Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 834: Dark meeting

Chen Zuan sat bored in the command camp. Over time, the tiger ’s back became more and more like a huge fortress. Not only did the outer defensive buildings rise rapidly, but even the launching of the project was almost completed.

In order to prevent the invasion of the soil awakening, all buildings have added a certain metal powder in the past two days. The original soil **** has become a hard concrete and metal mixture, and it will become solid as a result.

However, these have nothing to do with Chen Zuan, or even with most of Tianluo. The strength of the think tank inside can only be regarded as average. To be honest, Tianluo are not good at commanding.

High strength does not mean omniscience and omnipotence. It is better to let professional talents do professional things in war.

Everyone in the command camp account was busy with their own affairs. Suddenly, Na Lanque said that she would go out to see what this new tiger back fortress looked like. As a result, Li Yixiao didn't want to go.

So the two fought outside the door ... Li Yixiao lost ...

"I can't beat you," Li Yi smiled and shouted: "I'm afraid of hurting you! This is my gentleman's demeanor as a man, I don't care about you as a woman!"

In the end, Nalan Tit did n’t say that Li Yixiao would go shopping with her. Originally, Na Lan Tie wanted to find a place where no one could say something to Li Yixiao. As a result, Li Yixiao did n’t understand what she meant. , All day long knowing to stay with a group of great men.

After Na Lanque was flushed away, Li Yi sat there with a smile on his face. Cheng Qiuqiao looked at Li Yixiao and said: "Li Tianluo, why do you have a sad face all day, I think Sister Na Lan loves you so much. It might be rewarding to follow her.

Li Yixiao shook his head: "You a child knows a fart! This girl is not an ordinary person, quarreling and noisy, but now I want to know how to make her quiet and don't come to trouble me with moths."

Cheng Qiuqiao thought for a long time: "I have a safe way for you to try."

Li Yi smiled and his eyes lit up: "You have been with Lu Shu's boy all day, there must be a lot of crooked ideas!"

Lv Xiaoyu glanced at Li Yi with a blank expression: "What do you say?"

You Mingyu felt a headache in the back of the scene. He was afraid that this group of masters would fight in the fortress. What is all this about? Is there a fuel-efficient lamp?

"Cough," Li Yixiao explained after being rushed by Lv Xiaoyu: "Lv Shu is clever and witty, but his clever wits are all used to hang on me. I now give him 20 yuan a day for pocket money. What a mess! Come on, Qiu Qiao, tell me what can I do to restrain the girl! "

Cheng Qiuqiao smiled and said, "You just take a cup and fall down to the ground to see if you can calm her down. If you calm down, you're done!"

"Isn't it right, Qiu Qiao brothers," Li Yixiao wondered what was wrong: "If I don't calm down, am I not in danger?"

"You can kneel on the broken cup stubble without composure, and you're done ..."

Li Yixiao: "..."

Li Yi stunned for a long while: "All your smart talents come to pit me, right?"

At this time, the war was not officially fought, but the tiger back fort was still full.

From the beginning, the attitudes of the two sides were different. The purpose of the major practice organizations is to run in a wave, no matter how many people you die, or how many people you die.

However, from the beginning of the planning, Tian Luo Di Wang wanted to build a solid fortress on the tiger's back, and made it clear that once you come, I will beat you once.

It's just that the major organizations started camping ten kilometers away, and the camp spread for tens of kilometers, but they didn't mean to attack at all.

Nie Ting always retreats in the quiet room, trying to find a compromise, avoiding the last step.

It has to be said that victory at the cost of ruining the world is actually a failure.

More than one billion compatriots may be wiped out with their own sword, and this consequence can't be sustained by anyone.

When there is no choice, if the whole army of Tian Luo Di Wang destroys him, he will definitely shoot, but if there is still a way, he is not willing to imagine the worst result. has already shown its determination, but major organizations have always tried on the edge.

If they don't fight, Chen Zuan, Feng Yeming and others will be a little bored, and they are not qualified to make plans. It is not that the level is not enough, but that the think tank cannot see their strategy.

So he had to stand by in the command post every day, waiting for the construction of the fortress.

At this moment, Chen Zuan froze for a moment: "The mobile phone has signal! Is it so exaggerated, the base stations are all set up?"

The temporary generator set has also been transported, and the water has flowed through. The construction of the entire fortress is methodical, as if Tian Luo Di Wang had already designed in this regard: If a temporary fortress is quickly established on the wasteland ~ ~ doing what.

Sometimes it is impossible to imagine how many people are struggling to survive in peace and prosperity just because of this prosperity. This fortress can only be built so quickly by countless designs and arguments in the past days. .

Feng Yeming saw the light shining in this scene, decisively connected to the wireless network to play a game, and wanted to test his own man-machine battle results, and ended in 0 killing and 20 death ...

The screen is full of teammates spraying him ...

Chen Zuan did not bring a computer, and could only play mobile games silently. After a while, Chen Zuan suddenly looked up and said to You Mingyu: "Fortress should really not be built here."

Cheng Qiuqiao froze for a moment: "Why?"

"The feng shui is not good here!" Chen Zuan determined.

Cheng Qiuqiao was fascinated at the time: "The feng shui is not good? What and what do you see? The feng shui is not good here. Haven't you found that you have this skill before?"

"Yes, in only five minutes, I lost 20,000 beans," Chen Zuan looked sad.

Cheng Qiuqiao: "???

"I don't know what those organizations are doing. If you want to fight, you have to hurry and say, this has been dragging on," Chen Zuan said impatiently.

According to his thoughts, if you just kill the past, you do n’t have to leave the opponent to kill a piece of armor.

However, he also knows that this is not very realistic, and it's two different things to defend the fortress.

It was at this time that one of the largest tents among the major camps was quiet, with a strong guard next to it. That was the people of the Phoenix Society. This meeting was also led by the Phoenix Society.

There is no hanging lighting equipment in the tent, and only the light outside the door illuminates the inside. The leaders of each organization sit quietly beside the long table, unable to see their faces and expressions.

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