be promoted to Grand Master, so that I can stay with you for a longer time."

Lu Shu was stunned, and the girl turned and ran like she accidentally said something. This separate scene was never thought of by Lu Shu, but it seemed that there would be another day of reunion with each other.

I don't know why, Lu Shu feels magnificent and cheerful outside today's star space.


Only two more today

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