Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: God-like existence

When Lu Shu returned to China, he did not use his new ability to crush the void, which was the ability of each grand master to use himself as a key to open the door to the void after becoming a certain law.

He flew all the way back to Luocheng, on the way he wanted to think about something.

Lu Shu and Yuming Yugou have passed. He believes that no matter who sent these slave owners, eventually both sides must solve the conflicts with each other face to face with strength, and there is no possibility of resolution.

However, Lu Shu did not fear the other party to deal with this later, but he wanted to find a traitor in the earth, because he felt that the slave owner was organized and premeditated and dispersed to all parts of the world to cause such a big deal, only relying on Lu Zhou certainly cannot understand the earth, and there must be an organization that has reached an agreement with Lu Zhou ’s forces to help him complete this plan.

Just like Lu Shu thought before, there is never a shortage of careerists in this world.

The work of Shenji has returned to normal. From the school festival, everyone is like an activity planning group, engaging in activities to set off fireworks and do action countermeasures.

Now, Shenji is back on track.

Kajiyama Hiroki disappeared, to be precise, Lu Shu disappeared and returned home.

It's just that Momogi Minchung didn't expect that one day when she approached the headquarters building, she suddenly heard that some members of Shenji were discussing in private. This event was quite interesting, and it was more interesting than killing ...

You have to know that the main battle group has long been cleared within Shenji. Many of them are now conservatives, but many of them are fresh blood absorbed from young groups.

Originally, everyone thought that the God Set could only kill, kill, and kill. As a result, this activity seemed to unlock new skills for everyone.

Practitioners ’organizations have never been only dangerous to the world. For example, the wonderful organization of Sardinia has always been committed to artistic performances ...

The God Set is still that God Set, but it is no longer shrouded in the shadows. Everyone knows that Sakurai Yayoko is not a god, but an ordinary person.

Although it may feel a little difficult to accept this thought, but after accepting it, I feel pretty good ...

It ’s not a secret that the Hakodate World War I, including the pictures of the sky looting the clouds, even many people took the photos.

Two of the photos are the most famous, from the hands of the same professional photographer. The first time they saw the robbery, they did not panic like ordinary people, but were excited.

This is probably the common problem of many professional photographers. They only care whether they can catch the most exciting moment.

The first picture is Lu Shu turning around and flying towards the sea, a thunder rolling in the robbery cloud, illuminating Lu Shu's back.

At that time, the photographer himself felt inexplicably shocked. The looting clouds in the sky represented the will of the world, and the back represented the will of mankind in pursuit of Tao.

The second robbery cloud dissipated, and the boy broke through the robbery cloud and stood above the sky.

Lü Shu is surrounded by dissipated robbery clouds. A huge blank area is formed between robbery clouds and Lv Shu, as if robbery clouds are also avoiding him, and there is a bright star above his head.

When the second picture was just released, it was very controversial, because it was too far away, and everyone could not see Lu Shu's face, but everyone felt that the light at that moment was wrong.

At that time, it was clearly early in the morning, but the starlight shining on Lu Shu was as bright as daylight!

Some people questioned that the post-processing traces of this photo were too obvious, but the photographer felt innocent. It is normal for the post-processing of the photo, but the starlight was not transferred by him.

Immediately afterwards, someone who paid attention to the starry sky came out and confirmed that on the night when the robbery appeared, the stars in the sky were more dazzling than ever before. This is a real thing!

Until this time, no one even knew who was being promoted, only Mogi Minchong guessed something.

Then there is a secret meeting between Shenji and, although Shenji does not know what the meeting is about, many people actually know who the participants are.

At this time, everyone began to be amazed, it turned out that the big brothers of Tian Luo Di Wang had come!

In other words, the person who was promoted to Grand Master's state is probably a Tianluo?

Everyone used to think that Kajiyama Hiroki was Kajiyama Hiroki, and no one thought much at all. But when everyone united this matter, the abrupt love of Yayoi Sakurai, and a former concubine of Tian Luo, and the disappearance of Kajiyama Hiroshi afterwards, everyone suddenly realized ...

This is probably the first reaction after everyone guessed the truth ...

Prior to this, Lu Shu was an island legend. After he became the ninth Tian Luo, the truth of the destruction of the main battle group of the Shenji began to slowly decipher.

This is a young man who once killed Shenji, and now almost abducts the master of Shenji ... This is a strange place. Many people here are not very angry when they think of this kind of thing, but feel that Very confident, there is a feeling of having a grand master backing the mountain.

For a time, Lu Shu became the heart of the young people in the island country ~ ~ God-like existence ...

Some animation companies that are planning to set up their own characters simply use Lu Shu's public image as the protagonist. It looks pretty good ...

But Shenji did not panic, and other organizations were a little panicked: Why is the speed of the Grand Master of the Tibetan Realm appearing on Tian Luo Di Net so fast?

Originally, everyone was still worried about the incident of the slave owner. As a result, the incident of the slave owner had just calmed down, and a new grand master emerged!

Some spiritual organizations in Southeast Asia have been communicating with Hao Zhichao: Although the slave owner has now gone to Shenji, he will come back in the future and ask for support.

At that time, Hao Zhichao said that they couldn't go back. The major organizations didn't understand it. Why couldn't they go back? Shenji couldn't beat these slave owners.

Now the truth is clear, you said earlier that the ninth day Luo will not pass, what is the point of selling, and scares the individual!

It's just that no one knows what these slave owners want to do.

The world has become nervous again because of the slave-owner incident. The facts tell them that the opening of the space channel is likely to bring destruction to the indigenous people of the earth.

At this time, the Wuwei Army is still trying its best to integrate with the earth's culture. This is Lu Shu's order and it is also everyone's interest.

Forcing everyone to merge is definitely not the way. Lv Shu has discussed with Zhong Yutang before, and should be guided by interest.

How to guide?

This thing, Zhong Yutang, as the big housekeeper of, is really scratching his head. After all, the strength of the Wuwei Army is too strong. If they can fuse in, it is equivalent to more than 5,000 Tianluo. …

Zhong Yutang didn't think of any good idea until he saw Li Heitan who looked like they were gorging on No. 1 cafeteria ...

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