Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1015: Goben's story

"Welcome to the Caucasus Star Zone. Presumably you have guessed who I am. This is about to become the main battlefield against the abyss. I think Marshal Veneto should be the best person to command the coalition against the abyss. All navies will obey the arrangement of Marshal Veneto." Goben presented Veneto with a gift as soon as he met, and directly handed over the command of the Starfield Navy, although this is not a powerful navy, But why could a flagship of her make such a decision?

  Veneto had deep doubts about this. Nonna ignored the supreme command, and Goben did not fight for it. Could it be a conspiracy against herself? After Yue Zhong was caught by the court of law, Veneto had to be more tricky about considering the problem, because no one could point her to the flaw.

"What about your Admiral?" Veneto had never heard of any rumors about Admiral T Star. This person does not seem to exist at all. The previous battles in the Caucasus Star Zone were all directed by Goben personally, so she was willing to Accepting Veneto’s command may not be credible.

Goben was a little embarrassed, but he still laughed very heartily: "The Admiral has gone to the Europa meeting. Now there are a large number of abyssal fleets in the occupied area of ​​the Europa galaxy. We have no power to clear a safe passage. He seems to be unwilling to borrow the Flame Federation. Come back...So, that's what you see now."

"The channel between the Europa and Asiatic galaxies will soon be cleared again, and the occupied areas recovered by our army will not be returned to those in exile. The sphere of influence of the Federation will soon be directly bordered by the t star domain. What do you think of this issue?"

Veneto did not conceal the military operations of the Heavy Flame Fleet. When the power was weak, this naturally needed to be concealed, but now the Heavy Flame Federation has the Soviet Union-led S-Star Fleet and Richelieu’s F-Star Fleet to join, plus The scattered fleet establishment of the Upper Afrikaans and the various fleets of Antalico have already leaped to the strongest of the seven galaxies. With such a huge advantage in her hand, she not only can’t hide in obscurity, but must show the strongest fleet. The overbearing.

The reenactment of the Federation will be bordered by the T Star Zone, which is not only a signal of protection, but also a vague statement to force the T Star Zone to stand in the team. The position of the T Star Zone is not only of strategic importance in the process of fighting the Abyssal Fleet, but also It is of great value in the strategic planning of the integration of Chongyan Federation and the c-star domain, which is also the governor of the ship.

"We don't seem to have much choice." Goben did not get angry because of Veneto's strength. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly. As the longest serving warship, she also had to support the lost. The banner of Xingyu, no matter how optimistic, she knows that she has a great responsibility. The wisdom accumulated by her age is also unmatched by the new battleship Veneto. From the perspective of the arrival of the ship’s age It is more transparent than many people.

Veneto held his hands. Although the person was shorter, his temperament was high: "Then you agreed to join the Flame Alliance? You can rest assured about the survival of the T Star Zone. The Flame Alliance will not ignore the facts. Forcibly integrate and rule all the stars. Except that the military side must be controlled and deployed by the ship’s mother group, there will not be too much interference in the administrative side for the time being, and everything will wait for its natural integration."

Goben quickly shook his head and said: "My opinion has not much influence, and T Starland has not given me such a large authority. Being able to command the defense of the Abyssal Fleet is just a coincidence of mismatches. T Starland Fleet will not cooperate. The Flame Fleet incorporates the T Star Zone into it."

"I see." Veneto felt that what he and Goben had said were abrupt. She had been standing in this position for a long time, and her way of thinking had become different from before. Mistakes in the world are not uncommon. "But I still want to know what your attitude is. Even if the ship's mother in t-star domain has been greatly restricted, your attitude is not worthless."

Goben's playful mouth was raised, and he answered after thinking for a while: "I have witnessed a lot of history, and I have many dreams like yours, but I don't have much future to look forward to, so Just wait quietly and watch the changes of this era."

It seems that this kind of remark should not be said from a ship's mother who is responsible for defending the country. She is an acceptable choice whether she is looking forward to seizing power like Liaoning or vowing to defend the territory, but Goben is indifferent to this. Just intend to passively accept the short-term future.

However, it is not so strange to know that Goben's original Veneto. She was not the ship mother of t star domain, but was selected from the g star domain high sea fleet and handed over to t star domain because of a transaction, and Became the banner character of this star field navy, but her own heart still belongs to g star field, her companions in the first seven galaxy wars in Jutland star zone star wars and Scarpa star zone defense After the war was over, the only remaining companions were also split and transferred to the various star regions for labor service.

Goben failed to stand on his own land and die with his companions. With the passage of time, the sorrow and sorrow were buried together with time. The country that belonged to her was already ~Goben can never find a real attribution, t star domain? It's just the rest of my life.

"This may indeed be the last major historical change you have witnessed, but since you have missed the past, why not stand up for a glorious time at the last time? Bismarck and Tilbitz have fallen into the abyss, Hindenburg and Zeppelin... …Their future will not be too good, maybe you are the only one who can make a contribution to the g star domain. At the beginning, you will come to the t star domain only to make a compromise. "Veneto has to stretch his hands with his feet in order to shoot Goben's shoulders. This is not good-looking, but she still does. "Think about it, I will wait for your reply."

Veneto left again, pulling the black coat with his hands gradually away in the light and shadow, let Andrea? Doria alone to conduct the annihilation operation in the encirclement circle, she was still not at ease, at least she had to watch beside him, She left Goben with a long reflection and an uncompromising back.

At the same time, I Star Zone also suffered a fatal blow, but Veneto never gave up. She returned from the edge of death and personally brought I Star Zone to a new peak. This determination and courage made Goben Have to look up and envy.

"Isn't it just watching and watching at the last moment of life, but making history in person?" Goben has been away from the battlefield for a long time. This war in the Caucasus is the only major battle she has personally participated in for a long time, but than The companions from the high seas fleet are still far behind.

   She is actually very self-confident. An old immortal self just lives to this day with luck: "Do I have that ability?" rw

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