Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 956: Auspicious news

South Dakota rushed into the Xinghai naturally to find the Abyssal Fleet, to prove that she is good, to die, just like she was determined to become a ship mother as impulsive and reckless. Ranwen Novel Ranen

Maybe Washington is right, such a little girl who doesn’t have the sense of teamwork but lives in her own world will obey when there is suppression by the admiral, but when there is no advisor to restrain her behavior, it is also the identity of the battleship warship. She can be more unscrupulous, which is not a good thing for her and for a star domain navy, or even the entire ship mother group.

Perhaps retiring is her best option, even if it is difficult for her to accept.

The enterprise worried that her safety was chasing her, but the stubborn South Dakota could not change her mind so easily. After she found that she could not get rid of the enterprise, she had to take out the guns to deter the other party from approaching herself, all the way to the more unknown and dangerous starry sky. Going deep.

"Undisciplined and wanton, such a person must never stay in the fleet!" As soon as he learned that South Dakota left the team without permission, Washington showed outrageous anger, but she did not say in the end The enterprise went to South Dakota for words. After all, the other party is still a member of the A-Star Navy, and now there are outsiders present, so why can't let Liaoning read the joke.

After Missouri got a nod from Liaoning, she had already arranged the ship ladies to supply energy. She also did not expect that South Dakota and the enterprise could also have a spat. The longer they left the main fleet, the more dangerous it was. The only luck was that South Dakota was going to find The Abyss Fleet is therefore moving towards the rescue joint fleet.

"How long can I go?" Liaoning was very dissatisfied with South Dakota in his heart, but the emotion of taking care of the A Star Fleet was not expressed.

Missouri looked at the handheld information terminal without lifting his head: "Replenishment will be completed within an hour, but if you go out, you still need to wait for Saratoga’s repair to be completed. There is no example of this before repairing the original liquid. Determine the time."

"Don't wait, I'm fine!" A clean and mischievous voice rang in Missouri's ear. She looked up and saw Saratoga appearing intact in front of herself. Not only the outer ship has been repaired, Even the clothes on his body could not see any signs of damage.

Saratoga's blonde hair ran to Missouri and said, "What kind of quick repair technology is it? I don't know of such a retrograde technology."

"That is Shiraishi's firm belief that the secret props for Xianghe are now used on you indifferently. Thank you." Missouri saw Saratoga's lack of depression and decadence, and his mental state was very full. " Since you are all right, we will start after the supply is complete, no problem, Liaoning."

Liaoning was also looking at Saratoga, and nodded without objection. When he was about to say a few words with Saratoga, the other party had jumped away and ran away: "I went to Bai Shi and firmly believe that thank you! "

Such a vigorous young girl, it seems that no setbacks and fears can knock her down, even affect her mood, she is not a big problem by comparison.

"Don't Xianghe sink her sister Lexington?" Liaoning felt Saratoga should have a grudge against Xianghe. He always felt a bit tangled when he heard that she used her things to recover, but in Sara Toga couldn't see the scene on his face.

"Aren't you already avenged? Besides, Gaga doesn't care about it. She's always so careless, even if you can get along with the enemy." Missouri sighed. "If South Dakota is like her, it would be nice." ."

York City, who was squatting on the ground boring and touching fish, looked up unhappily and said, "Don't, there are enough people who smash my glass!"

Saratoga’s controversy is greater than that of South Dakota, but Liaoning doesn’t care about her small problems, and the golden ship mother field that is unfolding in the semi-empty world is still in sight. Even if she can’t do it temporarily, she still has Has come to his own.

The ship’s mother should have a diverse personality. This is what Yue Zhong has always insisted on. The change he created is also based on this purpose. If the seven galaxies do not appear, the ship’s mother who still maintains a huge ship battle may be another. A development, before the emergence of Augustus Caesar's fleet, the goal of conquering the ship was to conquer the world, and they really had that strength. If the seven galaxies all adopted this look, their ships The mother would have no future, and even the present would be lost.

Saratoga went to Bai Shi and believed that Liaoning didn't care about what she said. When the supply of the fleet was completed, she ordered the secret supply point to be closed again and led the fleet to follow the signal left by the enterprise.

Although the company that has been trying to stop South Dakota has not found an opportunity to speak to the other party, the speed of the other party has been slowed down due to the faster speed and excellent route planning. UU reading books

They did not proceed toward the location of the joint fleet in the regular channel. The voyage route will inevitably encounter some unstable energy storms and planet debris obstacles. Enterprises generally clear these obstacles, but their eyes are staring at the wheat color in front. Skinny girl with skin.

"How long are you going to be fooling around, and if you go on like this, no one will really choose to forgive you!"

Worrying in his heart, the company suddenly found a fragmented communication signal.

"United Fleet Snow Wind, this is Snow Wind. I was accidentally disconnected from the fleet after being attacked by an abyss submarine. If you find my signal, please contact me immediately. Xue Feng's current position is..."

News from the United Fleet!

The spirit of the enterprise has been revitalized and the fleet has spent a lot of time since its expedition, but there is still some distance from the joint fleet coordinates that have been known in advance. Now the signal of the joint fleet fleet can be searched here, which means that they may have already begun The last breakout.

But I am afraid that the breakthrough is not so smooth. As a high-speed destroyer, Xuefeng will leave the fleet after being attacked. Then the main force of the joint fleet has already faced huge challenges.

I don’t know if South Dakota has searched for this signal. The company is now faced with two options. One is to continue to track South Dakota to avoid her from being in danger. The other is to give up this willful guy and go to the coordinates provided by Xuefeng and her progress. Looking for this little girl who was left behind.

"Liaoning, found the signal of the destroyer Xuefeng of the United Fleet, and separate its forces to start a search. I am afraid that the United Fleet is no longer at the previous coordinate. From her mouth, she should be able to get the latest information." The company finally could not drop South Dakota. No matter, so Liaoning can only send people to find Xuefeng.

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