Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 935: Reach a consensus

[Title: 935 King of mercy, to reach a consensus (second more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: Seven Nights of Art Life, the Night King, the lord of the scales, the Lord of the Holy Market, the Snow Eagle, the Lord of the Eternal Dragon Cognitively, it is clearly the tall nobles who sent them to attract this muddy military guard. They are obviously masters of second-class strength, and the other party is just a scout. As a result, they are almost beaten up and cannot take care of themselves.

Neuropathy, you guys, what a scout? Has he bullied Lao Tzu?

Who will take the Yipin master as a scout, are you serious?

But at this time the big slaves were thinking about a question, when did this Wu Weijun actually have a master? Is this still the military guard?

In fact, as long as the Wuwei Army defeated the Black Feather Army, Zhang Weiyu had already given Lu Shu their analysis. Now the big aristocrats in Nanzhou are trying to move, and they must want to divide Nangeng City, Guangliao City, Yunan City, and Weibeiguan , Liyangguan these five cakes.

But in such a large distribution of interests, the big nobles did not count, and it was the Emperor who ruled.

Therefore, if the nobles knew that there were Wuwei troops in the mountains, and they also defeated the Black Feather Army, they would definitely send people to come and gather. Liu Yizhao and Li Heitan had been here long ago to wait for these big slaves to come.

However, Liu Yizhao had waited here a week ago. They did not expect that these big nobles had limited intelligence capabilities, and they did not even know where the Wuwei Army was.

The event of beating people was also pre-planned by Zhang Weiyu and Lu Shu. Nowadays, the Wuwei Army is a rare commodity. It is a great achievement to kill more than 10,000 black feather troops with more than 5,000 people. Wuweijun has a place.

Therefore, it is now the Wuwei Army that should occupy a dominant position and sell at a price.

If the ordinary army would definitely try to get in touch with a certain big noble, but the Wuwei Army is different. The Wuwei Army is so violent now that there is no shortage of food to eat.

So, someone can do it, but don't rush to agree!

However, Zhang Weiyu also consulted with Lu Shu, and now the power that those big nobles hold is indeed too great. If possible, it is better not to offend as much as possible.

Lu Shu nodded: "Relax, I have a sense of balance."

Then Lu Shu and Liu Yizhao and Li Heican explained to them.

At this time, the two loyal players Liu Yizhao and Li Heitan stood beside the big slave and said, "Do you say they go to see the king now, will they speak violently to offend the king?"

Liu Yizhao shook his head: "It shouldn't happen, but even if someone offends the king, he just hacks it."

The big slaves immediately counseled, and the meal they just suffered was not bad. They now have a feeling that there is a problem with the Wuwei Army. It really means that they will cut people!

After they got up, the original high-slaved slaves followed Liu Yizhao and Li Heitan one by one with low eyebrows, and Li Heican felt that these people were very urinary, and they had to clean up before they could speak properly.

However, Li Heitan is very envious of Liu Yizhao: "When will I have your strength, I feel that I have to spend a long time to the second grade."

Liu Yizhao smiled: "Soon, it's not difficult to get a product."

The next few big slaves listened straightly, so why is it like the Chinese cabbage in your mouth? At this time, Liu Yizhao and Yu Guang swept over, and the big slaves quickly recovered their low-browed expression ...

Can't afford it!

When he arrived on Luwang Mountain, the big slave found something wrong. The house was neat and neat, and there were neat terraces. Right.

And it ’s still in the mountains. Just think about it and know that it wo n’t take too long for the Wuwei Army to come here. The crops in the terraced fields are not ripe.

In such a short period of time, this place has been packed up like this.

And on the flat school ground, many people are learning literacy? The big slaves looked at each other. Now that they have always been so powerful in the military guards, there should be people everywhere who are practicing martial arts. It turns out that when they look here, they are all literate ...

This style is wrong!

Wait, the big slaves suddenly saw a large flag erected in front of the school ground, embroidered with four golden characters on the flag, to get rid of poverty and become rich ...

First is the scout of Yipin, then the neat house, then the soldiers who learn literacy, and finally the banner of getting rid of poverty and getting rich.

In the eyes of the big slaves, the Wuwei Army was full of weirdness ...

At this time, Lu Shu greeted him: "Everyone is coming from afar, and there is something missing to welcome you, Liu Yizhao and Li Heitan, haven't you both been entertained?"

The big slaves have their eyes widened. Can't you see our swollen nose and blue face? Who will show it to this acting? Although thinking this way, he said: "No, no, the hospitality is very good ..."

Looking at Li Heitan next to them, he has raised the knife ...

Lu Shu welcomed these big slaves to the meeting room of Lu Wangshan. After everyone was seated, Lu Shuci browed and smiled kindly: "Why are you here?"

One of the big slaves snatched in front of the others and said, "My noble lord heard that the Wu Weijun is now building many achievements behind the Weibeiguan ~ ~ We all know what kind of army the Wu Weijun used to be, now it can become This is really rare. So my lord is very appreciative of leading you and wants to make friends. "

Lu Shule said happily: "Speak human."

The big slave said, "You play for my lord. After the war has subsided, you will be commander of Weibeiguan."

"That's it?" Lu Shu curiously asked.

The big slave nodded: "How do the leaders feel?"

Su Shu suddenly said: "You have found the wrong place. I am not a military guard here. This is Qinglong Village. Didn't you see the banner outside? That's the sign of Qinglong Village."

At this time, Lu Shu blinked at Zhang Weiyu. You see, we are Qinglong Village, and it is Qinglong Village that offended them. Wu Weijun did not offend them.

Zhang Weiyu looked at Lu Shu, and then the big slaves with swollen noses and blue faces. Are you sure that this is fine? He has given up saying ...

"Negative emotion value from Zhang Weiyu, +666!"

To be honest, Lu Shu really despised the so-called Weibeiguan commandership, but the big slaves thought about what the big nobles had explained before they came and said: "Be aware that although you are appointed as the commander of the military guard However, it has not been recorded in the central province of the Emperor, everything is variable! "

According to common sense, there will be no difference in the appointment, but in case someone does something wrong, it may indeed happen unexpectedly.

Lv Shu sighed, this was threatening himself, he got up and walked out of the chamber: "Liu Yizhao, you are talking to them, try to reach a consensus."

Liu Yizhao: "Understood."

The faces of the big slaves changed at that time, and the pronunciation of your consensus is wrong! 2k Novel Reading Network

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