Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 970: Strong enemy at hand

Blowing snow is the only ship lady who heard the last words before Takeuchi’s death. She doesn’t think she is so special, because she is going to die, and she will face the real main force of the abyssal fleet in the form of unfolding the ship. Naturally, there is no chance of winning. To put it bluntly, the Admiral told him what he was saying at this time and he didn’t have to worry about anyone else knowing, otherwise the image he had always created would hope that the image recognized by the United Fleet and the entire world would collapse. [Full text reading]

It seems that the Admiral at this time is the most authentic, but in the end is the reveal of the true temperament or the eager confession in the face of death that has changed the character?

The once cruel and merciless is not fake, and the memories at this moment are not fake, but it is the most suitable appearance shown in different periods. If you are used to covering up, you can’t reveal your heart even if you are dead. Make it clear who you are.

Blowing snow's heart is no longer as desperate and sad as before, and can perform tasks with the admiral, and then die gloriously, that is the greatest glory and affirmation for a ship mother, enough to make other ship mothers envy and remember together What's so scary about history?

The Admiral can now relax, because his historical mission and life goals have been completed, or it is time to end, but as the ship's mother blowing snow, there is still the final task.

Although moving in the direction of Vladivostok, the intention of this operation cannot be too obvious. The abyss fleet is no longer the abyss fleet that would be easily misled by strategy and tactics, so it is also the task of enticing the enemy Need precise planning.

The Abyssal Admiral can now understand the conventional tactics of human beings, but it still takes a long time to understand the changes in the history of human civilization and the political struggle, so in its view, the legendary human admirers still have the value of killing and priority The degree is far above the ship mother.

For every one of these people, the human tactics will change by one point. If Ulster, Chester William, Zhu Zhongxue and others are all dead, the ship’s mother who has not yet fully grown will inevitably lose the best against the abyssal fleet. It’s not surprising that Zhi, even losing the possibility of winning completely.

If it weren't for this reason, Yue Zhong had already killed Ulster and they had cleared obstacles for Veneto's future, instead of letting them stay and deal with themselves deliberately.

Everything is only because they still have to be alive, so Zhu Zhongxue has the value of killing. His deliberate death is to maximize his own value. In turn, in the eyes of the abyss, this is not necessarily Zhu Zhongxue realized that he will continue to stay. There will be danger in the reinforcements so they evacuated early.

The recent fairway is definitely full of traps of the Abyssal Fleet. It is a normal choice to make a roundabout escape in the direction of Vladivostok. When Takenaka and the Human Allied Forces are separated, the Abyssal Fleet will be abandoned if it stays at Vladivostok. Touk attacked, in the end, he could only choose one of them to kill, and this was the possibility of enticing the enemy.

So Blowing Snow is completely in pursuit of enemies in a way to avoid enemy forces, which sounds incredible, but there is no problem with doing so in the control area of ​​the abyssal fleet.

The Admiral lay asleep on the mechanical command chair after speaking, during this time his exhaustion was always seen in the eyes by blowing snow. At this time, even the long sleep of death had no energy to wait and fell asleep. Beautiful like a jade statue frozen in the depths of a thousands of miles of frozen snow, the snow-colored long hair hangs naturally, like a layer of frost condensing.

Blowing Snow wanted to reach out and touch the face of the Admiral. This behavior is bold. The whole world knows that the Admiral is a beautiful beauty that does not lose to anyone, regardless of gender, but beauty has never been imagined in the past. His face.

The route of the ship's hull has been set, and you only need to pay close attention to the dynamics discovered in real time. The main force of the abyssal fleet should not appear so quickly. There is still time...

The snow blower sneaked around the Admiral, thinking he would die anyway, would he be forgiven for doing anything?

Perhaps it was Zhu Zhongxue’s unrequited exchange of words that gave Blizzard some courage, making her feel that the two worlds were not unstoppable for her and the Admiral, so she took a deep breath and reached out to the Admiral’s face.

Zhu Zhongxue didn't notice the bold action of blowing snow, unguarded like a sleeping child, just when blowing snow was about to succeed, the sudden alarm sound scared her to jump.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhongxue woke up from a deep sleep, and when he opened it, he saw there was a pale, stunned face.

"Send, I found the abyss fleet of detection aircraft, that number... a lot, it is their main fleet!"

Zhu Zhongxue's eyes suddenly shone. He imagined that the main force of the abyssal fleet would abandon the Vladivostok to seek to annihilate all the human warships who attacked, but they came more determined than they thought. How long they were away, they It was close at hand.

"Sending messages from a specific frequency, even the fragmented information Liao () Ning will know what is going on." Because the abyss fleet control area interferes with conventional communications very strongly, the Snowblower after leaving the fleet has been unable to communicate with Liao. () Ning made normal contact, so when he left, Zhu Zhongxue and Liao () Ning made sure that other ship mothers should not send out meaningless debris messages. When the signal blowing snow came, Liao () Ning would know even if it was incomplete what's going on.

"Understood... The continuous sending setting is completed, what do we do next?" Fu Xue asked eagerly.

The speed of the Abyssal Fleet's main recovery has broken Zhu Zhongxue's previous things that have been arranged have changed again, and Zhu Zhongxue instantly returned to the role that everyone is familiar with and feels cold: "It knows that I am here, and since it appears, there is no need to hide and hide, pulling space to fight for time."

"Yes!" Blowing Snow hurried back to the core cabin control room, where she can best use all the performance of the hull.

Zhu Zhongxue watched Blowing Snow's back leave, and Mei Yu picked out a little helplessness: "It's already this time, I still can't be relieved, Liao () Ning, I can't support it for long."

The Snow Blower that encountered the Abyss Fleet Detector began to flee like a frightened little white rabbit. The Abyss Fleet only needs to see this destroyer that unfolds the hull to know that Zhu Zhongxue is on it. They did not intend to let him go. So the overwhelming detection machine flooded up instantly.

The firepower of the detection machine is relatively weak, but the huge number easily fills the gap. The vast brilliance leaps out and there are almost no dead ends to avoid. The Snow Blower can't be faster than the speed of light under normal navigation conditions.

"Hide, you will be able to hide, the last battle between me and the Admiral, how could it be so easy to sink you!"

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