Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 944: Husband and wife

Chester William got up silently and left. He knew that Lexington had a lot to say to himself. It was not appropriate to speak in front of so many people. The fastest update

Outside the meeting room is the sunlit mahogany promenade. The architectural style of c star field rarely shows the appearance of metal. Everything looks quaint and has a deep background.

Chester William first walked to the unmanned promenade. In front of him was a flat lake with green grass and lotus flowers. Standing on the lakeside, the figure was reflected in the water, and the long golden hair was shining brilliantly.

Lexington's heel came out, not too actively approaching Chester William, but looked at his back calmly from a distance.

"Xiao Meiyan now went to the shining galaxy, while chasing her to a powerful human, the abyssal admiral was temporarily forced to converge the edge, and now it is indeed the best time to rescue the joint fleet." After a brief silence, Lie Lexington first said this, "You must know this, but I also know the meaning of not insisting on rescue."

She expressed not only her support for Bai Shi's firm belief, but also her own question to her admiral and her husband. Smart as if he didn't need Lexington to explain the reasons too much, he should understand.

Chester William pondered for a long while, and slowly turned to look at Lexington: "I did have some impulses in the previous strategic decision, but this is why you put pressure on me together... this is what you share Does that mean?"

"A Xingyu has her own style and demeanor. What I want is my husband, not an admiral of Takeuchi." Lexington's words made Takeuchi lie down, but now she doesn't have so many worries to worry about, "Just You are the original you, I can forgive everything. When I promised to marry you, did you forget what you said?"

Chester William lowered his head, he wasn’t tall. After lowering his head, he could only see Lexington’s feet: "After you left, I was thinking about that sentence every day. At first, I thought it was you who changed. Knowing that I am too strong, the reality does not allow me more time to complete the dream of proving myself and surpassing Ulster, so I will be anxious."

"But do I really have a retreat? Once I step back, it's not just my dream, but the future that I will continue with you." Chester William grinned, "If you compromise, you really think Yue I will tolerate me to live."

"All of us won't let you hurt, even if you are not in that position, you are still the best admirer in our hearts." Lexington said firmly, "You have always been the best in our hearts, never You need to compare with Ulster. Many things you have done, give us the freedom and the pressure to resist ourselves. Ulster has never done it."

There is no problem thinking from the perspective of Lexington, but Chester William knows that his gentle wife still takes some things for granted. The change of the times is always crueler than imagined. Yue Zhong is indeed self-confident, but Veneto no longer needed her advisor to show her direction.

Maybe they are still important in Lexington, but in Veneto, they will not always let these ship mothers occupy the high level. As the new generation of ship mothers grow up, many old ship mothers will retire for various reasons. After all, Veneto's world.

If Lexington is promised, then the game between Yue Zhong and the observer will determine his life and death. Chester William hates the feeling of trusting destiny on others.

"Are you worried about Veneto?" Lexington still hesitated to see Chester William's face, knowing that he must have considered more variables.

"Lexington, tell me your true thoughts, and let me make the final decision on other things." Chester William shook his head. "It was the last time my admiral had power in his hands."

Suddenly I found that my husband was not as stubborn as I thought. Lexington’s perseverance seemed to collapse at this moment. She was still a gentle wife who couldn’t bear to see her husband showing a tired and sad expression, but now it is Because of his pressing step by step, he had to make a decision immediately.

She hurried to Chester William and hugged him in her arms.

Lexington has been away from Chester William for a long time since the battle of j Starfield cracked. Lexington has been fighting the Abyssal Fleet and had a smooth sailing in the early stage. Lexington did not encounter too many troubles. It really suffered from the pressure and fate of all parties. It is Chester William who stays behind. The status of the chief commander of the Asian Galaxy seems to be bright and bright, but the current is turbulent. Both Liaoning and Zhu Zhongxue may find opportunities to pull him from that position at any time, and Yue Zhongtang is emperor’s Yangmou also made Chester William sleepless.

He didn't accompany him during the most difficult time. Even if there were contradictions in the past, he is now punished enough.

Chester William's body has relaxed a lot, for some reason he has lie in the arms of many girls, but only Lexington can make him feel warm and at ease. In order to let the ship ladies of a star domain have more freedom The space has done a lot, and Yue Zhong’s methods not only succeeded in blinding everyone in the early stage, but also was particularly ashamed when it was uncovered. It was the admirers who had been squeezing the use value of the ship's mother one by one. If this kind of reversal did not happen, it might be unimaginable, but because of this, Yue Zhong's plan will not be easily understood. .

Lexington bowed his head in Chester William's ear and said: "I'm not trying to embarrass you deliberately, but I was a little scared when I saw you showing coldness. She always reminded me of the joint fleet that I once fought against. My fleet became like that, and I was worried that you would not be able to resist the rolling of the times alone, and there was really no room for recovery at that time."

"It turns out I'm really a little scared, even you have abandoned me." Chester William understood Lexington's thoughts more relaxed, and the sunshine smile returned to his Face, "Go, don’t let others wait."

Although Chester William did not give Lexington a clear answer, his meaning was already clear. There are risks and opportunities in confronting Yue Zhong or confronting Veneto in another way. The only difference is that the latter The person will let him gradually lose all his power like Karting.

But the life disguised like the prodigal son is somewhat greasy, and he is worthy of other shipowners, but he only owes a lot to Lexington. If there is a future, I hope to be a qualified husband and no longer let Lexington carry others. Gossip.

"I Chester William will take care of my favorite Lexington all my life, no matter what happens will not make you feel a little wronged." The promise of the past was a joke in the face of practical difficulties, but today The reunion made him feel more in his heart, maybe he can pick up this sentence again?

This life has been compromised until now. It is more difficult than expected to do one thing. If there is no Yue Zhong in this world, if you don’t have a little illusion about him, it might be different. (To be continued...) rw

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