Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 943: Rough purification method

Everyone's eyes were focused on Bai Shi firmly believed, but he was already used to this kind of scene, embarked on a military holographic podium and recorded the data terminal that he carried with him. The fastest update

Presented in front of everyone is Xiao Meiyan’s log summary on the abyss z1. A long list is difficult for people to easily understand, but Shiraishi firmly believes that the homework has been done in advance, and he explains it with diligence: "According to Xiao The research of Master Meiyan deepens the self-consciousness held by the human warships, which still dominates their composition of the material world in their origins. The subtle origin of the void guides their will and ideas, and consolidates their rejection of human society. As a weapon of war, it does not continue to erode the essence of the ship's mother as previously imagined."

"Through the data obtained on the abyss z1, the source of the penetrating void can be locked within the range shown in the image. Lord Xiao Meiyan has determined the most effective high-energy radio guided magic energy to crush its source of void through various attempts. To eradicate the power to control the ship's mother."

Bai Shi firmly believes that in the human imaging displayed in front of everyone, the range of the void's original activity is not limited to brain neurons. Although 90% of the area is excluded, the focus is on the brainstem, heart, lungs, ridges, and knees. Boards and elbows, from the epidermis to flesh and bones to bones, are as diverse as the stars dotted in the sky.

"Why is the active area of ​​the Void Origin scattered, and is its transit area no longer active?" Karting asked.

He established a connection with Xiao Meiyan a long time ago, but today he knows that he had watched Xiao Meiyan as a small boy. His and Sailon? Sharp's fall to today's situation may not be the result of the joint oppression of Xiao Meiyan. Revenge?

This is Bai Shi firmly believes that he is looking at Kartin again, and believes that his doubts are also the doubts of everyone else, so he hastily explained: "We have always lacked enough knowledge about the abyssal fleet, I think the only one who can realize They are characterized by only Augustus Caesar who has been sacrificed except Lord Xiaomeiyan. First of all, all the properties of the void are completely different from the physical world. The physical logic we see is basically inexplicable in their view. Even from a high-dimensional point of view, it can't explain the signs of the activity of the source of the void, but it only needs to know that its active area takes this form in the current world."

"The abyss z1 is now about to completely remove the void source in her body, but her own resistance to the human world is as strong as it was to resist the abyss erosion. Master Xiao Meiyan has stopped the experiment before leaving, and forced it according to her calculations. Purging the abyss z1 has a 99.97% chance of dying completely." Shiraishi firmly believes that this method of purification can't be a coincidence, so the ship's mother who receives purification will suffer the same pain as the abyss z1. In the diary of Lord Xiaomeiyan, it is quite painful to burn the soul. I am not very aware of this pain. After all, we live in a world of technology, but the ship's mother who wants to accept purification must be mentally prepared. "

"Once accepted, purification cannot be resisted nor interrupted. The only good news is that it has not been thoroughly abyssed. The purification time will not be as long as z1, but as the battle with the abyssal fleet continues, this purification will be repeated. . "Bai Shi firmly believes that he has finished speaking and waits silently with his hands down.

Chester William finally moved his eyes away from Lexington. He found that no matter how much he looked at each other, his dear wife was also indifferent. This method had no effect between the old man and his wife. : "I'll just take the pain of purification as an ancient Ling Chi sentence, Xiao Meiyan can't find a gentle purification method, do I have to be so rude?"

"Veneto does not need to accept this purification mode, and time does not allow it." Shiraishi firmly believed that he met Chester William's eyes without fear, and said calmly, "As for why I am like Admiral William It should be clear."

Chester William smiled with his lips closed: "You are talking about Ulster? I'm sorry I didn't know much in advance. He made me know that Meiyan didn't have much time to study this subject. Head up."

"The first person Ogiwara contacted was Admiral William. Without your matchmaking, Ulster had such easy access to the panplane?" Shiraishi firmly expressed his doubts, but he did not delve into this issue. But it’s a waste of time, "You are not willing to rescue the joint fleet from the perspective of strategic security, but now that you have a way to resist the abyss erosion, I think it is time to reconsider the rescue joint fleet, this is where I came The only requirement is that the purification technology has a key startup magic energy formula in my mind. This is my only bargaining chip."

"I have a question. Does the combined fleet really exist now?" Chester William interrupted Shiraishi's firm belief, and asked with a burning eye, "The abyssal fleet will choose their time to switch into the Siberian Star Zone to attack Vula. Divostok is considering that they are more susceptible to erosion by the abyss. It has been a long time now. I don’t think they have the ability to stick to the present. The ASEAN Coalition Forces do not have to take risks for the fleet that has been eliminated."

Bai Shi firmly believes that knowing that this is an obstacle that cannot be avoided in any This is what he was most worried about for a long time. If Chester? William’s words can’t be pushed back, Liaoning might also Will change her attitude, after all, she will make a decision on the side of herself while the joint fleet is still there.

He canceled the data on the holographic imaging screen and transferred the communication data at the other end. Only one coordinate point was recorded on it, and there were a large number of signs of high-light and high-energy activity. From the position of the light signal, it was the joint fleet: "This is the signal sent back from Master Xiao Meiyan when she reached the shining galaxy. She can prove that the United Fleet is still there."

Chester William’s expression did not change, and he still sneered in his smile, "This is the information more than ten days ago."

"All the signals of the joint fleet ship mothers are there. Some of their warships that have been killed but still survived still send signal signs. We have reason to believe that they are still fighting tenaciously today, and none of the ship mothers chose to fall in. In the abyss, they are extremely tenacious and proud!"

Bai Baishi firmly believed that an awe-inspiring momentum broke out, and said with a loud voice: "This is the tenacity of the United Fleet. They are still the mainstay of humanity against the Abyssal Fleet. We can no longer sit here and remain indifferent. That is not only indifference to the sacrifice of the hero, but also Irresponsible to all mankind!" (To be continued...) rw

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