Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 833: New killer

"Could Brother Shu discover that there is a sea monster in the sea, so he didn't jump into the sea?" Chen Zuan asked.

After all, Lu Shu is free as long as he jumps into the sea. He feels that even if he is an A-level shot in the sea, he may not kill Lu Shu?

Youming Yu next to them all looked at Chen Zuan with a blank expression: "Continue to release your imagination."

Chen Zuan stopped talking, and You Mingyu said, "There is no A-level approaching there. Why did Luo give up the plan to jump into the sea on the ninth day? Now he is chased and killed, and he is a full-fledged 7 B-level strongman The situation is very dangerous. "

"Why don't we go to save the brother," Chen Zuan said: "Although we haven't enough manpower at this time, I think that since the brother broke their logistics, we must save him in terms of merit, only when we It ’s better to mobilize people to destroy the other party ’s logistics base. "

Chen Zuan observed the expressions of other people. When he heard You Mingyu say that Lv Shu was being chased by seven B-levels, he subconsciously wanted to rush out to save people, but he was a little worried that he was not enough.

Now the problem facing the entire is that there are too few manpower. At this time, he asked for manpower to rescue Lu Shu, which seems a bit unreasonable.

There can be no women's benevolence in the war, and the woods have become a boat. Under normal circumstances, Lu Shu can only ask for more blessings.

However, if You Mingyu did not agree to send someone, Chen Zuan would go with Cheng Qiuqiao and Lu Xiaoyu in private!

It is very important for Chen Zuan to be in the limelight during the war. After this battle, maybe Chen Zuan will be able to play with Tian Luo, so that private actions are likely to receive punishment and cause his dream to be broken. After all, this is war.

However, Chen Zuan thought about it for a long time. He came to Changbai Mountain ... didn't he just want to fight alongside Lu Shu? No major is needed for species research.

Chen Zuan looked at You Mingyu and others. During this time, he found that everyone in the command camp was sane and sane.

It seems that after entering this role, everyone is telling themselves not to use emotions. This is war!

However, at this time, Hao Zhichao said: "I agree to send someone to meet the ninth Tian Luo, the ninth Tian Luo is indispensable to the entire Tian Luo Di Wang ... Don't look at me, this is what Nie Tian Luo said."

"No need to save."

As soon as this crisp voice came out, everyone looked at the corner of the command camp with surprise, where Lu Xiaoyu was quiet from beginning to end, and it was not until the first time that it sounded.

Isn't Lu Xiaoyu the closest person to Lu Shu, why does Lu Xiaoyu say he doesn't need to save Lu Shu?

Chen Zuan was anxious: "Xiaoyu, don't go by yourself. Let's find a way together! Or take me, I'll just give you a shot."

Lv Xiaoyu glanced at him: "You don't need to fight me."

"Then I will do anything for you!"

"You can be honest with me."

"Negative emotion value from Chen Zuan, +666!"

Lv Xiaoyu glanced at them: "You don't know Lv Shu. Lv Shu has the opportunity to enter the sea but does not enter. This shows that he is not being chased but killed."

Lv Xiaoyu walked out of the camp: "Don't just mess up with him."

Add chaos? Everyone looked at each other, although these words are not very good, everyone is a master of the master, how can there be a mess? But I don't know why it came out from Lu Xiaoyu's mouth, it is so natural.

At this moment, everyone felt Lv Xiaoyu's strong confidence in Lv Shu. Lv Shu faced 7 B-level strongmen. Lv Xiaoyu never felt that these 7 B-level strongmen could pose a threat to Lv Shu. !

Hao Zhichao smiled and shook his head bitterly: "It's a decision. It seems that we still underestimate the teenager ... No wonder Nie Tianluo always wanted him to be the ninth Tianluo."

"By the way, did Brother Shu become the ninth Tian Luo after Shenji returned?" Chen Zuan said curiously.

"No, many people don't know about this matter," Hao Zhichao shook his head: "It was Nie Tianluo wanted him to be, and he didn't want to, so there were so many moths behind him. You know that Nie Tianluo was promoted to the Tibet The situation is not ... forget it, this is a secret ... "

Chen Zuan sucked in a cold breath. Is there such a thing? ! Co-authoring Nie Tianluo's promotion to God's Tibetan Realm has something to do with Brother Shu?


At this time, Lu Shu was sitting beside the body of the strong airman, melancholy counting his harvest.

This chasing battle lasted for nearly 4 hours. It was not until Lu Shu confirmed that all the B-level strongmen behind him should have followed up before he killed the air awakener. The other party did not seem to think that Lu Shu dare to be so arrogant. When he turned back to kill him, what was unexpected was that Lu Shu's strength was beyond his imagination.

Lv Shu looked at the quiet transport vehicles in the mountains and rivers Inrian for a long time, hey, shouldn't it be 33, why only 31 ...

Lu Shu recalled the scenes of his previous battle ~ ~ Finally admitted that he was really sad, indeed, 31, not 33 ...

Would you like to open a grain and oil shop in partnership with Zhao Yongchen? I have all the gods and horses here, and they are all imported ... Open a cheap imported goods store? After all, a lot of canned Lu Shu have never seen it before, and I don't know if it's delicious.

And for those 31-carrying implements, Lu Shu felt that this gadget was not necessarily available, and the quality was really incomparable with that of Tianluo Di.

Wait, Su suddenly realized something. There was once a game called Legend of Sword and Swordsman, and there was a skill called Qiankun Throw. Its working principle was to throw copper coins out and deal high damage ...

Now Lu Shu's sword tires have reached more than 2,000. The old man usually uses leaves and the like to carry the sword qi, making the sword qi more powerful. This is the so-called everything.

However, Lu Shu now ... he can take the real sword as a carrier!

Lv Shu experimented. Sure enough, after the invisible sword gas entered a magic weapon long sword, this magic weapon cross sword could be controlled by him.

In the past, the damage of sword qi without additional objects was always a little worse, mainly because the sword qi was an invisible thing, and it was easily broken.

And this sword spirit attached to the magic weapon long sword ... is very powerful!

It's just that Lu Shu has a bit of a pain, and people throw away two thousand copper coins. How much is that? He feels distressed when he throws a sword now!

Lu Shu decided that although there are only 288 queyin grey lines, it is still too few, but this method will definitely not be used unless it is a last resort. This is Lu Shu ... the new killer!


Do n’t ask where the government has gone, why do n’t you throw a nuclear bomb and why you do n’t have an army ... just to avoid being harmonious, it ’s that simple, old iron ... do n’t think about it, there is so much to write ...

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