Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 936: Lu Shu's plan

[Title: 936 King of mercy, Lu tree plan (third more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: Pingfen stone color Wulian Peak Five Elements Heavenly Profound Realm Gate Choosing the heavens Yongye the king, the king of the scales, the ruler of the holy market, Snow Eagle Lord, remembering the legend of the eternal dragon, Zhang Weiyu and Lu Shu standing side by side at the door of the chamber listening to the wailing Sound, Zhang Weiyu said with some anxiety: "You are playing with fire like this, King you are too underestimating the energy of those big nobles."

"This is just an aristocrat. If other large aristocrats come to talk, the Wuwei Army's trouble is naturally what they want to solve. I am worried about this," Lu Shu said.

"What if you can't talk to other big nobles, what do you do?" Zhang Weiyu frowned: "These big nobles are very greedy. In their view, they are high above. How dare you a little commander of the Wuwei Army Talk about the conditions with them? So I guess that the conditions they gave are actually the same, and you can't accept this condition at all. What will you do then? "

Lu Shule laughed and said: "How long will you say this war will go through?"

Zhang Weiyu thought for a while and said, "According to the black feather army's ambitions, it may be difficult to end the year."

"The selection of Jianlu began half a year ago. Do you think these big nobles dare to provoke a Jianlu successor?" Lu Shu asked.

Zhang Weiyu froze for a moment, but he did not expect Lu Shu to even count this matter as planned: "Jianlu's status is transcendent. Even if Jianlu descendants arrive at the Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor will treat him with courtesy, and the great aristocrats are even less afraid Provoked. "

"So, before the end of the war, the Black Feathers can't take us away, what can these big nobles do to us?" Lv Shu laughed: "As long as the war is not over, no one will use the military guards. Wait until By the end of the war, I am afraid I was already a descendant of Jianlu. By that time, who else would come to embarrass the military guards? "

"It turns out that you are planning this. No wonder you dare to let the Wuwei Army stand out from the limelight, and dare to offend those big nobles like this," Zhang Weiyu sighed: "I am not as long-term as you think about this matter. , When did you start making this plan? "

Lu Shu calmly said: "Just now."

Zhang Weiyu: "... it really can't overestimate your planning ability."

After speaking, Zhang Weiyu glanced back at the meeting room and made sure that his words were not heard by Liu Yizhao and Li Heitan.

However, he agrees with Lu Shu's plan. If Lu Shu can really become the successor of Jianlu, then the problems facing the Wuwei Army are no longer a problem.

It ’s just that Zhang Weiyu is puzzled: "At that time, all the geniuses of Luzhou Lu will gather in the king city. Are you so sure you can be selected? And no one knows what the second level assessment is. How do you know you can pass ? "

Lu Shu thought about it and said, "Have you thought about a question, although I don't know what the second round of assessment is, does Jianlu choose only four people each year?"

"Yeah," Zhang Weiyu said.

"If you can't do it at that time, have you ever thought about a possibility, for example, if I leave only four candidates, I can't finish it, then can I just pass by?" Lu Shu said.

"Wait, I know you are very strong now, and you are also very strong. But after the first round of assessment, there will be 16 people left to enter the second round. Of these 16 people, you ca n’t touch them in the first round. ", Zhang Weiyu explained.

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds: "Does this delay me beating them privately?"

Zhang Weiyu: "... without delay."

"Negative emotion value from Zhang Weiyu, +666!"

At this time, Lu Shu was a little bit emotional, or Zhang Weiyu, an old iron, was open. Every day, I did n’t know how much negative emotions to provide to myself. If I waited for my own day to leave Lu Zhou, I would definitely give this old kid some pith washing fruit to eat, although I don't know if the fruit will help Zhang Weiyu's cultivation, but it is also good to be able to remove body impurities.

Zhang Weiyu suddenly felt that the day when Lv Shu set foot in the royal city must be a very interesting story. He didn't know what was going to happen, but inexplicably, he still had a little anticipation ...

That was Jianlu. At that time, the geniuses that Lu Shu saw were all well-deserved elites in the major armies. At that time, the nobles would also buy places for their own progeny wizards, which were masters piled up with massive resources.

Zhang Weiyu really wanted to know what would happen when Lu Shu met them ...

At this time, the voice in the meeting room had subsided. When Lu Shu walked in, he heard the big slaves say with a crying voice: "The King Rao Ming, this is really not what we can do. We have to go back and report to our own master to have a new one. The conditions are for you. What you just said is not threatening you, don't get me wrong! "

Lu Shu waved his hand: "Go back and tell you aristocratic masters, Weibeiguan has lost it. It is too early to want to divide the cake. I want to cooperate with my Wuwei Army. I have to see if they have this qualification. Even black Yujun can't fight, let alone promote my Wuweijun. "

The meaning in Lu Shu's words is already inflated and looks down on the black feather army ...

The big slaves dare not say anything now, this black feather army is also a good number of elites, and is even despised by a muddy military guard.

A week in a row ~ ~ Lv Shu met the messengers of the seven aristocrats, and as a result, without exception, no one could come up with the conditions that made Lu Shu shine.

Now Lv Shu is not in a hurry to turn to anyone, simply hurried back. Anyway, the Black Feather Army will not make a big move for a while. After all, with the addition of manpower, the Weibeiguan is still not keeping it? The great aristocrats in Nanzhou also looked at Weibei Guanhu.

After the big slaves went back, the noble masters saw their swollen noses and blue faces, and they felt somber: "Don't the little Wuwei commander dare to be so fearless? Why should he?"

The big slaves urged hard at this time: "Master, we might as well fight down Weibeiguan directly, so the Wuweijun can let the black feather army return with such a small number of people, and the black feather army is not as fierce as expected. When we take it down Weibeiguan, then set aside the military guards directly, and even sent troops to suppress them, and wipe them out before the emperor went out! "

The noble lord glanced at the talking slave: "Go away, useless things, is war as simple as you said? What is the strength of the black feather army? The old man knows well, not that they are too weak, but now that the Wuwei Army has got expert advice. It's really strong! "

The nobles are not fools, nor will they be fooled by their slaves in a sentence or two. They know that if the Black Feather Army is a weak brigade, they will never be able to win the Liyang Pass and the Weibei Pass.

But this military guard is now a bit too strong!

For a time, the changes in the Wuwei Army and the fact that the Wuwei Army defeated the Black Feather Army with fewer wins and more slowly spread.

Without a month of work, even the nobles in Wangcheng took this matter and talked about it after cooking. It was always the most topical thing to win less and win stronger.

So ... Wuweijun is famous!


Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, my monthly ticket ...

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