Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 996: Your apprentice

The lion that is proud because of her nobility. She had the same identity as the Prince of Wales. That is the crown prince of the e-star queen. When the Prince of Wales embarked on the path of the ship’s mothership, she automatically gave up the crown prince’s identity, so She was pushed up to prepare to inherit the Great Command, but the lion did not feel that she would be worse than the Prince of Wales. If she showed the glory of e-starry on the front line and she could only hide under Gong Wei, the people would only remember one The girl who could become the queen gave up all this and instead shined brighter, and she? She is just a scavenger and will not be respected by her heart, so she has also become a ship mother, as a new generation of battleship-type No. 1 ship wearing a uniform.

But the covetousness of the lion to the throne has never changed, because of course she felt that it was a position that should only belong to her.

Therefore, she looked at Yue Zhong's eyes as well. It was still a long time before the Prince of Wales stayed in the e-star field. Although the Lion regarded the Prince of Wales as a competitor, there were many things she could learn from her, so the Lion was willing to go hard. In addition to her fighting skills and the ability to read battlefields and plan strategies, she also listened to the examples of negative teaching materials about the future that Yue Zhong once described.

What was once unpretentious and impossible, a ship maiden can freely choose her own lifestyle and act freely according to her own will. Even the lion has to admit that this is a dream that all ship maidens should expect. For her Personally, if such an era really comes, then it is no longer impossible to ascend to the throne as a ship's mother. Perhaps you don’t have to wait until the day when the elderly Queen Her Majesty returns to the Xinghai.

But after all, dreams are just dreams, and the reality still faces cruel facts. The lion never thought that this day would come, and it came so fast.

In Liaoning, Veneto and Richelieu, examples of the transformation and sublimation as ship mothers continue to appear, and her lion-like unwilling heart swells irresistibly, and the contact with the pirate cat is a snap. A win-win situation, even for pirate cats, cooperation with Hood is not as good as cooperation with Lion.

The ambition and identity of the lion is enough to fight against the Veneto Chamber. She will not choose to surrender, so in the future there will be conflict with Veneto. The scene that the pirate cat does not want to see is the Veneto family. The scene will never appear. The game between it and Yue Zhong is naturally that it won, and Yue Zhong's layout in this world eventually fell short of success.

"Are you going to die here?" Lion's arrogant cold eyes watched Yue Zhong gradually disappear into the field of vision. She felt that no one could escape from the killing game of the queen and the panplane. All occurrences are slim, and it is impossible that the probability of hope is zero.

I should have thanked this man for creating the best era for himself, but now the lion must expect him to die, even if the Richelieu fleet attacks, and even the largest civil war of mankind is born.

Because there is a person like him and a strong supporter, Veneto, he can never defeat Veneto. Although he can’t fight, his brain is more terrible than any super weapon, even Ulster In the face of the disadvantage, even if the arrogance is arrogant, it will not think that it can wisely meet each other.

The opponent who can't fight for and can't be defeated is naturally the best to die. The lion's attitude towards Yue Zhong is similar to that of Yue Zhong's view on Ulster. Even if the other party is panting, it can make people sleep and sleep.

Yue Zhong has disappeared on the strategic star map, and the first enemy lion he will face has long been aware of it, and he does not have to care about what happens later, as long as he meets Richelieu, it will definitely launch. Just attack.

The star sea has entered the core area of ​​the e-star field, and the defensive platforms, planetary fortress guns, and interstellar fortresses that have been deployed everywhere have never been interrupted from Yue Zhong’s line of sight. Alster can no longer fully control these armed forces. The queen was directly in her hands and attacked Yue Zhong mercilessly.

The huge fortress guns and fortress guns pierce the starry sky repeatedly, which is warmer than the flames and more dazzling than the stars, but the special mecha armor that has been fully mastered by Yue Zhong during the shuttle is more evasive than any ship’s tactics. It must be clever and no trace, but this is not a formal tactical evasion. He just used the naval artillery as an ordinary long-range attack to avoid it. With the vast universe of Xinghai, their The offensive may pose a threat to the general ship's mother, but for Yue Zhong it is not as good as the arrow array made by thousands of arrows.

The ship’s physique determines that their understanding of body skills and martial arts is almost blank, that is, their talents are like unrealistic dreams and island styles. They are far less than Yue Zhong in the small-scale evasion, of course, they are as insightful as natural dreams All the witches who attacked the loophole would naturally do better than Yue Zhong.

In the face of the direct fire attack by the queen, Yue Zhong has no meaning of counterattack. His mecha maintains interplanetary navigation and high-speed maneuver to maintain the balance of energy. If the attack is launched, it will easily destroy this stability and be in the heart of the enemy. In the area, everything should be done with care. Presumably, Her Majesty the Queen will not expect to be able to kill herself with these firepower blockades.

The closer to the capital star, the denser the firepower blockade is. Until Yue Zhong feels a little difficult, then it is no longer the restricted area where the ship ladies can rush into the area. They either have to bear the intensive firepower to force through. Or, the defensive power that can only be eliminated step by step is advanced slowly. Compared with Yue Zhonglai, the ship’s aggressiveness is naturally much stronger.

The limitation of Yue Zhong’s mecha receptor type The interstellar radar installed is also far less powerful than the ship’s mother. Although Xiao Meiyan did her best to do her best, the range of detection she can detect is also very limited. After Yue Zhong traversed a key fire defense zone, a different energy fluctuation appeared in the warning red light that had been flashing in front of his eyes.

"She finally came, no longer defending the place where the fire is most concentrated, but still wanting a fair showdown."

It was a blade-like glow of silver light, which rushed straight in front of Yue Zhong's mecha. The combination of technology and beauty of metal contrasted Yue Zhong's rugged mecha appearance from heaven to earth.

Yue Zhong pretended not to know, slowed down the speed of the movement and asked who you were.

The gray-haired girl under the silver light looked at Yue Zhong in a complicated mood. She didn't know that Yue Zhong would come, and she never planned to kill him by hand. She only wanted to defeat him, but since he had already come, she Always seize the only opportunity.

"Your disciple Isabella, please enlighten me." Isabella gently shook her silver teeth, said the fact that she had been reluctant to admit, and also issued her own challenge.

You are going to die, and I am willing to respect you unless you can beat me again! rw

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