Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 959: Corporate teaching

Before the Abyssal Fleet cleaned up the South Dakota, she seemed to be a lot more honest. At first, she was away from the team and she was not so determined. Before, there was no thing that South Dakota was afraid of, but the torpedo array of the Abyss submarine made her feel death. The horror, the sense of oppression and powerlessness caused by the enterprise made Nan Dakota have no mind to think about other things, but just honestly ran to the enterprise. Huo Ranwen

Her lawless personality will change after a good lesson, after all, South Dakota is not old, just from small to large living environment and family indulgence make her look like this, if the enterprise knows to fight If she was useful once, she would have already started.

Looking at the other party’s expression was not as scary as it was just now, South Dakota relaxed a little, but his heart was still full of fear of the enterprise and the abyss fleet: "How do you fight with so many enemy ships?"

South Dakota's attitude does not seem to be affected by the abyss erosion. The company feels that it was a bit redundant before. To a certain extent, South Dakota and Saratoga are somewhat similar, but her courage is relatively small, but she is easy to be impulsive, and her ideas are often off. Into the dead end.

"Take what you want to fight, protect my safety and fight back, and the main fleet will soon come to support." The company patted South Dakota's head, the other party was not as disgusted as before, and it seemed that he was really afraid of himself Too.

Protecting corporate operations is what South Dakota is best at. She can't be panic when she is unable to face her powerful enemies. The enterprise is an excellent comrade-in-arm, as long as she is protected, she will solve all problems.

There must be traces of the joint fleet where the main force of the abyssal fleet appears. This is undoubtedly. Although the joint fleet still has more than half of the ship survivors at this time, it is more than the rescue fleet in terms of scale, but it is more difficult to eliminate them. The elimination of the rescue fleet is much lower. After all, the joint fleet can come here, which is already the end of the crossbow.

Originally according to the strategic plan of the Abyssal Fleet, enticing enemy forces and submarine attacking forces would cause the rescue fleet's thinking to solidify. They would think that since there was an abyssal fleet interception, there would be no problem with the route taken. Use this tactic to lead the rescue fleet towards In the farther star zone, after the main fleet combined fleet is eliminated, the spearhead is turned to destroy or assimilate this rescue fleet deep into the hinterland.

But the entire strategic deployment was completely broken by a little girl named Xuefeng. Her incomprehensible luck and rich combat experience made her not only not sunk by the abyssal fleet after falling behind, but also skillfully along the way After avoiding all the warships pursued by the abyssal fleet, it also bypassed numerous submarine ambush circles, and finally encountered the rescue fleet in a miserable manner.

Because of this accident, the strategy of the Abyssal Fleet was completely disrupted. It is difficult for submarines deployed on the route to readjust their deployment to form combat power in a short time, and the information provided by Xuefeng has also led the rescue fleet to continue to be surrounded by the joint fleet. In desperation, the Abyssal Fleet found that South Dakota and the enterprise had lost their main fleet for some reason, so they hurriedly mobilized the troops to destroy them first.

South Dakota’s impression of the abyssal fleet is not deep, but the enterprise is prestigious in the presence of the abyssal warship. This sense of oppression is not inferior to that of the original lone army who deeply hurt the abyssal admiral Tilbitz if he could take advantage of her. When the time left is eliminated, the threat of the rescue fleet will be reduced by at least one third.

"Come!" The company snorted, and originally put out to teach South Dakota's carrier-based aircraft into dozens of combat units and launched an air battle with the abyssal fleet carrier.

Countless meteor-like fireballs have fallen between enemy and enemy carrier aircraft, and most of them are from the abyssal fleet, but there are a small number of corporate carrier aircraft.

A simple air battle is the most intuitive test of the carrier’s control over the carrier aircraft. After all, if there is no air superiority, there is no advantage for the aircraft carrier to fight, and there is no room for them to play.

In terms of testing the capabilities of the ship's mother, the enterprise vs. the abyss carrier is undoubtedly the level of crushing. She only has control of one person's carrier aircraft, and it is difficult to suppress the carrier aircraft of the three aircraft carriers of the abyssal fleet.

After fighting with the company again, Nan Dakota has a more intuitive feeling of the company's strength. Her carrier-based aircraft control technology is endlessly suppressed by the enemy, but it is a pleasing art from the standpoint of bystanders. .

"Don't be in a daze. The enemy's frigate will soon join the air defense operation. My carrier-based aircraft will not last long. Can you destroy the other's frigate according to my requirements after the carrier-based aircraft retracts?" South Dakota made a request.

South Dakota said nervously: "I, I don't know."

She used to just defend against enemy carrier-based aircraft attacking the enterprise, but she had little confidence in the attack. I don't know why the enterprise made such a request.

"Although the abyssal fleet has attacked different degrees of evolution, their combat methods are still imitating human ship mothers without their own Although there are many such templated enemies, they are not invincible. The company said in a deep voice, "Prove yourself, even if it fails, I know you actually just want to be recognized by more people. Whether you are pursuing an admiral, you have a charm, and there is a dispute with Washington, but only the real Only strength will be known to the world as an excellent battleship, and don’t be seen by others as my shadow in the future."

South Dakota silently bowed his head and did not speak, but his heart was already rippling. The words of the enterprise deeply touched the heart of the little girl, but she was embarrassed to admit it.

"Fight like a legendary warship, can I really do it?"

The enterprise's carrier-based aircraft dominated the air battle, but she could not maintain this advantage because she and South Dakota had no frigates to provide fire assistance. As the abyssal fleet's air defense fire entered effective range, it began to suppress. In order to avoid greater losses, her carrier-based aircraft maneuvering space, the enterprise had to retract the carrier-based aircraft's combat radius a little bit, and the abyssal fleet also took advantage of the situation and entered the effective range of the South Dakota gun.

The naval gun is fully charged, the preview and route calculation are completed, and the fire control is locked: "Try it anyway, fire!"

The new naval gun carried by South Dakota burst out with a dazzling light, like a straight long dragon passing through the Xinghai. The actual range attack was never tried by her, and the chance of success in training is also pitiful. This gun is in the end. South Dakota has no confidence in destroying the enemy.

Because of the tension, she closed her eyes subconsciously until the figure of the enterprise came to her ear: "Hit, it's a good job, but don't close your eyes on the battlefield next time."

An inexplicable sense of glory came to mind, and South Dakota nodded heavily: "Well!"

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