Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 971: Unknown layoutr

Because Zhu Zhongxue left suddenly on the Blowing Snow, Liao () Ning had been facing the challenge of Yamato, and it was not long before she concealed the fact that Zhu Zhongxue lured the enemy with her life, she received the chaotic information of the Blowing Snow. [Full text reading]

The control area of ​​the abyssal fleet interfered with conventional human signals very strongly. She did not know the specific content of the blowing snow, but it only meant one thing. The main fleet of the abyssal fleet in Vladivostok was back.

The absolute distance from the C star to the capital star and Vladivostok to here is comparable. Although it can be determined that the abyssal fleet moves faster in the control area, it is judged from the time that the rescue fleet encountered the first When a submarine ambushed, they gave up Vladivostok to give back.

I don’t know if the human allied forces staying on the C line of defense have noticed the large-scale deployment of the abyssal fleet. However, the abyssal fleet’s attempt to destroy the human allied forces at full speed in the control area has become a verifiable guess, considering the worst case. Next, their current situation is quite bad.

Liao () Ning did not hide, and immediately shared intelligence with the enterprise and Missouri.

"With this progress, you can't wait for the combined fleet to break through, and the main force of the abyssal fleet should arrive."

"Blowing Snow can't last long, and the battle must end immediately."

Missouri and the company gave the first response, but it is not difficult to think of this. The difficulty is to propose a solution. Only if the abyss Bismarck and the abyss Tilbitz are still there, it is difficult to end this battlefield easily.

One of them is a hedgehog capable of accurately countering the battleship shelling, and one with the ability to suppress and over-range shelling means, plus the cover of other abyss ship mothers, it is very difficult to sink one under the extreme output, while the concentrated attack will be met Another precision strike, whether it’s a flagship killer or an over-range bombardment, is a nightmare difficult for all ship mothers to face. Yamato relied on the ship mother’s field to survive for a round. Saratoga escaped by the repair of the original liquid, but Again, no one has the confidence to greet their deadly shelling.

The advantage of the coalition fleet that could have relied on the steady retreat took time to achieve. However, the arrival of the main force of the abyssal fleet erased their advantage, and now it has become a time-limited stalemate. It is almost impossible to withdraw from the whole body.

"I can't get in touch with Blowing Snow now, otherwise I know where her limits are, and I have a reference even if I pay the price." Liao () Ning's impression of Blowing Snow is not bad, but now Blowing Snow is fighting by expanding the hull Even if she carried Zhu Zhongxue to escape with all her strength, she could not run too far. Sooner or later, the Abyssal Fleet would destroy her and Zhu Zhongxue.

"There is another issue that must be taken into account, that is, if the main force of the abyssal fleet wants to chase the blowing snow, only a small number of warships need to be separated, unless Takenaka has the value to pursue it with all his strength." Missouri said calmly, "I I don’t think it’s more important to destroy him than to destroy all of us.”

Businesses hold the opposite view. So he shook his head and said: "He has this value, don't forget the original intention of the abyss fleet to surround the combined fleet."

"It is to obtain more human warships. If Takenaka is dead, they must have the means to let the warships of the joint fleet know that although they are strong enough, they are indeed vulnerable at that moment. If they cannot turn the hatred into time in time Motivation, it is very likely to be eroded and completely degraded." Liao () Ning made a summary of the words of the enterprise, and also put forward a more terrible point of view, "I don’t know who planned the operation on the abyssal fleet. The strategy of not drowning in water has been holding our nose. Perhaps the current situation has been carefully designed by the other party. To save most of us, we only choose to sacrifice part of the breakout, and only the joint fleet is sacrificed. The ship's mother, that may be the target he is trying to capture."

"Even Zhu Zhongxue would choose to sacrifice himself in his calculations... Such a palace and scheming were never made by the abyssal admiral."

The company pondered for a moment and then said: "Is it Augustus Caesar, this interlocking plan is very similar to his handwriting, is it not that he died under the abyssal admiral, but was assimilated into Part of the abyss?"

"Perhaps there is another person, Bismarck and Tilbitz who can fight for him."

No matter how much speculation, this operation has completely fallen into the rhythm of the design of the abyssal fleet. The gap between the ship’s commander and the legendary admiral is not so simple to overcome. The current difficulties must be found. Correct.

"I can’t count on more reinforcements. Since they can appear so quickly, they are very likely to have concealed Chester William. Even if I stay in the C-star capital, now I will regain Vladivostok first. The best choice, this war needs to be resolved by ourselves." Liao () Ning looked at Missouri and the enterprise, Shen Sheng said, "If there is no other opinion, I will communicate with Yamato now."

Yamato, who is still commanding the orderly breakout of the fleet, suddenly received a communication from Liao (Ning). I thought it was a regular tactical arrangement and communication, but when I heard that Liao () Ning told everything to myself, Wen Wan There was a lot of panic and anger on the bright girl's face.

"Why tell me now, how can the United Fleet lose its admirer so easily!" Yamato's forehead burst into It's hard to imagine how angry it would be for an elegant and calm girl to appear Such a terrible look.

Liao () Ning is ready to face Yamato's anger, so his expression is very calm. After all, they are different from themselves. Without going through that era, they will not understand what the Admiral symbolized for the ship's mother, but standing It is possible to understand from a neutral perspective.

"The pros and cons have already been made clear to you. The only life of the human coalition is now up to you. If you think that the wasted time of anger is useful, continue to say."

Dahe took a deep breath and never looked at Liao () Ning's face again, and turned to Musashi, Yunlong, and Tiancheng, who had broken through, and ordered: "You go to rescue the Admiral immediately, even if you sacrifice yourself, you should make the Admiral safe and sound. !"

It's a little late to make such a decision at this time, but as the joint warship, the first criterion of battle is to protect the absolute safety of the Admiral. Even if this is the Admiral's decision, Yamato does not want to easily obey.

They have changed unknowingly, and it is Zhu Zhongxue who has been promoting the communication between the ship's mother of the United Fleet and the ship's mother of the Liao () Ning Fleet, but it seems that it is not complete enough at present. If the Admiral is really dead, they should have a change.

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