Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 957: United Fleet

"Receive, immediately start the search for Xuefeng". Ranwen novel Ranen" Liaoning received the information provided by Xuefeng from the enterprise and immediately set up the search.

After answering the enterprise, Liaoning suddenly remembered. Was Xuefeng not one of the destroyers who were sunk by themselves together with the island wind? At first, this little girl was afraid of herself and her excellent performance made Liaoning remember She lived with her name. Fortunately, when the war between the two sides was still the battle of the old era, the snow wind that the core cabin was able to escape did not really die. Now everyone is standing on the same front line. I don’t know if this little girl will Will revenge?

The presence of the warship of the combined fleet is good or bad. The advantage is that the rescue fleet has shortened the voyage by half, and there is no need to risk the attack by the abyss submarine. The disadvantage is that it is not easy for them to hit here. Xuefeng's departure is a sign that the joint fleet has lost control of the game, and it is not uncommon to say where they are now annihilated.

"You are optimistic about South Dakota. If she is really disobedient, she will blow up her power source." Missouri in the same fleet does not have as many scruples as Liaoning. The target of the rescue mission has already appeared, and the fleet does not need to waste a strong one. Her combat power accompanies her to play. As for the enterprise, can she blow up South Dakota's power source skillfully to bring her back? I believe that no ship's mother will have doubts. Even though South Dakota is really good at dealing with carrier aircraft, but under the one-to-one situation, she has no chance of winning the enterprise.

A large number of detection carrier aircraft and destroyers did not spread the search for the whereabouts of Xuefeng like a net. Although Xuefeng is not old, it is considered to be experienced. Others say that she is not auspicious, which is also An affirmation of her survivability, so even if she left the fleet, she did not fall into a panic for help. She did her best to find her fleet without the knowledge of reinforcements, so the coordinates provided were not just a point, It also calculated the possible navigation directions and course changes in advance.

According to the route provided by Xuefeng, the rescue fleet conducted an orderly search, and after less than a day, it successfully found the snow wind in Xinghai.

The first to discover her was the Hornet's carrier aircraft. Seeing the appearance of the Hornet carrier aircraft that had bombed the J Starland homeland, Xuefeng also counterattacked subconsciously and shot down two successfully, knowing that the other party was not malicious. Afterwards, Xuefeng realized that they were now friendly.

"It's really too much. When I saw my carrier plane, I shot it down without saying a word!" The blond single-ponytailed bumblebee complained all the way to Liaoning. The complaint between a star navy and the joint fleet was not one day or two. Standing in the same trench is already the limit, and they cannot be expected to get along in harmony.

Snow wind with brown hair and hairstyle like a little hamster wore a small sailor suit, a backpack was carried on her shoulder, and an old telescope hung on her chest. She was taken to Liaoning immediately after being found by the bumblebee.

"Are you Liaoning?" Xue Feng looked at Liaoning, who was slender and beautiful, curiously. "I am the destroyer Xuefeng of the United Fleet. Thank you for sending troops to rescue us."

Liaoning didn’t see hatred on her face, and she suddenly liked the little girl in her heart. She reached out and touched the other’s hamster-like little head and said: "You don’t need to say polite words, what happened to the United Fleet during this time, you one No one was attacked by the Abyssal Fleet after falling behind, so why not try to flee here and go to C Starfield for help?"

"I... I don't know if you will come." Xuefeng's idea is also the idea of ​​the vast majority of the ship's mothers in the joint fleet. They think that the coalition forces will not venture into the abyss fleet control area to rescue, because there is no hope. Therefore, this kind of decisiveness will only happen when breaking through, "So Xuefeng never thought of stealing a life alone. If this is really the grave of the United Fleet, I would rather die here with everyone."

When Xue Feng said this, her eyes were clean and translucent. All the ship ladies who heard this sentence could not help raising an admiring look. The tenacious will in her little body would not be lost to anyone. In the future, we will find the opportunity for revenge, and the ship's mother who will be replaced by another fleet will also choose so.

But the joint fleet is the joint fleet, not the Royal Navy or the A-Star Navy. They have a unique naval glory and tradition. Rather, it is the most true portrayal of their integrity, which is difficult to pass on. But they still exist. Even if they are severely hit, even if only the incomplete ships and guns are left, they will always be intimidated unless they are completely destroyed.

Speaking of the recent situation of the United Fleet, Xuefeng's eyes dimmed and continued with a trace of loneliness: "Before we chose to break through, there were already twenty-six companions who were unwilling to be eroded by the Abyssal Fleet and chose to stay forever by lightning strikes. The rest of you made a final breakthrough attempt ten days ago under the leadership of Yamato’s sister. The abyssal fleet’s interception was very tenacious, and their military power was more than ten times that of us. Against the disadvantage of air control and submarine attacks from time to time."

"The Abyssal Fleet deployed six blockade lines on our way through the breakout. I was surrounded by a large number of carrier aircraft when I broke through the fifth blockade seven days ago. After the escape, I lost contact with the main fleet. The fleet lost thirty-one companions, and I personally sent Maya to the arms of death." Xuefeng said that tears could not help but shed tears on her face. She quickly reached out and wiped her eyes. "Neither am I now." I know where the people of the United Fleet have gone, but I know the direction of the breakout that we determined before. If everyone still retains their combat power, it should be in the direction of the star zone around me before...Sister Liaoning, you must save us what!"

Liaoning gently embraced Xuefeng in his arms and comforted softly: "Relax, as long as they are alive, I will definitely rescue them."

Even if the United Fleet was an enemy that was difficult for them to defeat, even if they once wanted to sink themselves, they might not even have the possibility of ejecting their own core cabin, but as the enterprise said, today’s era belongs to their ship mothers. With pure fighting spirit, never giving up to each other is the basis for them to step on the stage to dominate the world. Under such a trend, the ship mother who is still obsessed with the grudges of the past is doomed to be a major event. They can only accept the end of retirement. What a brilliant record and glory before.

Liaoning is not only an ambitious ship's mother, but also the ruler of the largest c-star region in Asia at this moment. Of course she has such consciousness.

"Then the general direction of your planned breakthrough is..."

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