Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1016: Super Veneto

The two meetings in the Caucasus Star Zone simply determined Veneto’s highest military command, but her current military strength in the Caucasus Star Zone is still weak, and she cannot organize a large-scale counterattack to explore the situation of the abyssal fleet control area. The main force of the abyssal fleet, which has just taken over a large number of excellent fleet mothers of the United Fleet and made it abyssed, is currently unknown. Vladivostok stars have been abandoned again, and no one knows their next direction of attack.

Veneto wants to complete the recovery of the enemy-occupied zone between the Europa and Asia galaxies before their main attack is launched. She gave the command of this operation to Andrea Doria, who was originally planning to pay attention However, just after returning to his residence, the naval base sounded a stern alarm.

   "The Abyss Fleet was discovered, and the military strength was around fifty warships, including eight main ships."

After receiving this information, Veneto stopped at the door and turned around happily towards the outdoor shipyard. Andrea Doria’s voice for distributing combat missions came from behind her: "Dolly Ya, I'll solve the enemy. You should direct the actions over there. Don't let me down."

"The default defense force took off to the target area to fight!" Veneto after arriving at the shipyard looked at the ship's mother who had been ready to launch and the mecha soldiers in the s star domain. Goben waved to himself not far away. Greetings, she didn't have much time to learn about her detailed military situation, but since they are already here, they are naturally ready to fight.

A splendid ray of light leaped from the military planet to the starry sky. The light of Veneto was naturally the brightest point. The defensive fleet with it as its core quickly encountered the abyss fleet that launched the invasion. Veneto did not find Bismarck. The figure of the human warship after abyss.

"Veneto, this time the abyssal fleet dispatched more troops than before, it seems that they also know that you are here." As the longest warship in the Caucasus star zone, Goblin naturally pitted the abyssal fleet. The situation has an accurate judgment.

Veneto nodded his head in recognition of this statement. At the same time, the war in another encirclement circle had already begun. The abyss fleet realized that it was not difficult to cross the Black Star Sea. They are now dispatching a fleet of this size. Take advantage of the lack of combat power around you?

"The mech unit opened the defense line to prevent the infiltration of the abyssal fleet. The rest of the warships followed me directly to the target abyss flagship." Veneto has always been a bit uncomfortable. Now that there is an occasion to vent, she naturally wants to seize this opportunity. Vent all negative emotions together.

Goben, who was still not familiar with Veneto’s combat power, was taken aback by Veneto’s simple and crude order. As a ship mother, you can not like war, but you will never fear war, but the strength of the enemy and the enemy is too great. The opponent has eight battleships, including a powerful abyss flagship, but they only have Veneto and their own two battleship mothers, and they are very difficult to deal with an abyss battleship.

   "Executing the order, I will not let you die in vain." Veneto sensed the hesitation of the navy in the operation of t star domain, and decisively dispelled their doubts.

  The high-intensity combat was not entirely due to Veneto's attempt to vent, and she also wanted to take this opportunity to see what combat power the navy has.

Goben heard this sentence and had no choice but to believe that the descendant of the seven famous galaxies, ordered the other warships who attacked together to stare at the fleet of the abyssal fleet to forcely follow the pace of Veneto. The two sides soon Entered the range of the shelling.

At this distance, Goben was not sure of hitting the enemy battleship, but she soon saw Veneto in a black coat shining its destructive naval gun far beyond all battleships. The purple condensate line drove down onto an abyss carrier.

This scene of bombardment seems to be silenced even in the whispers of the universe. The struggling mothership of the abyss carrier that was hit has no room for direct conversion into a burning firework, and the unexplained gunfire of the main ship directly penetrates it. After the hull split into hundreds of fire snakes, the frigates and carrier-based aircraft groups around them swept into the devastating storm.

   "Sink one abyss carrier and three destroyers." Goben received the report of detecting the destroyer ship's mother. This is just the result of a Veneto shot. Is she really strong enough?

There are not many heavy flame federal ships who are fighting with Veneto, and all the guards are advancing around Veneto at the forefront of the front line. Gobben does not want the starry navy to be completely covered by Veneto, with the same fleet Against the intensive firepower of the abyss fleet launched a coordinated attack.

In the battlefield where Veneto exists, the battle has developed from the beginning to the side, but the huge military strength of the abyssal fleet has not shown any advantage, and it is very weak in front of the ship mother beyond the times. The first time was that a destroyer ship rushed out of formation and rushed in front of the flagship of the abyss. A large amount of artillery gathered at that moment. Just when Goben had no chance of surviving, that long silver hair, wearing The hot destroyer ship majestic was able to launch a torpedo array attack to the abyss flagship under heavy artillery fire and then went away with a huge artillery tail, and Goben was stunned.

   "It is fantasy, she seems to be traveling outside the overall formation to fight."

  Goben nodded silently and said to his companion: "The individual strength of the heavy flame fleet is really far beyond our imagination, maybe I am really outdated."

The final result was not accidentally created by Veneto, more than half of the abyss ship maiden fell directly under her shelling, and she also almost responded to the attack on all other abyss ship maidens, destroyed by the t star domain navy There are only a few ships in the abyss.

This war was a **** massacre. The abyssal fleet did not form an overwhelming firepower. When facing Veneto’s advance raid, he could only watch the formation torn and fell into their own battles, Goben Based on her own war experience, I guessed that maybe only 20 times more military power can compete with Veneto. Super Veneto is indeed worthy of the name. She has stood at a height that all ship mothers must look up to.

   It seemed that the glory of Rome was already in sight, even if it was a matter of surpassing, can anyone still stop Veneto's footsteps?

After witnessing the fighting power of Veneto, Goben's heart could not help but fluctuate. She knew that she could not create any legends with her own strength, but relying on her words can always leave some traces. Everyone on the high seas fleet is So good, but none of them have created brilliant achievements. As a last afterglow, do you want to prove something for them?

   Combat strength is insufficient, but at least his strategic vision and deployment are still good, and can always provide a strength. rw

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