Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 937: Casino new handicap

[Title: 937 King of mercy, the new casino Handicap (first more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The eternal Dragon King Legend of the Ancient God Wang Wulian Peak Five Elements Heavenly Profound Realm Gate Chosen from the Immortal World Webcast It doesn't seem to matter to me, after all, Wangcheng hasn't experienced war in a long time.

The war between Nanzhou and Xizhou has long spread to Lu Zhou, and the black feathers showed their intrepidity in the siege strategy, which made everyone shine.

However, this powerful black feather army had no way to take a small remnant army.

When an insider mentioned the Wuwei Army, he would say: "The Wuwei Army was originally an army of wandering children. The Nanzhou people knew that it was very bad, but they did not expect that the Black Feather Army would destroy this army with 3,000 people. The wanderers dare not fight, they will only run away on the battlefield, and now they do n’t know how to become so powerful. "

Regarding how weak the Wuwei Army was before, everyone talked about it, as if the weaker the Wuwei Army said, the more dramatic the war.

Because the war has nothing to do with them, the right and wrong, victory and defeat of the war itself are not very important, the important thing is whether it is interesting!

There are many noble children and Miss Qianjin in the Wangcheng. They read the poems of Wang Shiwang while envying the frontier while being vassal and elegant, and few people have really been to the battlefield.

The storyteller of the teahouse restaurant is in order to attract these great customers, of course, what he said is the hottest thing in the moment.

I saw an old man sitting on the stage stroking his beard in the largest restaurant in Wangcheng: "I saw that the Wu Weijun commander Ye Xiaoming was holding a Fangtian Huaji ..."

"No, you are not right!" A girl suddenly stood up: "My uncle went to Nanzhou last month, and he got news from the black feather army that the commander of the Wu Weijun had been replaced by a young boy named Lu, and It ’s not like Fangtian Huaji! "

The moment of storytelling was embarrassing. The most fearful player of his kind is the one who is under the stage who knows the truth. How can a little storyteller really go to the battlefield to investigate?

Under normal circumstances, the children of these royal cities will not know these things, because the large nobles of the royal city will not care about a small military guard, so their children will have no source of information.

But this time, some people have paid attention, because the protagonist of this story, Wu Weijun, is indeed dramatic enough, even the big nobles are making jokes.

The storyteller hesitated: "Dare to ask this girl, what is the situation you heard about? Lu Ke is the surname, do you know what his specific name is?"

"The exact name is unclear, but I know that the weapon he used when he was fighting was just a branch!" The girl said cheerfully: "It is said that the young boy looks good-looking and has a very high level of cultivation, which is no better than the geniuses of the royal city. Poor, bloodier than them! "

The children of Wangcheng who were eating melons next to this said were unhappy. How could a military guard who played mud could compare with these children of Wangcheng ... They are also said to look good? How beautiful can a soldier lead a war?

And that he uses a branch for his weapons. If this is true, it would be too pretending!

The genius in Wangcheng who likes to act hard is unknown, but he dare to use branches to fight in actual combat. Wu Weijun is the first leader. Do you think you are the master of Jianlu?

In one night's work, among the kings of thousands of miles, the storyteller's unity changed its caliber, and Lu Shu changed from a sturdy man in an army into a poetic image.

That is to say, the girls in Wangcheng set their hopes on this person overnight, and all the male children in Wangcheng were very dissatisfied with Lu Shu. If this product came to Wangcheng, he must be taught to be a man!

Suddenly, the major casinos in the Wangcheng opened a new market: whether the Wuwei Army can survive the Black Feather Encirclement and Suppression, the Wuwei Army can live for a few days, and how many Black Feathers the Wuwei Army can kill.

Anyway, there are markets, and the odds are of course set by the dealer himself.

The matter of the Wuwei Army should have been hot for a few days, but as soon as the market opened, the heat began to continue to rise.

The casino began to advertise how weak the Wuwei Army was, and how lucky it was to defeat the Black Feather Army. Then, after buying a large voter, the big voter began to look forward to the news of the Wuwei Army every day.

What they care about is not how the Wu Weijun really is, but whether they win or lose.

To say that money can really make the ghosts grind, in order to chase this heat, this casino that sells like a gold cave has several casinos simultaneously moving their own big offerings of strength to inquire about the information, and then through magic tools and techniques The method is transmitted back in real time, and the casino can change the odds in time.

On the one hand, mastering real information, the dealer can walk in front of the gambler.

On the other hand, it is also a real-time, selective dissemination of news to maintain Wangcheng's enthusiasm for the Wuwei Army.

The major bookmakers in the casino have even bought all the storytellers to make such a carnival feast.

The great worshipers received the spiritual resources and got up and flew towards Nanzhou ~ ~ It is expected that they will be able to arrive in a week and start to deliver the message. Everything is ready!

The casino dealers are full of confidence and blood.

As a result, on the eighth day, there were news of the big offerings of several other casinos. The big offerings of Song Ji Casino were arrested by Wu Weijun ...

All the casinos are stunned, so what is a great offering, you Wuweijun said to grab it? ! How did you catch it? You are neuropathy, aren't you fighting the Black Feather Army?

In the first place, if someone wants to escape, the fight cannot be fought at all.

And now it ’s alive ... What strength does the Wuwei Army have to capture a big offering?

All the confident gambling venues were speechless. Their big offerings said that they were not too close to the mountain where the Wuwei Army was located. They even retreated out of the other party's search for dozens of miles ...

At this time, the casino suddenly realized that everyone underestimated the Wu Weijun. This Wuwei Jun is really tough!

Of course, Lu Shu, who is far away from Lu Wangshan, did not know that someone in Wangcheng, more than 20,000 kilometers away, had already opened the market for the Wuwei Army. He just smiled and looked at the young man in front of him with a smile: "Black feather army?"

The young man shook his head: "I advise you to let me go, I come from Wangcheng, if you are not good to me, the consequences are incalculable."

This big enchantment called Song Shuai called Zhao Shuai looks young but has no idea how old he has lived. To be honest, he never thought he would be caught alive, just like he never thought that Wu Weijun would have four masters Similarly, he was surrounded by Bishop, Anthony, Jia Sanyi, and Liu Yizhao at the time just near Lu Wangshan ...

What can he do, he is also desperate!


There are two chapters later, and there is something wrong at home today.

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