Ulster knew what Yue was important to do, and he knew that he couldn’t refuse Yue Zhong’s condition, but he would not be so smooth along the way, and the harder it would be at the end, he would not be able to reach him in front of him. The decision is made.

"It's best that he walks in front of me. After all, I actually don't want to die." Ulster held Hood's fish cake cat in his arms. The little black cat sticked his tongue and licked his palm.

He didn’t want to die, which was very cowardly for an admiral who should be brave and brave, but he did not want to sacrifice his life to bear the hatred of countless people like Zhu Zhongxue. This is his plan to save the country. It’s decided, but I don’t need it at all

The demeanor of a star field determines the qualities of their admiral. Takenaka is a generation who grew up in the crazy atmosphere of the Shangwu era of the Showa era, so even if he looks soft and fragile, he does not lack this tragic feeling of death. . But the era when Ulster grew up was the most powerful and proud era when the e-star empire conquered every corner of the seven galaxy. Death should not be terrible for him. What is terrible is that after death, you can’t persist in your pride It was crushed into a dust barrier for the changing times.

How to be glorious, and how to be worthy of the pride of the e-Star field, even if it is sinking, it should fall down violently, just like the original invincible fleet.

Although Ulster was a man who didn't have many demands, who made him like Hood, and he had to feel the same pride beside the royal navy pride. He can imagine how he will be treated after death. In order to eliminate his influence, neither Yue Zhong nor Veneto will give him a fair and positive evaluation. After all, it is the winner who writes history. How do losers deserve great?

This is the reason he has always insisted, what he wants is to be able to live, as long as the situation that can not kill him is formed, as long as he is still alive, no matter how embarrassed and no matter how lingering, they will not dare to go too far.

"Admiral, London is foggy. It has been years since I have seen such a thick fog. He should have come." Hood stood quietly behind Ulster. An advisor was sitting in the office, his secretary ship Standing behind him, this was an extraordinary scene, but the two did not move further and just stood, waiting for the moment when the door was pushed open.

How many years have e-stellar stars ever seen such fog? Hood can’t remember it, and I believe that many residents of Doxing can’t do it too. After the very polluted e-Star Dodo Star led the country to the top of the world, the booming industrial machinery finally slowed down slightly. After the pace, people began to enjoy the fruits of victory. Naturally, a beautiful living environment is needed to carry all this. Therefore, large-scale ecological governance began only when Hood was still very young. The fog once again shrouded the stars, and since then it has been the eternal beauty of the clear water and the mountain flowers.

Today’s resurgence of fog is not caused by industrial pollution. There are no more industrial production sites on the planet. All the heavily polluted industries are planned on nearby rocky planets that are not suitable for human survival, so it is particularly unusual. .

Well-informed people knew that Richelieu’s army was under pressure, and no one would think that it was just Richelieu’s act of simply escorting Yue Zhong, so it was excessively interpreted, thinking that this was another step after the Veneto fleet. In a military operation that broke the glory of the Star Zone, the Royal Navy ship ladies stationed in Duxing urgently assembled to defend with the border area. All war-related defensive weapons were also activated, waiting for the enemy to attack.

If placed in the past, the English Star Sea was the restricted area ruled by the Royal Navy. Any fleet trying to pass through here must be subject to rigorous scrutiny and the approval of the Royal Navy Admiral, and the sanctioned Star Zone is impossible to step into the English Star Sea. Al Steve’s predecessor, Nelson’s father, proudly declared that the starlight here is the unique glory of eStar.

Now the person who said this is no longer there. Since the day when the Veneto fleet broke the myth of the e-single, e-single began to gradually lose control of the English Star Sea, and too many interests weighed They can't use absolute force to protect their glory. The great enemy of the abyssal fleet is now undergoing tremendous changes since the advent of the ship's mother era, and it constantly makes others challenge the Royal Navy's bottom line.

Richelieu didn't seem to notice that she had completed the lifetime regret of the legendary hero of F Star Zone. She successfully led the F Star Zone's navy across the narrow English Sea and came to the enemy of hundreds of years. Yaowu Yangwei, she was very restrained and ordered the other warships to maintain normal alert status, and then turned to Yue Zhong and said: "I am watching here, if you die, I will attack."

Her tone was calm and normal, as if she was just talking a short gossip among her parents.

"You don't want to mess up, I won't die." Yue Zhong is preparing to enter the realm of e-star territory by controlling the mech.

"London is foggy. I'm afraid it's for you." Richelieu took over the F star domain, and naturally took over the spy network of F star domain. Knowing that these things that can be seen with the naked eye is very simple, so she prompts A sentence.

Yue Zhong paused, then nodded and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Richelieu waved his hand and sent Yue Zhong into the tight defense of the Royal Navy.

Yue Zhong’s intrusion into the e-star domain was not approved by anyone in advance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even if the application submitted must not be approved, so he simply did not ask for fun, but forcibly broke into this The star border that has not been friendly to him.

Fortunately, although Ulster lost control of the overall situation, he still said that there was one thing in the collective of the Royal Navy. He did not let the Royal Navy defending the border enter the country, even the flagship of this defensive fleet, How many times have you been in contact with the pirate cat, the lion that has been stirred up with ambitions cannot blatantly defy orders from Ulster.

Above the crown of the crown prince of Red Phnom Penh, a group of white mature young lions with beautiful bodies was just motionless as they watched Yue Dafa generously crossed the defense line formed by the Royal Navy, and the eyes of the two had only crossed once. , But it is precisely this one interlaced, both of them understand each other's eyes.

The worries and vigilance of the Queen of E-Starland are not untargeted. Perhaps Ulster and the older generation of ship ladies still insist on their loyalty and faith, but they cannot pass on this will to the younger generation. The cause must be traced back to the enlightenment seeds left by Yue Zhong’s conversation with the Prince of Wales when he came to the e-Stellar domain a long time ago. Now the Prince of Wales has not awakened the sense of power, but the juniors she once led have appeared beyond the control of Ulster. The change, catalyzed by the observer pirate cat, the seeds have already taken root. 8

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