Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 958: South Fat's Luck

Xuefeng told Liaoning that the planned breakout direction and various changes of the joint fleet might be to Liaoning. Knowing that her admiral, Blowing Snow and Xi Li were all behind the fleet, they hurried over as if they had found the backbone, and Liaoning didn’t care about her. After seeing so many things and seeing his admiral again, it is inevitable that as a ship mother, you will be a little sick. ranwenranen

"Missouri, readjust the direction of advancement and search for the combined fleet, while maintaining the highest alert status of the entire fleet. It is possible to encounter the main force of the abyssal fleet here at any time. The battleship warship is especially careful not to sink too many abyssal battleships to avoid being eroded by the abyss. This time Immediately after going back, conduct a purification test." Liaoning calculated the course of action based on the information provided by Xuefeng, and issued an order as a flagship and commander.

Missouri nodded: "South Dakota's current state is easily eroded by the abyss."

"Then do what you say!" Liaoning said decisively with a wave of his hand.

The rescue fleet immediately changed the course under the command of Liaoning, dispersed into three arrows and carried each other at full speed towards the position where the joint fleet may appear. The wide-area search detection carrier aircraft was equipped with some bombardment and anti-submarine carrier aircraft. While searching, it also guards against the appearance of the abyssal fleet.

South Dakota, who is worried about Missouri, is very self-willed. If it is already dealt with in other fleets, even in an enlightened organization such as the A Star Fleet, no one will like this character, and the army will be marginalized. The kind of people usually die faster, because under the same priority, other ship mothers are more willing to help other people than her.

But she can live to the present, proving that her luck is really good.

South Dakota subconsciously chose the direction of the advance to fit the route of the United Fleet breakthrough. I don’t know whether this is her good luck or bad luck. The company does not know her current thinking. Perhaps it is because of the disagreement with the A Star Fleet. Some characteristics of the abyssal fleet attracted them into the abyss.

"Maybe following South Dakota will soon be able to find the main force of the Abyssal Fleet, and the Joint Fleet may also be nearby, so that the time wasted from the search is indeed avoided." The enterprise already had in mind after receiving the Missouri reply. Decided, "But South Dakota's state is very reassuring. Perhaps she will be eroded the first time she encounters the Abyssal Fleet. This kind of thing that builds victory on the sacrifice of companions will not be done by the Astral Fleet. "

Thinking of this, the company no longer hesitated to approach South Dakota boldly. The fat black girl was taken aback by her move, and the indispensable launching ship artillery rubbed the company's side and threatened: "Don't come over!"

"After following you for so long, you should vent your temper. If you don’t obey, don’t blame me. You know you can’t beat me." The company finally found an opportunity to talk to South Dakota. She no longer tried to persuade each other. , Directly tough, "Hurry back with me, I don't want you to apologize with them, but you also don't affect the plan of the fleet."

South Dakota naturally couldn't listen to anything the enterprise said. There seemed to be a will to guide her to solidify the differences with the a star domain navy: "I don't want it!"

"The disobedient child has to be taught a lesson." Liaoning is no longer wordy, and the carrier aircraft that had been conducting the danger detection on the periphery began to retract, and at the same time, it released a large number of carrier aircraft itself, just like the huge interstellar vortex. Centered around South Dakota and began to circle quickly.

South Dakota didn't expect that the enterprise would be so cruel, and when he felt a pain, he launched a decisive counterattack. This time, the forest of naval guns she released was no longer just a deterrent, but went straight to the enterprise itself.

The company knows South Dakota's strength very well. As long as it is out of the other party's range, her naval gun can hardly really hit herself, and with the company's world-renowned aircraft carrier combat power, she directly changed that low probability to no. may.

When calmly evading South Dakota's attacks, the company's carrier aircraft did not stop at all. The continuous bombardment ripped South Dakota's open energy shield. The company's defense mode is more understanding of her than her attack method, even if South Dakota's iron curtain defense is a must, but it still has flaws in front of the company.

South Dakota, who has always been fighting side by side with the enterprise, feels that he should be able to cope with any of the ship’s attacks, even if it is like the Xianghe sisters’ same-hearted attack, he can resist it, but when he really fights with the enterprise, he realizes that his imagination is still somewhat. Naive.

The operation after gathering the ships has higher fire control requirements for the battleship ship mother, but the improvement of the aircraft carrier is very huge. The company's high speed and rich experience are pressing South Dakota's must-fire range. She was already stricken with coping with her attack, and it was impossible to find a chance to fight back.

What kind of horror was faced by the warship ladies who once fought with the enterprise, South Dakota finally realized that the pervasive penetration blocked his maneuverability, and at the same time continuously cutting the orbit of the ship gun shooting made the difficulty of previewing and bombardment doubled. Increased, the high-speed movement still maintains a precise bombing blow is even more capable, even if it has a strong air defense ability, it cannot intercept all the carrier-based aircraft attacks, and the transmission frequency of the energy shield has remained at one from the beginning of the engagement. Extremely high values ​​may collapse at any No shipyard can deal with such a high-strength attack without collapse, even Veneto is impossible, the only way is to find an opportunity to suppress the enterprise, making She couldn't fully control the carrier aircraft to attack, but Veneto could do this, but South Dakota couldn't.

Both sides know the roots, but the gap in strength is clearly there. The offense command of the enterprise without any worries is as perfect as art. Under the continuous attack, the energy shield of South Dakota is quickly broken. Before the re-storage and expansion, a large number of carrier-based aircraft poured in from all sides, and South Dakota's short-range air defense firepower poured out like a fire tree and silver flowers.

"It's useless, just follow me back!" The company said with a cold voice, the consciousness infiltrated into each carrier aircraft and wiped the air defense firepower like a fluff, close to the power source behind South Dakota.

South Dakota has no way to stop the attack of the enterprise, but her good face will not bow to the enterprise, only waiting for the other party to destroy its own power source. It was inevitable that there was a trace of awe in her heart. She was not afraid of anyone before, but after being crushed with strength, she could not find any excuse for South Dakota. He could only choose to accept this result.

The anti-aircraft firepower was still struggling in the end, but the space fighter that burst into South Dakota suddenly stopped.

South Dakota didn't know what happened, and he heard the company say: "Let's let you go first. If you want to get everyone's approval again, join me in killing the abyssal fleet."

As soon as the words fell, the dense red logo appeared on South Dakota's strategic star map. This number is definitely not as simple as the previous interception fleet. The main force of the abyssal fleet appeared.

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